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Jade and Hayden Extreme 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 07:53:26 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:09/05/2010 7:04 PMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings
DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{{After a successful showing on Extreme for the Dynasty Divas they are enjoying so much needed relaxing time at Lacey's favorite spa.  Hayden hears something and removes the cucumber from her eye and glances up}

Hayden:"Uh, hello? Can't you see this is not the best time?"

{Jade rolls her eyes}

Jade:"They just want to know Lacey's beauty secrets."

Hayden:"We don't mani-pedi and tell. {Jade and Lacey laugh} "Lacey needs a massage.  She was so put upon to save this company from mediocrity by being in a cage match with Megan crybaby."

Jade:"Yeah and my man will totally make sure she's put in her place on Extreme. On her back looking up...Wait...{She thinks}  Okay, so maybe Justin can put that little wench on her back.  I don't my man contaminated by that digusting hoochie mama."

Hayden:"I wondered where you were going with that.  This week is going to be such a walk in the park.  Steve Whiner is the only one who is going to have any real time under his belt."

{Jade laughs cruelly}

Jade:"They are a slut down this week in Impact X but I'm sure that if Mack walks into Seattle he'll have a hundred whores begging to feel in for that skeebie wannabe.  I don't see how he stays married when he's screwing anything that will open their legs to him, apparently the girls he's with now are doing anything that moves like that skank trying to steal my name.  She's doing that cougar thing with that new bitch Tina who I think is the ho that is the third in this match.  {shakes her head} "Such a cake walk.  {she yawns as the tiny Asian lady begins to give her a foot massage}  Oh the gym was crazy today.  I cant believe we had to wade through so many nasty wannabes and loser guys who thought they could touch us."

Hayden:"As if!  {she nods and accepts the smoothie she's being offered and takes a sip} My wonderful husband has realized what is going on around here and that its all about loyalty and family.  Now that he knows where Dusty and Knox are leaning thanks to Knox's confrontation with Corez, he's going to side with us.  I can't wait till he nails that smug little prick Xanthus with the Crusade and locks him into The Black Knight.  He'll be one step closer to the tag team titles.  Unfortunately its not going to be with his favorite partner but maybe after Riot knocks some sense into him at the next Extreme then he'll come home where he belongs."

TBC: By Lacey
©vindictive soul Made for ??? by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

Lacey Daniels

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Re:Jade and Hayden Extreme 1
Date Posted:11/05/2010 8:12 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:




Extreme rp

w/Dynasty Divas vs Jade Hart, Steve Weigel & Tina

Chris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Rogers/ Megan Sorrow & all other divas

TV Champion

adding fuel to the fire! lol




Lacey stretches her foot out as she admires the neat pedicure and checks the bright scarlet colour on her toenails. She nods her head as the beautician bends to finish the paint job.

LD: You know girls I don't think we should be so quick to dismiss our opponents

Jade and Hayden turns to face Lacey with shock on their faces and Lacey holds her serious expression for a long beat before she cracks and laughs as both girls join in.

JH: Oh my god for a moment there I thought you were being serious ...

Lacey smiles: Well I kinda was ...

Jade and Hayden get that shocked look back on their faces and Lacey shakes her head in amusement.

LD: What I really mean is we should know our facts before we count them out ... you know how I hate surprises ... well the non-fun kind. So facts on Tina ... she's never won a match since she's been here, really the only time she's ever been on top is when she's fucking with Shane Mack and his little slut harem, so plainly no threat there! Then we have the wannabe Fake Hart who I have faced in the ring before in a tag match and hand on heart, she has got some wrestling skills I will give her that but nowhere near our league! I beat her then and I was teaming with Chris, with my girls with me she doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell!

Lacey glances over at Jade and reaches out to squeeze her hand.

LD: I know you can't wait to get your hands on her .. oooh wait, that sounded like one of Mack's movies then ...

All the girls giggle and then catch each others eyes and shudder at the mere thought.

LD: .. as if! ...  What I meant to say was ... Jade .. you wanna beat the crap out of her .. be my guest hunnie ... I certainly won't step on your pedi!`   

Jade and Lacey smile at each other evilly as they imagine what Jade will do to the fake when she gets hold of her.

LD: Which leaves little Stevie Weiner. Now being a guy he should be the biggest threat .. physically that is but you know what .. I don't think he's going to be a problem at all. See little Stevie has a big, and I mean big ...

Lacey raises her eyebrows and the girls eyes widen.

LD: .. crush on me!

The all burst out laughing as Lacey nods her head.

LD: Yeah I know ... as if I'd trade someone like Chris for Stevie ...

HR: Oh too funny!

LD: See Stevie is probably walking around with the biggest smile on his face ever since he heard he was going to get the chance to put his hands on me. Something he's been dying to do since I got here. He's made no secret of it and so I'll make no secret of this ... listen up Weiner boy ... you want to put your hands on this fine body and who can blame you but I'm going to make damn sure that it never happens! There is only one man who puts his hands where he likes on me and that sure as hell ain't you! That man is Chris Orton and after what you did to him on last weeks Extreme I am going to make double-damn sure you get some payback. You don't fuck with me or mine and this week you're fixing to find that out the hard way! All of you!

Lacey gives a hard stare at the camera.

TBC: By Jade or Hayden if wanted


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

Kristin Fox

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Re:Jade and Hayden Extreme 1
Date Posted:11/05/2010 11:52 PMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings

DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

Final Word count: 

{{{Jade and Hayden roll their eyes in disbelief that Weiner is so clueless that he'd actually thinks that Lacey would slum so low as to get with him.}}

Jade:"I saw one promo he did and I swear he sounded like Steve Whiner. {she giggles} He is such a pathetic loser."

