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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Date Posted:03/11/2009 10:52 PMCopy HTML

Megan took a deep breathe and leaned against the wall. Her breathing was shallow as she kept psyching herself up for the match. Her mind kept wondering back to when she was still at home, still a child.
~Megan sat on the floor of the living room, watching cartoons. Her mother cracked out on the couch, sleeping soundly. Megan was only eight years old and already raising herself. Megan quietly got up, careful not to wake her mother. Tiptoeing into the kitchen, Megan tried to put the dish from her dinner in the sink without making a sound but the plate slipped and crashed to the floor.
Megan held her breathe, careful not to make a sound as she listened for her mother to get up. Nothing. Megan quickly but quietly rushed for her bedroom, the only place she thought she could find safety since Bethany had left. Suddenly, Megan flew back, falling on the kitchen floor with a hard thud. Katherine stood over Megan.
Katherine: You little bitch. You woke me up
Megan: Mommy, please don't!
It was too late. Katherine slapped Megan has hard as she could, sending the girl back to the floor. Megan moved as quickly as she could under the table. Katherine reached under the table and punched her in the ribs, sending the air out of Megan and causing stars to swim.
Suddenly, Katherine was on the floor with Bethany on her chest, punching her in the face. Megan watched as Bethany knocked their mother out before grabbing Megan and carrying her out of the house, stroking the battered and bruised child.
Bethany: Shhh. It's okay. I've got you now sweetheart.
Megan: Bethany, I don't want to go back their ever~

Megan opened her eyes and shook her head, hyped up and read to take on that little cheer bucket, Taylor Johnson. Megan smiled her evil smile before heading for the ring dressed in her black and white tights along with her black and red dress. I Am by Dope soon played as Megan made her way to the ring, boos ringing through the crowd. Megan slid into the ring, flipping off the crowd.

TBC by anyone

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