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universal6 star tag team

Real Hardcore Is Back (Xanthus & Corez)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 07:31:12 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:25/05/2009 1:16 PMCopy HTML

(The return of two old stars to SEF was witnessed on the last edition of Extreme, two downright extreme stars is who returned, two men who know each other well and among everything they revealed one fact was that they are brothers. They could be what SEF needs now to bring back tag team wrestling. A little THC injected into the division to revitalize it, but can that even work, can Xanthus and Corez bring it back up? Their return matches ares singles action, though the week after that they get to be on pay per view at Reckless Rebellion in a triple threat tag team match, so maybe it can work, guess we'll see about that when it comes around. This Sunday comes first and showing everyone they still got it, proving their the best tag team around is what they'll do. The two brothers are kicked back poolside at a hotel in Reno, soaking up some of the sun relaxing a little, but still concentrating on what they love, wrestling!)
Corez: Your lucky ass gets a hardcore match while I get stuck in a standard deal with that chump Cage. You better kill Phoenix for the both of us bro.
Xanthus: Ya know I will anyways. Little piss poor faggot came into SEF claiming hardcore, spewing off shit and he hasn't done shit here or anywhere. He's as bad as that piece a shit Ravyn Crow who's lucky he tucked his tail and ran outta SEF after getting his ass whipped by Mack or he'd have to deal with me next!
Corez: Woulda been nice to get our hands on him, but at least he got exposed for the bitch he was and SEF is rid of his worthless ass.
Xanthus: True I guess, can't wait for the Rebellion though, Reckless Rebellion and we gonna show the world why we will live up to that name and not anyone else on the card.
Corez: Fuck yea, the Drakmen bitches, I mean brothers, and then a thrown together team, but one half has tag team in his blood. D-Von Dudley gets to carry the chump I beat this Sunday on Extreme.
Xanthus: Them Tag Titles better be coming back cause me and Torres never shoulda lost them, that was a bullshit call by that old man Dick, fuck, least he's gone too.
Corez: And now that Whitney is in charge she may do the right thing, ya think?
Xanthus: I hope so. Maybe we outta talk to Mack, get him to sweet talk her for us?!
(They both just laugh.)
Corez: We gotta get them titles back and fire up the division, show the world tag team wrestling is as good as any division.
Xanthus: Need show them all were the greatest team there is, we gotta hold them belts bro. Goddamn, we been teaming up so much, did the whole disguise thing to try and get the titles, we been busting our asses, we carried tag team wrestling, ain't no one gonna keep us from what we deserve.
Corez: Here here, amen to ya brother. Its time to bring real hardcore, tag team, in your face wrestling back and only we an do it.
Xanthus: That's why we be called THC, cause no one has the connection we got, no one is as hardcore as us!
Corez: Its great being able to be ourselves finally, show the world who's who. But hey, I'm a gonna go show that chick over who I am, I'll see ya later bro.
(Corez gets up and walks around the pool looking all confident as he walks up to some blonde. X just laughs and leans back.)
Xanthus: Ya always go for the chicks, oh well, least now I can get some sleep.
(And so now the view zooms out as X closes his eyes, we see Corez talking to the girl he eyed and now we fade to black.)

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