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universal6 star tag team

Marked Man (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 11:47:01 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:16/08/2009 11:00 PMCopy HTML

(We've heard from them all, well all except two of the six people who make up the main event tonight on Extreme. Its now time we hear from another and so 
standing by in his room dressed in his gear, title around his waist, and relaxed on the bench is Mack. He looks to the camera, that cock and confident smirk on his face we all know as his trademark and his hands lay on his legs.)
MACK: Lot a talking been going on about tonights main event, from the fans to the media to those involved in the match itself. Ares and Scorpion have indeed ran their mouths, both have targeted me as has a few in SEF lately, guess I'm a wanted man, a marked man you could say, heh, oh well. I got my friends who always got my back and tonight I got two partners who have my back, so I may be the main focus of our opponents, but the match is three on three, so ya all better look out for the rest.
(He pauses briefly just kinda to breathe.)
MACK: Hank, ya ain't been doing much since we had our deathmatch, matter a fact what the fuck have ya done son?
(Mack scratches his head wondering what Hank has been doing.)
MACK: I seen ya have matches, but your head ain't been in them, ya been out of it bro. Sad to see it happen, but not everyone has what it takes to be a star, to stick it out and give your all and you must be one of them, it is sad to see.
(Mack shakes his head a little.)
MACK: Scorpion, your still spewing off from the mouth like a rapid dog, still talking nonsense and trying to be like me, but ya know you'll never be, so ya go around all bitter and bitchy spreading your lies like a cheap whore spreads her legs. You can't ever say enough about me, but ya know Scorpion, ya better worry about Jordan cause he's gonna get some revenge on you and show you a preview of Gangsta Paradise.
(Another pause to breathe.)
MACK: Now Ares, you got something coming tonight, your big return, your gonna be on the top, fuck that. You attacked me last week, you and Haz made your fucking impact and now ya think ya gonna make another one at my expense, nah. Its my turn to show you how to really make an impact and Ares, its high time you and I collided in the ring, hell, if ya got the balls maybe we outta do this one on one sometime. Though you and Haz are looking to be a team, maybe its right that I do team with SVD and we keep your asses down and out by kicking them all over. No matter what match, singles or tag, I'm a whoop yo ass Ares and so son, whatcha ya gonna do when Mackmania runs wild on you!?!
(He stands up pointing a finger to the camera, then cracks a smile and walks off laughing as the view fades to black.)

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