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Justin ppv promo

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:38:03 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-27-2010 8:25 PMCopy HTML



The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~ Paralyzer|| MComments ~ submission? ;-) ||
{{{Justin is in the gym.  The ring is still echoeing from his running drills.  He is now hitting the heavy bag, but not like a boxer, more like a kickboxer.  He does several hits before a spinning back fist.  Although he keeps the traditional bob and weave of a boxer.  He practices his kicks before going to work on the wooden man.  Jagger comes in and catches the bag as it does its final backswing.  He's workout is current on a high impact.  Jagger pauses and watches as Justin goes through his practice routine.  Justin feels his presence and spins backward.  Jagger barely moves quickly enough, almost taking spinning back fist to the head.  Justin's breathing is somewhat labored as his eyes come into focus.  He then focuses on Jagger}}
Justin:"Sorry."  {He bounces back and forth on the balls of his feet and grabs a bottle of water and takes a drink} "What's up?"
{Jagger turns toward the camera crew.}
Jagger:"PPV promo time."
{Justin pauses to stretch before starting to cool down.}
Justin:"Five minutes."  {He checks his pulse and starts to slow down} "Okay," {pops his muscles and goes to set on the ring apron}  "It's Monday, Knighthawk.  In less than a week, you and I go head to head for the International title.  It's my destiny to win this title.  That my sound like cockiness but its not.  I made a promise to my Uncle that I would do this.  If you were a man of honor, you would understand....then again, it was your grandfather who took my aunt, uncle, and baby cousin from me and you say your destiny is to finish what that sick fuck started?  Your grandfather isn't a man to be idolized!  The sick bastard is a baby killer!  I am so close and as much as I want to fulfil my promise to my Uncle Chris, I look forward to injuring you Knighthawk, so much in fact that I'm begging that my other uncle, Drew to be handcuffed to your half-brother Vlad.  Drew might not be as tall as your partner in crime, but he's scrappy and a predator.  He waits for an opponent and strikes.  Mostly he prefers to work alone but like the wolf that he takes his name from, you attack a member of the pack and the whole pack attacks back with pure force, strength in numbers so to speak.  After talking with my family, consider me the Alpha Male.  Your family made several attacks on my family. You kidnapped and attempted to brutalize my mother, {he's started to get angry. his eyes flash} "you defend the man who killed the man who raised me, who taught me how to be a man, my uncle,I am going you defend a man who probably brutalized my aunt, you defend a man, who tortured and killed a six year old child! {he turns and slams a knife edge chop into the wooden man and snapped part of it off.}  CJ was only 6 years old!!  What kind of psycho does that?  A defenseless child?  No, {he is shaking in rage and Jagger is now gritted his teeth, also pissed} your grandfather wasn't a hero.  He was a monster!  He destroyed everything he touched and in the end.  {shakes his head} He got his wish.  He believed he was a prisoner of war and won the right to be hung like Saddam Hussein.  Now, when it comes down to this match, Knighthawk, I will throw everything my uncle taught me and then some.  This is more than a match, this is a war.  Ozzy was right about that.  So call me the career killer.  When you step in the ring with me, I will finish with my uncle's move set.....Fox Fire will be modified.  It won't end in a koji clutch but in Forever Fox.  I will rip your arm out of socket.  It will hang limp and useless as the life that your grandfather led.  It will be as insignificant as if it was completely torn off as if it never existed.  If I have the opportunity to scar you as well as mutilate you then I will do so. Hopefully Frankie or Sly will find the need to make this a prison yard match because if there was ever a reason for a match of this brutality it is this one.  You're career will be over because legally I can not take your life.  {He exhales deeply and then stares up at the camera.  Brown eyes flashing with anger and unmitigated malice} "I have never wanted to destroy someone so much as I do you, Knighthawk.  I have put my affairs in order in the event things go the way they almost did when my dad was in a match of this caliber.  The rage and hatred I have for you wasn't in my father and uncle.  Just rage and jealousy because my uncle didn't believe my father was good enough for my mother.  I could think no other way to vindicate my uncle that to punish the grandson of the man responsible for his murder.  We didn't get to get any time alone with Ozzy or even a member of his crew.  Or more blood would have been spilled.  You are nothing more the progeny of a Charles Manson style lunatic.  This is so much bigger than the International title but I could think of no other way to earn it.  I have never been more honest in my life, Knighthawk.  Whether I win or lose, I will destroy you.  My promise to God, Knighthawk, I will destroy you." 
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!



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