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'H'at's All Folks - An Extreme Prom

Started by Bobby James, September 26, 2023, 10:05:45 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:14/04/2010 3:45 PMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
Where is it?!  Where the fuck is it?!

A voice is yelling out to find something ...

God damn it!  I leave my locker room for thirty freaking minutes and it just disappears.

Suddenly a light rap is heard on a door while the camera comes into focus on a door with a gold placard reading " Bobby James ".  Standing outside of the door is a blond haired man in about his early twenties who is holding a hand held recorder and a pen and pad of paper.

Who's out there knocking on my door?!

A quiet voice makes a statement.

" Blond Guy " -- Its Mike Walters from Pro Wrestling Illustrated Mr. James.

From behind the door he yells out.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- What in the hell do you want dude?

" Mike Walters " -- Um.  Well I'm here to do the interview for the article on your new career here in The SEF.

" Bobby James " -- Huh?  When did I agree to that?

Mike looks a little confused by this.

" Mike Walters " -- It was done between my Editor in Chief and you agent I do believe.

" Bobby James " -- I guess that sounds right.  I do remember him saying something about an interview or something.  But I got a match to prepare for right now.  Its a pretty big match tonight ya know.

Shaking his head in understanding.

" Mike Walters " -- Yeah taking on Drew Stevenson and the champion Shane Mack tonight in that Triple Threat main event.  Gonna be a big match for you.

With that said the door is swung open as Bobby is wearing a Boston Bruin's jersey and a pair of faded jeans.  Smiling a bit his eyes are glancing around looking for something.

" Mike Walters " -- Did you lose something?

" Bobby James " -- Yeah my hat.

" Mike Walters " -- Just a hat?

" Bobby James " -- Just a hat?!  No its not just a hat Mr. Walters.  Its some much more than just a hat buddy.  Its a symbol just like this jersey here.

Bobby pats the " B " on the jersey with his fist.

" Bobby James " -- This jersey just like my hat symbolizes who I am and where I came from.  It honors the city I spent most of my life in.  I'm a man who cares about tradition.  Sure that can be said about alot of the men I have entered the ring with but Bobby James upholds my traditions.  I've worn the same hat out to the ring and the same jersey for 5 years now.  You could even say its a superstition but its one that I believe in.

" Mike Walters " -- That's understandable.  So what do you say about getting this interview under way?

" Bobby James " -- Yeah dude we can do that why don't you head in and take a load off on the chair.

Doing just that Bobby places himself on the couch.

" Mike Walters " -- Alright so let me ask you two things first what got you into wrestling and what makes you still be a wrestler.

" Bobby James " -- Well I got one answer to two questions.  Passion.  See when I was a kid my father had a passion for wrestling and baseball above all else.  But the passion that he had when we watched wrestling together and when we attended live shows seemed to rub off on me.  After he died I became involved in wrestling in High School where I won state in my Senior year.  I was offered a scholarship at Boston College but started to wrestle professionally almost immediately afterwards.  But its still passion now.  I wouldn't be wrestling if I didn't have a desire to compete.  To strive and thrive to be the best I can be.  When I man loses the passion for what he does then he has already lost it all.

" Mike Walters " -- Speaking of striving and thriving in The SEF.  Can you tell me about what here has made you do that?

" Bobby James " -- Certainly.  I will not hesitate to say that the toughest match so far...by far was the one to be come number one contender to The US Title when I faced off against my old friend Steve Weigel.  Weigel put up a hell of a fight but I came out on top.  Matches against Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom have caused me to up my game as well.  Both of those men I might respect as wrestlers for their ability.  Yes I respect it but does that mean I like them?  No it doesn't.  Its kind of like Shane Mack in that respect.

" Mike Walters " -- How so?

" Bobby James " -- Well its like this as a wrestler Shane Mack has proven without a doubt that he is one of the top draws in this business.  Just as Mr. Pat On The Back Mack has stated week after week month after month year after year that he is the man to beat.  And yes I'll agree here in the SEF he is just that a man to beat.

" Mike Walters " -- Don't you mean the man to beat.

" Bobby James " -- No I don't.  In the past I've faced of many people that called themselves the man to beat.  Hell I've called my self the man to beat before.  To me Shane Mack is just another man to beat.  Sure he may have more accolades in The SEF but that doesn't mean that make him better than me.  You can shine up opinions or facts or fiction or lies as Mack likes to call anything he doesn't want to hear or comprehend but in the end its gonna be three wrestlers...three men against eachother.

