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Back from the Dead

Started by Strife, September 29, 2023, 10:33:39 AM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:11
  • Posts:9
  • From:USA 
  • Register:10/06/2010 12:20 PM
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Date Posted:10/06/2010 3:19 PMCopy HTML

The Cobo arena. 

Its empty. 
Of course, Extreme isn't until Sunday.  Today was one of those few days when an arena had no one inside of it, no local sporting events, no concerts.  Nothing.  Nothing except the whirlwind taking place inside a man's head.  Sitting on a middle section of the arena, with his elbows resting on his knees, his hands folded across from his chest, his head down, and a hood over his head, sits a man. 
Who is he?  Valid question.  A ghost.  A specter.  A man long forgotten by the world he once loved.  He isn't bitter though.  Time erodes all things, buildings, rocks, great natural wonders,  even the memory of someone you once knew.  He lifts his head, his long curly black hair falls from behind his ears.  Removing his hood from his head, he exhales. 
Almost as if to examine it, he slowly turns his head around, eying the empty arena.  He stands up, still looking around and stretches. 
"So this is where I'll call home.  It's like coming home after a war."
He scratches the side of his face and turns around, facing the camera.  His eyes are quiet, yet hide a fire that could burn the world down.
"I'm betting....no one knows who I am.  That's ok.  For a while, I didn't know.  But dig deep into history, and you would be shocked at what may come back to surprise you.  So let me enlighten those who need it.  The SEF has been around a long time.  And in that time, faces have come and go.  Well one of those faces..has returned.  I am a former World Champion....Former IC Champion....Former Tag Team Champion....and a Triple Crown Winner...I also held the defunct XCW title...3 times.  I'm no punk coming off the streets or some lame ass indy jack hole jumping into a bigger pool thinking I'm the biggest fish.   I have been around.  I have seen things you people wouldn't believe.  I've toured the hardcore feds of Japan, seen men get their heads split open.  I have had the privilege of wrestling with the Luchadores of Mexico, and experienced first hand the religion of pro wrestling.  I have traversed Canada, and wrestled in cold, dank, bars.  I have walked the east and west coasts of America, looking for the best competition this planet can toss at me."
He looks to his right and stretches his arms out wide, almost as if to show off the arena behind him.
"See I have spent the last years of my life, wandering, walking, traveling.  I have walked from sea to sea, and watched the sun rise and set on 3 continents.  I have lived and breathed as a man with no past, as my future would be where I needed to be.  Until one day, My past came fluttering into my mind like a bird through an open window.  The places Ive been, the people I knew...and this place sparked a memory in me so deep, I had to act. 
"But...no I am here.  I'm done walking, I'm done traveling.  I'm choosing a home.  And what better place to call home, than the place where I last tread.  See maybe a handful of fans remember me...and maybe even a guy like Daddy Mack..or Shane Mack..whatever he calls himself now these days doesn't remember me.  I may be a ghost to them.  But my memory is still clear.  I remember this place, and I remember the people who have vanished.  But this ghost, is back from the dead....And mark my words, I'm gonna haunt this place like any good spirits final resting place."
He lowers his arms and closes his eyes.  He takes a deep breath, and slowly lets it out. 
"SEF....and all of its inhabitants.  The Warrior has arrived.  Back from the dead.  And back to continue a legacy long lost in time.  And for those who currently stand between me and my Destiny, I will cut you down in a flash and then forget you in the next moment.   The path I walk is towards greatness, and no one here will stop me.  And  For those who wish to test my resolve, don't be surprised if I show up any time soon...and cause all sorts of problems for all of you."
The man grabs the back of his hood, and places it back over his head.  He cracks his neck, and looks dead into the camera, as if to pierce the soul of anyone watching.  He breathes heavily, his shoulders rising and falling. 
"They say when there is no more room in hell...The dead will walk.  Well Hell is rather full...why don't I introduce you all to...... my hell.......My name is Strife.  And my crusade...has just begun !"
Strife glares at the camera one more time, looks behind him at the empty arena, and then storms off. 
The SEF has been given it's first....and only warning.
This man will bring war to your doorstep. 

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