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Jayden ppv

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:40:36 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-29-2010 10:00 PMCopy HTML

__.xxJayden Hartley
JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
info goes here...
{Jayden is in the house show arena gym.  She's working hard.  Sweat is glistening off of her and she seems a little annoyed to be interrupted or not we do not know}

Jayden:"Alot of shit went down at Extreme the other night.  I'm not going to bitch and complain.  {she looks like she's about to smile}  "Lacey must be getting a little worried.  I said I would beat Joe Daddy and I did.  I've been working hard and Lacey comes out and attacks me.  What's the matter, Lacey?  You are so sure that you are the Queen Diva around here?  Hmmm, you sure don't look like Whitney Marrett?  Then again maybe it's because you're not.  Why don't you place both of your hands on your shoulders and pull down until you hear a loud pop.  That's your head coming out of your ass.  You are simply delusional to think that you are anywhere in her league.  Whitney is the only one walking the halls of an SEF building who can call herself dominant.  She may be retired and working as the owner of SEF but unlike you, she earned it, yet she didn't throw it around as if it was some generic thing you could pick up at Wal-Mart.  It's true we all come here to be great, but like Mack said, you don't walk into SEF great.  You work your hardest, you bleed, you sweat, and in some instances you cry.  That's how you make it in SEF.  Unlike you and your friends, Lacey, I have let go of the past.  Hell, I even went to confession.  The priest dropped the bible a lot and I felt like Madonna in 'A League of her Own," but after about a million hail marys and our fathers, I feel right with myself again.  I have let go of the past, especially now that Steve and Amy are out of here.  I can focus on moving forward.  One win isn't going to make me a superstar over night but a win is a win, especially when it was a clean pin.  I will continue to work my hardest.  I also see that in this battle royal at the ppv that Hayden, Dusty, and Jade are in this match.  I know that they will be after me.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  Granted, I'm not the only one who wants a piece of the whole dynasty divas.  I'm about to go out and have a match tonight on the house show.  Some guy, not some one I am familar with, but I'm preparing no matter who it is.  I am just hoping that my momentum will continue into the ppv.  Now, if you'll excuse me.  I have to go."
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