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Date Posted:11/04/2010 12:27 PMCopy HTML

And so the view from a handheld camera opens up on Shane Mack once again, the realistic view of a real kinda guy that has more love for this business than anyone in SEF today, a man that can go farther than anyone else, and if that's a lie, then why doesn't anyone else prove it to be a lie instead of let it remain as the truth? Mack just sits back on a bench in a locker room in the back of an arena, the view still on him and Julie says from behind the camera.
So you gonna shoot or am I gonna just film you all day?
Mack smirks and brushes his hair back, he wears no shirts, just blue jeans and now says.
Well yea, I figured its all I needed right, my name speaks for itself around these parts, what more is there to say since Bobby can do nothing different than anyone else it seems, just spew lies out his mouth!
He laughs and picks up a black shirt, long sleeved and buttons up the middle. He pulls it on and leaves it open, then pulls his long hair from under the shirt letting it hang down his back. Mack leans against the lockers now and just looks ahead to view and sighs, then smirks and says.
Where do I begin then?
He brings his left hand up rubbing his chin and Julie now says.
Well Bobby would be a start, he was the one who had anything to say.
Mack just shrugs and rolls his eyes, then says.
Same ol' song and dance though, he thought I was gonna hold him down, that I got ties within this company to do just that, he is like all the rest who can't accept the fact that Shane Mack is simply put, bigger than he is, bigger than he can take down, just a set up for failure and obviously he is afraid to fail and needs to make excuses. Like when it came to the Predators, he just don't get it! I've already stated that people screw people in this business to get ahead, I admitted I have and I know others will if they have the chance to do so, its cutthroat and I blame no one for doing it. I don't blame Bobby for what he did last week on Extreme because yes, I would have done the same in his position, well, perhaps not the exact same route, but that's irrelevant as the basic concept is the same. As far as saying why he did it, pointless lies that will get him nowhere. But back to the Predators, and yes Bobby, I agree with the fact that we were a team which I stated before Weigel ever left, that there was no real leader, we were a team of guys looking to have each others backs, to band together and until, already stated it pal, one step ahead of ya as usual and it proves you don't pay enough attention, you don't do your research, ya don't do something of the nature and its gonna keep ya donw, you are gonna keep you down, simple as that. Now I did state recently I was the leader of the Predators and it is no lie as through my actions I was, I was the top dawg, top draw, I kept it going as long as I could to help you and Weigel, but ya gotta want the help. You can spew your own personal point of view all you like Bobby, but it does not make what you say fact. I never thought the World Title made me anything and that is why I am separated from the rest, probably why I cannot fit in with others, because I make the belt what it is, I make others who they are, I push and push and push and you either push back or fall over. Your act is just that Bobby, an act and not a very good one, so it may time to think up something new, to get a clue and actually try to speak a little truth cause obviously you don't know enough to be spewing what ya spew and have any sense of what actually is. You do need to focus more of your attention on myself rather than Weigel, so take the advice ya gave out and use it, focus on me in the triple threat this Wednesday and keep an eye open for Drew cause in this business, in that kinda match, ya never know...NEVER!
Mack reaches down and pulls his World Title which was laying on the bench by him and he holds it in his lap looking at the face of it. He just smirks and pulls it up on his shoulder now and says.
The only reason Steve Weigel has a match against me for this title is because like him or not, Weigel had the balls to challenge me to a match, of course he then tried to walk out of SEF and threw fits and shit, but that is besides the point, that is his own tantrums in his own mind. Point is Bobby, if you want a shot or ever wanted one, its as I always said, you gotta come get one and whether ya wait to be booked in one or ya step up and challenge straight up for one or go against me in test is simply a personal choice you make, so again son, save the lies that I hold anyone down cause its been tried to be used before and never, ever worked and that's a shoot and a half!
He grins and nods it is true, then says.
Stop making excuses and accept where you are is because of who you are, not what someone else did. I ain't saying strings never get pulled in some places, I know all about politics being pulled by some people, but it has never happened here and never will, not with Shane Mack, so that's that, get a new line cause that one been worn out. Ya keep spewing it or any lies and your only future in SEF will be sucking the proverbial hind tit while I continue to shine above you and all the others. You say ya won't let opportunity pass ya by, so will you really do that Bobby cause as it stands your letting it slip away now, so son, are YOU gonna do it on your own or you gonna hope someone else creates opportunity for you cause its already been created a few times for ya, but you gotta capitalize, you have to use it, no waste it!