Hayden:"You know..."

{she stops as Jade's phone plays a short snippet of Hart Attack, the dynasty theme.}

Jade:"So sorry!  {she reaches for her phone}  "Yeah?  {she listens} "No Friggin' way!  {she starts laughing} "You sure you don't want to come up here and work for the Dynasty Divas?  I mean you are practically one already....I mean this chick is claiming she tried to do your man."

{Hayden turns to Lacey}

Hayden:"Cute little American from Louisiana.  She went to Lasalle, its like the American version of Bishop Caroll, her uncle was like a mobster lawyer or something but her dad was straight up, he was like a major alumni for LSU, and he was like a major share holder for some company.  She's like not as reach as my mother-in-law which is why she works as her executive assistant but she's got some money...{gives a small smirk} like $500,000 American or so but she's smart and pretty so she's building up what she's got.  She had a little more but she went to LSU and got a degree instead of blowing it like Shane Mack's whores would.  She's a sweet girl with a good head on her shoulders....which is why my brother is so crazy about her."

Lacey:"She's talking to Harry's girlfriend?"

{Hayden nods.  Jade pauses in her talking}

Jade:"OMG!  {she nudges the little Asian woman nearest her} "Turn on the t.v."

{the woman stares at her clueless.  Hayden sighs and then translates.}

Hayden:"Shin Shin, {she turns to Jade} "She's Chinese, its not a crime.  {she turns back to Lacey}  Being a whore is a crime!"

Jade:"Sssh, Danika has been monitoring whenever we're mentioned on t.v.  TMZ mentioned us because we are so faboulous and then she went and checked SEF for the actual feed and Tina is calling us fake."

Hayden:"Fake like her boobs?"

{Jade laughs}

Jade:"More like her wrestling skills.  {they watch a bit and notice she mentions Lacey} "No she didn't.  I can't believe she's playing off the times you beat her as a fluke.  How hard did you hit her, sis?"

Hayden:"I think she's smoked so much that its killed some brain cells.  {she speaks in Mandarin to the women and finally someone is called in with a handicam} Oh my God, the quality is going to be crappy."

Jade:"It doesn't matter.  Even getting our much needed relaxation we are still ten times hotter than that stoned little sex fiend and her friends.  We are real as can be!  In case you haven't seen Hart and Soul, {the three girls simultaneously flip their hair with smug looks on their faces} you would have seen us, young and beautiful teenagers with our entire family at WWE,"

Hayden:"It was WWF then."

{Jade heaves a sigh}

Jade:"Stupid pandas!  Right, WWF In Your House, Canadian Stampede!  In 1997, the glorious creatures you see before you were up close and personal in our home town of Calgary, Alberta, Canada as our family was triumphant over a bunch of stupid Americans....{she pauses and says something into the phone} "No, not all Americans are stupid.  Just the ones the Hart Foundation had to wrestle, {she giggles.} Danika, you are so right!  The Hart Foundation's opponents weren't just stupid Americans they were drunk and probably stoned Americans just like our opponents on Extreme.  Now as beautiful teenagers, the three of us celebrated with our whole family, now at Wrestlmania when my Daddy defeated Vince and some of our family, like Hayden and myself were brought in by {she seems a consoling look at Lacey} by the Dynasty to act as lumberjacks for Daddy's match, Vince was so upset because he knew for sure that Lacey couldn't be there because of her SEF contract, he thought he could throw Chris' skeebie little brother at me as if that would make me cheat on my sexy unique fiancee to help him.  Even Aunt Diana was so awesome."

Hayden:"It was a great way to spend mother's day!  I got to be in Calgary with my mom and we all got to watch Hart and Soul together at Poppy and Gram's house!  {they all sigh, sad at their loss} When I saw Uncle Bret and Uncle Owen's cage match, I was so surprised and respected my mom so much more that she actually took a bump from Uncle Jim and walked away from it!  It proves what that stooge from Family Fued said.  The Hart daughters are tougher than a lot of men Vince lets in his ring."

Jade:"It's so true.  People forget that Aunt Diana, Aunt Ellie, Aunt Georgia, Aunt Allison were..."

Lacey:"Aunt Kaitlyn..."  {they shoot her a look} "What?"

Hayden{whispers} "That was suposed to be a secret!  Maegan and Matt wants their own props."

{Lacey nods and looks defiantly at the camera}

Jade:"The Hart women are tough.  Tina, you think you know the Hart family.  You don't know jack!  Yeah, I know Shane trained with the family but that doesn't mean you know anything about anything.  {she shakes her head} I can't believe I used to think he was so cool.  {she rolls her eyes} I was a stupid little kid then.  I know better now."

Hayden:"Mack has always been Mack.  That's the only way to put it.  Tina is scared to death to face us because even she knows she's at a serious handicap.  The Dynasty Divas have already taken out that fake wannabe bitch, {she grits her teeth} for now.  She's like a stray dog she always finds someone to pick her flea ridden vajayjay up and bring her back around.  She's begging Mack to be her tag team partner because she knows that she's going to be lucky not to be taken out of the arena on a stretcher."

Jade:"She'll enjoy it though.  She'll be in her favorite position."

Hayden and Jade giggle: "On her back."

{Jade turns to face Lacey}

Jade:"Please tell me you're going to cripple the ho for saying that you were a fluke." 

©vindictive soul Made for ??? by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...


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