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[declarando la victoria]

Started by Rayo, September 24, 2023, 10:22:21 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:21
  • Posts:15
  • From:USA 
  • Register:22/01/2010 9:16 PM
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Date Posted:03/03/2010 11:28 PMCopy HTML

Open scene inside the arena in England where Extreme will be held tonight in front of another sold out crowd. The camera is focused straight down the corridor where a masked man is walking towards the camera. When he finally gets close enough it's clear that it's the masked luchador Rayo. Gatorade in hand he stops in front of the camera saluting the EF'NW.

Rayo: "Finally made it to England holmes. I'm pretty amped tonight and I ain't even drink a red bull."

Rayo waits for a cheap pop? Nope nothing, he shrugs his shoulders and continues speaking

Rayo: "I guess Orton felt a little disrespected from my comments a couple days ago. Which is fine, I mean I did make some pretty bold statements and I still stand behind those statements. There is a difference between me and Orton. Chris tends to make threats, where as I make gurantees. I said I would emerge victorious in my triple threat match. I said Drew and I would win our tag match, I guranteed both of them and in the end result I was correct. Nothing is different about tonight Orton. Each week I set a goal, I made that goal known a few days ago. Defeating you is a stepping stone into this company. I complimented your abilities and yes I did question some of the things you do. It was only to be used as constructive critisism. It's kinda sad you took it the way you did. I truly didn't think you had such ignorance lying within you. Oh well Chris it doesn't really bother me because after tonight you'll be in my rear view mirror. I will continue to push forward on my quest to becoming a legend that I know I can be. After I beat you my name rises where as you will just be continuing your downward spiral to early retirement. That spiral that you've been on since losing the World Heavyweight title to Shane Mack. It's obvious your mind frame isn't the same Chris. Losing that title should have made you hungrier, made you a even bigger agressive SOB. Yet you have slipped into a state of constant loses to the point where people are thinking you can't hack it anymore, hell I wouldn't be suprised if there labeling you the underdog tonight.  I said it before Chris, I find your weakness and then I execute and it seems to me that your letting it be known that you have more then one weakness. Not a very good idea esse'."

shrugs, shaking his head Rayo continues to walk down the corridor with the camera closely following.

Rayo: "So every superstar has commented on you using your younger brothers move. Hmmm well for one thing that obviously should tell you something. Clearly your stealing your style from someone who someone who should be looking up to you. You tried to make it seem like that comment didn't bother you but now your claiming your going to use a new finisher to beat me so now its pretty evident that i'm inside your head. You now feel the need to to bring out a new finisher. Perhaps that's why that was the last time you cut a promo. You've been training trying to come up with a new finisher. Or maybe your watching Randy's old wrestling matches trying to find something else to steal from him. Without the CKO what do you really have holmes? Your setting yourself up for an in ring panic attack Chris, and from there I will captialize. Your anger is bringing out your ignorance. Your pointless threats will get you know where. I dont wanna make you look stupid Chris but your making it inevitable. Your not going to end my career nor am I heading to a hospital. You can just rule that out, because as much as you may think your going up against a rookie. The fact of the matter is I've been wrestling way before you even decided borrowing from your brother. There is also another weakness that will play apart of our bout. You see it's come to my attention you've become a marked man with that European Championship. Despite Vikky Lynn's pathetic attempt at attacking a fake version of you, the fact still remains she intends on bringing bloodshed to your body. She obviously has intentions of putting you out of commission. Now you have to come up with a new finisher while watching over your shoulder for superstars gunning for your title and still manage to bring me to a defeat. That's alotta pressure on ya Chris and well we all saw Crossing the Line. We know you can't handle the pressure."

Rayo comes to a stop twisting open his gatorade bottle finishing what's left of it.

Rayo: "Just a few more hours esse'..just a few more hours."

fade to black.

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