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Conspiracy Theories: Gabriel Brooks?

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 10:32:18 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:10/02/2010 8:00 PMCopy HTML

"Conspiracy Theories: Gabriel Brooks?"



The sounds of Burn Halo's "Save Me" is heard throughout the arena, as the fans stand to their feet straining to see the man who is about to come out through the curtain. The lights begin to flash silver, orange and purple, as the video screen shows the man hitting various opponents with a series of devastating opponents. Finally, through the curtain comes The Quentessencial Star Johnny Camaro - clad in a fur coat and sunglasses covering his eyes, the fans erupt when they see him. With a smirk on his face, he walks forward as wind blows his hair showing off his modelesque capabilities. He shrugs his shoulders a few times as he walks out letting the coat fall to his elbows, before throwing his left arm in the air, providing a perfect Kodak moment for the crowd. He walks down the ramp quickly. He suavely stretches his arms out, allowing the fans to slap them, before he reaches the padding outside the ring. He brings the coat up to his shoulders, and jumps in place for a few seconds, before running and sliding into the ring, laying with his head on his hands as he enters the ring. He then gets up, and walks towards the nearest turnbuckle. He climbs to the second rope, and does the same pose that he pulled on the stage.

"Welcome everyone to the Line Crossed edition of Extreme. Tonight I have something special for you, tonight you will see the return of a talk show I used to do in an indy promotion. On that show we will have an interview with Nikky Venom right after his match, and I will have an unknown person on as a guest. But before that commercial."

----------------------------Commercial Break-----------------------------------

When they come back from commercial there's a set in the ring with 2 lazy boy reclining chairs, a HD flatscreen TV, and two end tables both with a pitcher of water and a glass on them.

"Welcome back and as you can see I have a set set-up in this here ring. But let us move on to more important things show the intro package."

"Everyone, first on this show is the interview I did after the Iron Man Match."

"I am Survival of the Fittest."

"Hey Johnny, How you doing?" Nikky's sitting in his locker room

"Nikky, not going lie, I came here to interview you for my show."

"Sure, man. I assume you want to ask me about my title victory, so let me talk it. Dogg, you and I ain't over. I no longer care about your title, I just want you in a hardkore match. I don't care about the fact that you still have the Iron Man championship, I want to rip your face off, show it to you then throw it at a bunch of short bus riders so they can play with it. Dogg, Iwill not let this end with a draw, I don't care that I got a title out of it I want to beat you once and for all."
Nikky is intensity in ten cities. "While I'm on that subject, Rich, it seems that Dogg got to make his own title so will I. The only difference is I'm not making a title, I'm unretiring one. The Hardkore Title. You see, this is Extreme Federation Wrestling and it needs an extreme title. That is why I'm not taking the US, and why I'm too busy holding the Hardkore title."

"Wow, Nik. Bringing back the Hardkore, and let me guess, your bro Adam Blake held it right?"

"Hells Yea. And as far as James goes, I'll let you take care of him JC. Peace Man."


The camera turns off.

"Everyone, Nikky Venom"

The crowd cheers as JC says that.

"Thank you, thank you. But I got to talk about the Rumble. Jordan Brooks, or Gabriel shouldn't have won the match. He eliminated himself at the beginning of the match and I for one feel cheated, so I'd like to throw out a challange to Jordan Brooks. How about next week we have ourselves a match for the WrestleX title match? Brooks, the way I see things you have to do this because you did technically eliminate yourself at the beginning and shouldn't have gotten..."

"I do believe you don't make the decisions, I do." Richard E. D has come from the backstage, what will he say?


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Re:Conspiracy Theories: Gabriel Brooks?
Date Posted:10/02/2010 8:34 PMCopy HTML

Well actually, the voice heard is not from the owner, its from the World Champ Shane Mack who swaggers out in his same street attire we saw him in this morning, World Title held over his shoulder and a mic in his hand held to his mouth, the crowd seeing him lets out cheers that Johnny wishes he could get and hell, Mack isn't even cheered as much as he once was after Sunday. Johnny just seems confused as Mack walks down the aisle and speaks again as he does.

Look at you out here mister wannabe big shot, but hey, at least your making the effort, stepping up and maybe you were wanting the owner to come out here, but Johnny, your not gonna get him cause Dick don't do dick!

Mack gets to the ring and heads up the steps now, gets into the ring and walks right up to Johnny speaking again.

I could give two shits what title your little buddy Nikky wants to hold and what title he does hold because just like with the International Title, he'll never make it the status of this belt, especially now that a real champion holds it! Now for Gabriel, yea, what he did was underhanded, it was sneaky, but it was legal if ya think about it realistically. He played us all, I admit it, he played me, I didn't know the two were the same person nor did I care! You all entered a match with the same belief, thirty men would enter, one would remain and technically only twenty nine did, however, technically, he had two spots to fill, so if he wants to accept your challenge, don't let me stop it. I'm just here to tell you to not whine and well I do actually have a message from the owner.

