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Jayden begins a change

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:33:21 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-27-2010 2:58 PMCopy HTML

__.xxJayden Hartley
JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
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{Jayden sighs as she drags her suitcase into the arena.  Mary Jane comes up to her and Jayden stops and sighs}

Mary Jane:"Haven't heard from you in awhile...."

Jayden:"I hate to admit it but those bitches in the Dynasty Divas were right.  Sex doesn't make a relationship.  Psycho Amy Summers ruined what could have been a great relationship.  Furthermore, Steve asked me if I'd let Joe Daddy pin me... {raises her eyebrows} in more ways than just in the match we have tonight.  He wanted me to let his brother screw me in more ways than one.  I am tired of being the whore.  I'm being tired of playing the joke around here.  Tonight when I get in the ring with Joe Daddy I'm going to show that I do know how to wrestle.  I may not have been handed all kinds of workshops with these famous people on a silver platter but I did train with some amazing trainers.  I get a chance to show case that tonight againist Joe Daddy.  {she sighs and looks down}  Steve is refusing to come to the show tonight.  He claims that he is a legend and he is retired.  I don't know if his buddies or former buddies like Bobby James are even going to show up.  They've taken their ball and gone home.  They gave up as if being Mack's bitch for a few weeks....that didn't bother him but my chosing to stop acting like a whore and to act like a wrestler?  He couldn't handle that.  I was never cut out to be barefoot and pregnant at home while some man brought home the bacon.  Tonight....Tonight...{she stops and then looks up} "Tonight I am going to begin a change."
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