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Night Off

Started by Daddy Mack, September 30, 2023, 08:25:06 PM

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Daddy Mack

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  • Register:10-21-2008 9:55 PM
Date Posted:07-07-2010 10:22 PMCopy HTML

So we open up backstage to a small locker room where Shane Mack lays on a leather sofa in a black Good To be Super Shane Mack t-shirt available exclusively through the SEFZONE merchandise catalog on SEF's website or at any stand at the events. Ok then, he wears blues and his bandana it looks like, barefoot and turned over with his back to us and he possibly may be sleeping. Shady Smack sits on another sofa to the right of that one and drinks a Sapporo while smoking a blunt and in walks Samantha Winters in short white low cut dress. She walks over and looks at Shady who looks up wide eyed and guzzles down his beer, then sets the blunt in the ash tray and jumps up trying to look under her skirt. Samantha swats at him and says.
No, damn it, sit down you horny lil bastard!
Shady snickers now and grabs his blunt leaving her alone. Samantha sits down on a chair and looks over at Mack saying.
Excuse me, Mack, you awake?
He moves and Shady does some crotch chops at Samantha and winks. She laughs and asks Mack again.
Are you awake or should I come back-
She's cut off by Mack who doesn't turn over and just says.
What do ya want?
Samantha just says.
Thoughts on your match this Sunday!?
Mack says.
I have the night off, ask Shady about his match.
Samantha looks confused and Shady does more crotch chops as she says.
But your facing-
Mack cuts her off.
I know I am in a fatal four elimination against Joe wannabe Daddy, Knighthawk, and Vlad and should I win they all get fired and get the rest of July off, so like I said, I have the night off this Sunday in preparation for a couple weeks off, now go take care of Shady.
Samantha just smirks at the response of downgrading his opponents who deserve nothing more really until they show it. Shady jumps up and motions to Samantha who says.
Well I don't know, I guess height shouldn't matter, right!?
She looks kinda devilish and Shady hops over the sofa motioning to a bed behind one of those standing curtain deals, like what people change behind and shit, whatever, fuck off. Samantha makes her way over and moves to the bed laying back on it and we can see the shadow of her spreading her legs and saying.
Look, no panties!
And Shady comes diving burying his face down there, Samantha shouts out loud and then Shady sits up between her legs and makes some movement as if taking his pants down and Samantha soon exclaims.
Oh my god, you're a big midget!
And she proceeds to scream some as Shady gives it to her, the camera moving around and Mack just lays there on his sofa. The camera reaches moves forward and a hand reaches to the blunt grabbing it and Mack says.
If ya wanna take that and run go ahead bro, I got plenty. Doubt ya wanna stick around here and listen to those kids!
And we soon see the blunt gone and the camera moving out of the room and soon the view fades to black.

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