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Tag Team Tear Up - Lacey rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 25, 2023, 06:00:18 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:03/04/2010 11:32 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Tag Team Tear-Upw/Amy Summers vs Megan Sorrow & Midnightmmm maybe ...Chris Orton ? lol / Megan Sorrow & MidnightNone .. yet!good luck ladies ;)


The scene opens facing a partially open locker room door as a couple's voices can be heard. They sound like they're having fun, laughing and such. The door opens wider and Lacey Daniels steps through smiling and looking over her shoulder as she speaks to the man inside.

LD: Oh my god did you see his face ... as if I was gonna show him anything!

Lacey laughs as does the man inside as he steps outside and kisses the back of her neck. Lacey is wearing a tight black dress and Chris is equally smart as it's obvious the couple are going out to celebrate Chris's win at Wrestle X. Chris Orton smoothes down his shirt as he slips his hand into the pocket of his pants and pauses.

CO: Damn ... car keys ...

He slips back into the locker room as Lacey rolls her eyes and giggles.

LD: Come on babe ... they're not gonna hold the table forever ...

A backstage hand steps up to Lacey and hands her a sheet of paper as he quickly backs away, aware of her now notorious temper. She scowls at him and chuckles to herself at his subservient attitude .. if only everyone were as quick a learner .. Her eyebrows furrow as she reads her match for next week and then Chris's.  .. what the fuck!  She turns to the camera with a pissed off expression.

LD: So Megan and Midnight think they're so smart ... pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and faking us all out. Well big round of applause to you ...

Lacey claps slowly and sarcastically.

LD: .. Like I give a fuck! ... I always said neither of you deserved to be in that match and that it would stink up the card and I was proved right! What a complete farce! ... I mean if you wanted to crap all over the new Women's title then congratulations because right now it's not worth a shit! You may not like me and I may not be the fans favorite but at least I would have brought some dignity to the title, some class and damn it all ... some fucking wrestling ability! ... I mean, shit! Midnight .. you're really proud of how you won that belt? ... Really? ... All you did was show was a complete and utter loser your daughter is! I mean does she have "walk all over me" tattooed on her forehead? ... Jeez, talk about a complete lack of self respect. To just do as you're told by your mommy and lie down for her ... you must be so proud! You don't even think enough of her skills to have a match with her ... you know I can't quite decide if it's because you think she's so beneath you it's not worth breaking a sweat for or if you think maybe in a straight up fight she might actually be able to give you a run for your money. Whatever the reason ... you sure proved one thing and that is you know you can't take me one-on-one! You brag about how you hold 2 wins over me but let's be real here .. you hold jack shit over me. The first win as the fake Vikky-with-a-Dikky ... well she never did pin me now did she ... all Megan did was keep throwing me out of the ring and as for Megan's pin ... well that wasn't exactly all her own hard work was it now? ... Nope it's pretty obvious that by yourselves you're not worth the sweat from my brow ... naw that's why this week you're so confident ... cos you know that you're in yet another situation where you can double team me ... well bad luck for you because this week I have someone in my corner too. Granted it's not someone I would have hand-picked but right now beggars can't be choosers. Yeah Amy .. I heard what ya said and quite frankly if you want to go ahead and get distracted by that loser Steve Weigel then be my guest but when you're in that ring in my corner you better be paying attention to the match at hand. I know you're preferred position is flat on your back ... hell I'm surrounded by whores ... but if you could manage to stand on your feet for more than five minutes I'd appreciate it! .. So as far as I'm concerned .. wait, I'm not concerned, not in the slightest ...

Lacey laughs as she folds up the sheet of paper and tucks it into her clutch bag.

LD: You know what ... I'm not even gonna bother wasting any more of my time thinking about this match tonight .. I got better things to do ...

Chris comes back out through the door holding out a key with a smile. He swings his arm over Lacey's shoulders as they both turn and walk away.

End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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