Mack pauses and smirks slightly, then Camaro raises his mic and says.

Ok, so what is it?

Mack just keeps smirking and raises his mic.

Its just for Venom really, tell him if doesn't want the US Title, then he can vacate it, but he will not get the Hardcore Title as it is locked away, yea, he really is that much of a dick. He also said that if he chooses to not accept the title he'll be in for hell. Now personally...

Camaro cuts him off now and the crowd boos him for it a little.

You tell Ric that were both getting gold in the form of the Tag Team Titles whether he likes it or not!

Mack smirks and raises his mic now.

First off all, watch your ass before I drop it and second, Ric can hear you loud and clear, I only passed the message because I wanted to come out here, I was bored and had nothing else to do, so I decided to humor myself at your expense!

The crowd laughs, cheers, kinda boos and Camaro just glares as Mack says.

So anyways...

Mack steps to a chair and kicks back in it pulling out the stool and relaxes some, grabs a glass of water and takes a drink, gets a bitter look and says.

Damn, ya outta get some real drinks out here like what I had for my little segments like this. Anyways, what's up kid?

Mack lowers his mic to his lap and rubs his World Title on his shoulder, then looks up at Johnny smirking and waiting to hear what he has to say.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Conspiracy Theories: Gabriel Brooks?
Date Posted:10/02/2010 10:22 PMCopy HTML



"Mack I've had enough of you, every week you strut around here like your fucking god and you're not. Now I know exactly what you're going to say and it's the fact I call myself thee CHRIST OF WRESTLING, and slowly everythings falling into place so that I am like Christ. One, I'm the guy who's coming out here just to put my perfect body on the line in matches that are candidates for MATCH OF THE YEAR. I'm the guy who's been out here just so the fans have something to look forward to, and I'm the guy who after me and you are finished is probably going booed for just being good."

"Well you aren't too..." again Camaro cuts Mack off.

"I don't give to shits about what you have to say, Mack because every week you come out here and command the crowds cheers you. You try to be funny and comical when all you're doing is making yourself another John-fucking-Cena!!! You talk about having better drinks when you were on here and I'll guess what they are. Vodka and beer, washed down with a little roach, right?"

"Johnny calm..."

"No Mack! I don't care right now if the fans boo me because I'm gonna get everything off of my chest and since you seem to be my guest you drunken, drugged, lard-ass, you will sit here an listen. Now, you comment on how I'm a bitch. Well I'm just saying what everyone in the back is too scared to say. Gabriel shouldn't have come back in, you say he had two spots well I want my second spot too, and I want Brooks 1 on 1 so he can prove he to the world that he derserved the win."

"Did you call me..."

"Shut your mouth before I kick it of your face. As for my tag team match tonight, DSS you will lose and it will be by me. There ain't a god damn thing you can do about it, and Brooks I dare you to come down and watch the match. James, just cause I'm attacking Mack and Brooks we still got something we need to settle and I propose we do it at the next PPV."

Mack starts talking.



"I am Survival of the Fittest."

"," S


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Re:Conspiracy Theories: Gabriel Brooks?
Date Posted:10/02/2010 11:31 PMCopy HTML

Well considering Mack hasn't spoke at well Johnny was spewing his shit, he now speaks back to him in his usual calm manner that he hasn't slipped out of since coming out.

First off all kid, chill out and think about what ya said cause it makes very little sense. I am not in charge and despite what anyone has ever said, I never have been in charge of EF'NW, I only acted the part once or twice. I did give you my personal opinion on the whole stunt Gabriel pulled because he did what he needed to do win. If ya still have issues, that's your deal, but fact is, it ain't gonna change who won the rumble.

Johnny looks to say something and Mack cuts him off with a smirk on his face.

WHOA, whoa, ease up son, I ain't done. Ya wanna rip on me and not even come close to knowing what the hell your talking about, then Johnny, listen up. These fucking fans out here, the ones at the rumble, the ones who watch every goddamn show, they don't get commanded from me to cheer, they respect me and show it through cheers for all I have done for this company. Now I may have riled them up with how I won at Crossing The Line, but unlike your false claim of who I am trying to be, I never cared if I got a single, fucking cheer on my life!

And the crowd sounds off some boos for that line and Mack motions to Johnny to keep the mic down as he says.

You put your body on the line huh, you give it all out here, for a month so far and I never thought bad of ya, hell, if ya remember our match and after it, I praised ya. Spit on it if ya want it, but Johnny, what you been doing since showing up here I did in my first week with S E F and for eight years now I kept it going strong and that's why I can sit here and tell it like it is and not get booed out of the building because again, I could be booed and I would still be sitting here not giving a fuck!

Some boos, but a lot of cheers, more than Johnny has gotten and Mack continues on.