" Mike Walters " -- Yes that's right tonight your also gonna be facing off against a man who many consider one of the greatest technical wrestler of his generation.  Drew Stevenson will be going at it with you as well.

" Bobby James " -- Yeah maybe me and maybe Mack to have forgotten about the third man a little.  I'll give you that much Mike.  Drew though hasn't even made an effort to communicate.  Its like he's sitting around plotting or maybe he's just given up.  Who really knows except for Drew himself.  I just hope that's not the case because as he calls himself The War-Forged Warrior was a man that I would like to compete against.  Yet Drew it seems for the most part has fallen by the wayside when it comes to me and Mack.  Going back to Mack tho because I want to say this its true to an extent that when you beat the champion even if its not for the title you always move up the rankings in everyone's eyes.  See say for an instance since this is a Triple Threat match and I pin Stevenson or Mack pins him.  Sure its gonna be a win for either one of us.  But the other will know that we didn't get the pin or the submission the other did.  It can be lorded over or held over our heads like a black cloud.  I don't want black clouds over my head but if I see a chance to take out Drew I will as I know Mack more than likely will too.  I'm going into this match expecting anything and everything to happen.  It's the way it seems to be here.  To expect the unexpected.  Hell there's a guy that I want to get a hold of too.  A certain guy that seems to help me and then screw me.  This masked dude wanted to succeed in pissing me off well he did just that.  When I find out just who this is well there will be hell to pay.

" Mike Walters " -- Yeah I've noticed a guy running around with a mask on just recently now that you mention it.  I just thought it was part of his costume.

" Bobby James " -- That fucking son of a bitch!  I'll bet that bastard has my hat!

" Mike Walters " -- Well lets finish this interview up first and then you can hunt to your hearts content.

" Bobby James " -- Sure sure whatever. 

" Mike Walters " -- So Bobby what event do you think has had the most impact on your career since arriving here.

" Bobby James " -- Well I'd have to say winning The US Title from Nikky Venom at Wrestle X but yeah many say that it was a debacle but according to the record books I was the winner so that's all that truly matters and not to mention it allowed me to become The International Champion when I took on both Venom in his rematch and Chris Orton to merge both The European Championship and The US Title.  Orton though I guess doesn't want his rematch against me and that's just fine by me I've offered and hes said nothing.  The guy has done talked on and on twice since I've given him a chance for a rematch and ignored it so I'm moving on.  I'm not the type of guy to wait around and plead.  I'm the one who was willing to give him another chance.  So instead I'll give the next man who thinks they can go one on one with me a shot at the International Title.  Next Wednesday its on.  Tonight its on.

" Mike Walters " -- Tonight you better be on.

" Bobby James " -- Yeah don't question it at all Mike.  Bobby James is out to prove that I am here to stay and deservedly so.  Tonight in a Triple Threat Bobby James enters as the last Predator hell bent on doing whatever it takes to come out on top and That's A Fact.

Just then there is a loud bumping on the doorway from the outside and a loud knock causing Bobby to stop his speech as he rises up and swings the door open angrily shouting.

" Bobby James " -- What in the hell is it?!

Suddenly Bobby's face turns into a grimace as the camera follows his eyes to the ground where his Boston Red Sox hat is on the ground.  Grabbing it up quickly he sneers and tosses it back onto the ground as his left hand appears to be wet.  Sniffing his hands he yells out.

" Bobby James " -- Fucking piss!!!  Mother fucker!!! 

Mike steps up behind him.

" Mike Walter " -- What's piss?
Turning to look at him he pushes him against the door and states.

" Bobby James " -- This...this is piss.  Right fucking here!

Pointing down at the urine soaked hat as Mike mouths out a nervous " oh ".

" Bobby James " -- I don't know just who did it but I have a very good guess.  Tonight its about to heat up.  Count on it!

Pulling Mike out of the way he pushes him out of the room and slams the door shut as the camera fades to a Rent-A-Center commercial.

This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

Johnny Camaro

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Re:'H'at's All Folks - An Extreme Prom
Date Posted:14/04/2010 8:12 PMCopy HTML


I can do better but I just wanted to get this out there

"Booby, you know exactally who did it! You know it was me. Next week, I will face you and end your title reign. Just you and me, no masked man, no extra people, just me and you." 

Nikky zipps up his pants and Bobby looks PISSED.

"So I guess the question is, are you man enough to play my game again? Are you man enough to fight me in an IronMan match? A match where you don't win when I get screwed.Are you man enough? Booby

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