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Justin Extreme 5

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 09:32:00 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:02/06/2010 3:59 PMCopy HTML

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Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
International Title BR
just read
Justin 5
People Mentioned
Katana/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin is seen running.  He's dressed shorts, reeboxs, sunglasses, and a red and black Damage Inc bandana.  He's worked up a pretty great sweat.  He takes a turn and comes running into the parking lot of his dad's gym.  He slows to a stop running in place to hold the door open for some women who check him out.  He ignores, them keeping his heart rate up until he can get inside to cool down.  He kinda jogs into the weight room and sees some people he didn't expect.}}

Justin:"Matt didn't tell me you guys were in town."

{The camera comes out from behind him to see Harry Smith and Tyson Kidd working out}

Tyson:"Undisputed tag champs.  We were in Austin for Raw and Dallas for Smackdown."

Harry:"Stayed over to see my sister."

{Justin nods and shakes heads with both guys}

Justin:"Got a big match coming up tonight.  You guys wanna get in tha bit before I have ring and work before I have to fly out to Rochester."

Tyson:"Why not."

{The guys get in the ring with Justin and work him over really good.  Each time one of the three got the upper hand, they'd rib on the guy who was in the hold at the time.  After a while Nattie comes in and tells them its time to go.  She gives Justin a hug and tells him she'll call Katana later in the week.  Justin then went to cool down and shower.  He comes out with his gimmick bag and leans againist the wall and motions for the camera}

Justin:"Bobby and Knighthawk, it seems that you guys think I'm not concerned with my match.  Bobby and I have some unfinished business.  You're right I would rather it be one on one.  It might not end with one match.  You punked me out after a match and I returned the favor.  Knighthawk, I did leave my brother alive but it wasn't pity or compassion for him.  It was about my nephew Johnson.  He's only nine years old.  I spent a few years where my dad wasn't in my life.  It's a hard time for a kid.  I wouldn't really kill my brother.  I have gone round and round with my cousin, Matt, gone round and round with Ash....now Hawk since your so concerned with who I associate with let me tell you.  Ash is one of my best friends.  He happens to be married to my cousin, Maegan.  You wouldn't want him to show up to watch my back in SEF.  He's a submission master and he fights MMA...he trained at the hands of a couple Kumite competitors.....if your an action movie fan, maybe you've heard of one of them.  Frank Dux?  Van Dame, the real one not that poster boy TNA champion, Jean-Claude Van Dame played him in the movie Bloodsport, one of the so called Trilogy of the best movies he ever did.  It was actually one of the movies that launched his career.  He had several great ones in the 80s.  Kickboxer was another.  Kickboxer is a great way to understand the way I trained when I was in China.  After I graduated the sports university and since I couldn't train at the Academy while keeping up with my business committments, I took sometime training in a similar fashion.  I trained with Monks.  I know how to put all of my focus on one thing when the situation demands it.  Bounty or no bounty on my head guys, I am very focused on winning the International title tonight.  Katana won't be traveling with me tonight to work as my valet.  She's going to stay in Texas and keep her safe safe.  So I have no worries once I go into this match.  I am not even worried about my sister anymore.  If Lacey's taking her under her wing, as much as I hate to admit it, Lacey does have the skills to teach Dusty all the things my family was afraid to teach the girls....especially after all the broken bones, dislocated shoulders, and other misc injuries that my mom and mother-in-law have recieved in this business.  I don't agree with Lacey's methods but I can't deny her work ethic.  Let Knox be concerned with Dusty's ring positioning.  As for Jade, well honey we have known each other since we were babies, don't think I'm going to take it any easier on you than I would if I was standing across the ring from Maegan....{he grins} my cousin Maegan as opposed to Megan Sorrow who would also give it her all to eliminate me if she got the chance but a woman that I know has proven she can handle herself.  {He pushes off the wall and adjusts his bag} You may think that my life is hectic and its true.  If you knew me, you'd know I thrive under pressure.  Tonight will be a perfect example of how I thrive under pressure.  When it comes down to the end, I know it will be the three of us: Bobby, Hawk, and I who'll be the ones who give the most blood and sweat to winning this title.  See, Bobby, I don't see you as a fluke champion...more of a one hit wonder desperately trying to hang on to his spot.  You know that your number is up.  It's just who is going to be the one call in the marker.  As for Knight Hawk, he claims he's interested in the title but to really do the kind of damage he's bragging about would be to take me outside of the ring to where Dusty Rhodes would call 'getting the plunder.' {he chuckles} I respect the past.  I've workshopped with the legends.  Knighthawk, you don't know me.  All you know is from reading a bio and maybe even some stuff from the dirt sheets.  All you have are guesses and theories.  I try not to talk about my family history even though Lucas throws it around like everyday banter.  What I do like to say is I want to honor my uncle's memory by winning a title that is this fed's equivalent to one that he held with so much honor and pride for years.  I've been training since I could walk so Lucas is right.  A lot of things were put on my shoulders when I was very young, I was my families chosen one.  In my teens and my early twenties I let it go to my head.  A few beatings from Corez, Nic Torres, and Triple V were only the begining to my checking my cocky nature.  It was my aunt and uncle's murder that really opened my eyes.  It happened because of a sick sadistic son of a bitch from Britain just like you.  Everytime I hear your bullshit cockney rantings I hear Ozzy Blackwood's evil fucking laugh when he you tubed his confession, trying to taunt my mother and her younger siblings into coming after him.  Drew wanted too but he didn't have the skills or the size to match up with that big bastard.  Honestly I should hate England with all the shit that happened to my family there.  My mom was kidnapped and tortured and then my Uncle Chris and Aunt Kaitlyn are murdered by the same bastard who pulled the strings on almost killing my mom.  It's not the country's fault and if not for MI6 they would have never caught Blackwood.  It's just the country has produced some sick bastards in its time and its produced some excellent leaders and philanthopists like Winston Churchill, Lady Diana, and even Queen Elizabeth.  How many queens would remove their crowns and put on fatigues to deliver medical supplies as a Red Cross volunteer?  {He grins}  See, I know my history Knight Hawk.  I love history and world cultures.  At one time I even considering teaching it.  I'd rather teach you a lesson Knight Hawk, you really should have push harder for more money.  5 million? Really? Well, crackit you can buy you a really nice gimp for that price.....if i just rolled over and played dead but then it might turn Bobby on so I'd have to cripple him for looking at my ass like it was the main course.  You think you can take me out?  I welcome the challenge."

{Justin flips a peace sign and starts walking out as we fade to black} 

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