As far as being god, if you and anyone else knew me, you'd know I never actually claimed to be god unless I was playing around, playing you, hell son, I don't even believe in god, not to say I don't disbelief, I just don't care either way, I think deeper than that, than god. I believe in jesus who was a man back in a time when he was revered by many and also hated, he was in the middle of religion. Plus as I said before, I called myself that a few years ago or so...anyways, as for the better drinks, I was thinking a Guinness, Heineken, I don't know, a good tasting beer to wet the whistle, not get smashed up drunk. Speaking of...

Mack stands up now and holds a hand up his body, then to his ass, then looks at Johnny with an arched brow and turns his ass away from him, picks up his title holding it to his shoulder and smirks, laughing a little.

Ha ha...more proof ya got no clue, ya need glasses, and also, what the hell ya doing checking out my ass?!

The crowd bursts now, then starts cheering loud for Mack, well it was funny and Mack has been that way for, um, damn, like over a decade, the nineties somewhere, anyways, he continues.

I admit I may not fashion a washboard, I may not worry about perfect abs, but ya see, that is because I perfect what I do in the ring, I master what I do and that is why I faced Chris Orton Sunday and beat him, not you!

A loud OOOOH from the fans and Johnny just scowls, then raises his mic, but Mack cuts him off.

No, save your shit Johnny, do your research on me first, find out why I do certain things, why I take certain things, find out the truth or just drop outta my sight before you find yourself with your face kicked off!

The crowd cheers for that and Mack shouts to them now.

NO, fuck you all, don't fucking cheer me, Johnny here can't handle that, he doesn't get that, He has no clue why it is what it is and has to make excuses, he has to develop lies to feed his own ego because he can't step his game up on his own and do it!

Now the crowd is mixed, everyone seems to wanna cheer, but kinda boos, goddamn it Mack, stop this shit. Mack just steps into Johnny's face and holds the title up a little, then suddenly brings the mic up to Johnny's jaw staggering him backwards. Mack turns and executes Da Shows Ova to his jaw knocking Johnny flat on his back to another mixed reaction. Mack pops up and lifts the mic to his mouth.

Johnny boy, when your finished playing with your little buddies, when you stop being such a whiney bitch, come step to me again and I'll make sure our third encounter ends just like the first two, you knocked the fuck out, so you and all these people and every, single asshole in the back can...KISS THIS!

Mack drops the mic doing a crotch chop with one hand, then laughs as the crowd mostly boos him now, but damn it, he has them fucking fans who refuse to boo. Mack stand son the turnbuckles as his music, SLAVE TO GRIND by Skid Row jams over the pa and he holds his title in the air. Mack hops down and looks down at Johnny, snickers and hops out of the ring now heading up the aisle taunting the fans to boo him which they mostly do. He just heads into the back now and that's that. Johnny stirs in the ring and pulls himself to sit against one of his recliners, holds his jaw in pain, but just sneers, scowls.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Conspiracy Theories: Gabriel Brooks?
Date Posted:11/02/2010 3:38 PMCopy HTML




While in this state of intense pain, JC asks for the mic. One of the photographers grabs one that fell out of the ring and hands it to JC.

"So that's your game now eh? Mack, what ever happened to you? You used to be cool. Now, your just as much of a bitch as John Cena with no title, and Chris Orton. But whatev', Macky I'd like to extend to you an invitation to next week. Me and you, and it's up to you to put your title on the line. I'm not going to force ya, it's your belt and your call. Good night everyone."|



"I am Survival of the Fittest."

"," S


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Re:Conspiracy Theories: Gabriel Brooks?
Date Posted:11/02/2010 6:26 PMCopy HTML

The view switches to the back where Shane Mack is walking through the hallway with a smirk on his face. Mary Jane approaches him bringing Mack to a stop and she says.

Hey Mack, mind if I ask you about what happened out there?

Mack just shrugs and nods to go ahead and do so, so Mary Jane says.

Well why did you kick Johnny?

Mack keeps his smirk on his face and answers.

Why not? The kid can't help but lie about me, talk down to me like he knows something about me, like he has a clue who I am, so I put him down, again.

Mary nods and says.

So how about his challenge to a match?

Mack just says.

Normally I would say yes, but Johnny has faced me and he did good, but he lost and now he wants to lie about me and try to get a crack at me, no. Johnny needs to do one of two things. Either he can stop the lies, admit the truth and challenge me to see where he stands again or he can go earn a match against me by go beating some other people in the ring, earn a title shot, do it however he wants. Or as I said, just stop lying about me and do your homework like Bobby James and everyone else needs to do cause none of got it right yet.

Mary nods and asks.

So what is the truth?

Mack laughs and shakes his head.

Ya know, after eight years of busting my ass harder than anyone else who has stepped into this company, after explaining myself numerous times to so many people, I still have to huh?

Mary just shrugs and says.

Well not to me, but some of these people just don't get it.

Mack nods in agreement and says.

Yea, that is very true and Johnny Camaro is one who doesn't get it, one of many running around here, so until he does, he can work his way up to a match against me because as I said, he already one recently and he needs to prove he deserves another, so again, its no, now I gotta go.

Mack walks past Mary Jane who just watches him go and the view fades out.

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