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universal6 star tag team

No One Else Except Me (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 07:27:21 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:17/05/2009 11:42 AMCopy HTML

(Tonight we see Scorpion and Chris Orton yet again face each other in a tag match, but this time a six man tag and with he and Matt Ward is Ravyn Crow who will get a shot at the World Title if he can pin Orton tonight. Orton teams with Nick Torres and Mack, three champions facing three gold hungry men ready to kill for it. The biggest star of his team is at the arena standing in front of his room shirtless, leather pants on and a sneer across his face. Hishair hangs down his shoulders and his arms hang at his sides.)
"Its all about me beating you for what is rightfully mine Orton! It took the help of your whore to get you the World Title, but at Reckless Rebellion no one can help you because no one can get involved...no one can get inside the cell for our DOGG Fight!"

(He smirks deviously now.)
"My title will come back to me that night, but tonight I will continue to put you in your place beneath me! My partner for the night Ravyn Crow may be out to pin you, but he won't get the chance because no one except me is going to be getting my title! You got Mack and Torres on your side, heh, you think you three are unstoppable, please. Myself and Matt are the Unstoppable Force and we need no third man, Ravyn, take a hint and either help us or stay in the back. If you come to the ring tonight and try to get a shot before me I will make sure your career in SEF ends tonight!"

(Anger in his eyes now and Scorpion scowls.)
"I am the biggest star today in SEF, I am the man everyone is wanting in their company, I am the best at what I do today and I will reclaim my World Heavyweight Title. Mack will be no help, his time is over, it was long ago. Nick Torres, his moment to be great has passed, he's a never was wishing he could, denying he can't hack it anymore. Chris Orton, you achieved a dream, but at Reckless Rebellion the dream is over, your moment is finished, and the real champion gets his belt back. Tonight and every night leading up to then will all be the same, me giving you a taste of our next showdown. Regular tag, six man tag, maybe next week an eight man tag, hell, use the whole roster and do a ten man tag, it don't matter, they all end the same with me beating you like Reckless Rebellion!"

(He smirks and brings his hand up to his hips.)
"Its all gonna be over you Orton, after I take my title you may as well retire because you'll be not just beaten, but broken as well, never to be the same ever...again!"

(He drops his arms and turns walking into his room shutting the door. The view rests on his name on the foor before fading to black.)

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