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Step Down & Get Real (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 12:59:25 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:08/03/2009 2:18 PMCopy HTML

(So we got some new blood punk coming up in SEF thinking he's hot shit, thinking he's the best thing around, thinking he's done it all and seen it all, well that's the problem with thinking it, it don't make it so. Phoenix Winterborn also seems to think he was booked before his set debut yet he had no set debut. He signed a contract and was told he would be booked as soon as possible and that was that, so the kid needs to stop the lies and get real. If he don't he will when facing a real guy like Joe Dumar who doesn't claim anything, he earns it, his nickname he earned, his reputation he earned, though maybe he doesn't win many matches, he is a real, down to earth, hardcore son of a bitch who can tear you apart. Right now he seems to be in that state of mind wanting to do just that, standing in front of a backdrop, eyes intense and focused.)
Joe Dumar: Phoenix, your full of shit aren't you, too goddamn full of it because on WAR your in for more than you realize. Ya claim to have seen and done it all, heh.
(He sneers at that.)
Joe Dumar: No one who currently is an active wrestler today has seen or done it all...NO ONE!
(His expression turns to anger.)
Joe Dumar: You may posess talent, have more than myself, you may good in the ring, great perhaps, but until you step foot in the ring under the SEF banner you have to prove it. You come here and think everyone praises you, everyone loves you, your a goddamn fool and a moron. You got a few cheers from those diehard, passionate fans and then went on a spiel about yourself, praised yourself to no end and I don't know if your deaf or plain dumb, but they turned on you, they booed your ass outta the building and that is the truth, go watch a replay of your promo ya ignorant prick.
(He's fuming and rightfully so really, Phoenix is a damn liar.)
Joe Dumar: You think your gonna take my moniker, beat me around the ring, so be it Phoenix, you can do that, but keep in mind everything you dish out to me is gonne be given right back to you! Ya think your the only guy who can get hardcore, you got another thing coming! SEF was built on hardcore, Mack made this company and he's more hardcore than you or I could dream of, so fuck you Phoenix. Monday night I am not looking for a win, I'm heading into a real war and it won't be my first. You have no idea what you opened up with your pointless, worthless, spiel of lies you son of a bitch.
(Joe still looks pissed and keeps staring, but says nothing anymore. The view begins to zoom out, but then stops when he says.)
Joe Dumar: You don't have a fucking clue Phoenix, you got no idea the company you came to when signing here. You thought you were the most hardcore of all, but then you came here to a plce that redefined hardcore. It ain't about using a weapon or having some special type of match, but hey, why do I need to tell you right? Your supposed to know since your so great...your a jackoff. Hardcore is a mentality, an attitude, its from within, it drives you to take the most abuse you can without ever giving in, it makes your body keep moving when your brain says its time to shut down. You don't need anything except to passionate wrestlers to make the best match possible. If you don't know that you will find out or you'll never make it in SEF, you'll never make it past me, some mid card guy, what's his name? You'll learn my name tomorrow night when I'm beating your brains into mush!
(Joe throws his arms out in a crucifix pose, stares with anger in his eyes as the camera backs away again and now fades to black.)

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