He pauses taking a breath and still with that smirk he says.
Unlike you, I don't need to compare myself to someone else, to try and make myself seem better than I am because Shane Mack is great on his own. That is why I was labeled the leader of our group we had together and by the way, if you ever learned anything about me, you would have learned that I do not like labels either, never have as I believe in making yourself who you are, not being judged falsely as you have done to me. Since day one of entering the wrestling world I set out to shine, I went against the grain, I got in everyone's face and I got punked out a lot, but I also earned a lot of respect and I paid my fucking dues and still do to this day. Its why when we got into Japan and inside that Tokyo Dome I was put on a pedestal, because I earned it. So step up and earn it yourself Bobby because you haven't earned near as much as I have. Maybe in another company, but that is not this company, it was not mainstream, so not everyone followed it who follows SEF, hell, some don't even know either place exists or existed, they just don't know. Its your job to make them know, to put yourself out there and reveal who the hell Bobby James is. When ya lie though, people don't trust ya, they won't believe what your saying is true because of past lies like the ones ya just spewed about me.
He sighs and lowers his title to his lap, then stands up and we see the view move with him staying on Mack, he brings the title up slapping it over his shoulder, lets it lay there and slides his hands in his pockets, then says.
You and Drew have the opportunity of a lifetime here Bobby, so don't ruin it, don't waste it, just use it to your advantage, step the fuck up and show Steve Weigel how its done unless of course that was just another lie. Maybe your not any better than he is, maybe your just wishing for it to be true, maybe you can't distinguish fact from fiction and this why all you come off as is a liar? Who knows and who cares? I know that on Extreme I have two men and one is hungry while the other is not so much, but neither have shown any real passion, any reason why they can go over Shane Mack, so I'm a go to the ring on Extreme and continue to do what I do better than anyone else here, out shine and out perform, make the whole show about me and keep the spotlight on me because until someone takes it, truly takes it, why shouldn't I? The only way I can hold anyone down is if they hold themselves down for fear of...huh, why would anyone fear going against me?
He pauses and thinks for a second, then Julie says.
Maybe because they know that they can't out do you, so they do what most do, make excuses, spew lies!?
Mack shrugs and says.
Perhaps or maybe its not fear, I don't know and I don't care as I said. I do what I do and try to help, but when ya got people standing by and refusing help, holding themselves down while I shine, that's all ya can do. Bobby, you are not my level and in the Predators you did not act on my level even when I tried to help ya, you simply played second fiddle to my orchestra, you held yourself down and I came off as the leader to everyone, simple as that, it's the truth, so get over it and step up now. Ya don't have to like it, hell, don't even have to accept it, but ya do have to if ya wanna beat me or let alone, reach my level, of course for the latter you need to do a hell of a lot more cause as it stands your not even Chris Orton's level and you have beaten him!
He grins now and says.
Like it or not Bobby, that's a shoot, so give up the lies or get what they all get and you know what it is, so I need not say anymore just as I need no introduction to steal the show, I need nothing except a ring and well anyone standing in it with me, hell, put a fucking mop in there and I will still steal the show because its what I do, its who I am and that is the best there is, so to steal a line, oh my, prove me wrong, bitch!
Mack smirks now and nods to the camera and walks forward some. The view goes down to the floor now and we can hear Mack say.
I never been above making mistakes and come Wednesday I correct one I made, allowing Bobby and Steve to team with me, letting them ride my coattails, carrying them, but no more, their done!
The view then fades to black and so no sounds, its ended, but who will end it on Extreme? Will Drew or Bobby show that passion, use that opportunity to step up? Will Drew even show? Will Bobby just keep lying himself into a hole? Will Weigel finally get over one inch? Will Amy Summers ever close her legs since her breath stinks? Will SEF even continue to exist for much longer? Rumors get started on the smallest, little thing, but ninety percent have no truth to them, so acting upon a rumor shows a lack for intelligence and shows why some will remain where they are and eventually slip to nothing and be a nobody forever while others will stand out above the rest and shine like no one else can, shine like Mack does every night of the week!

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