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Jayden Extreme 176

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 08:51:11 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:07-11-2010 7:26 PMCopy HTML

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__.xxJayden Hartley
JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
info goes here...
{Jayden is in the gym working out when the crew comes in}

Jayden:"Hey Sam, give me a minute okay?"


{Jayden finishes a few more tricep curls before plunking it back onto the rack.  She wipes her hands and face on a towel before opening a Dasani.  She takes a drink and drapes the towel around her neck and comes forward}

Jayden:"Thanks for coming."


Jayden:"This week I have my arch rival Jade Hart and a new girl Ashlee Madden.  You know I don't know much about Ashlee except that she came here to get her priorities straight from a partying past.  Yeah, I guess we do have some mutual respect there but really in this match, Ashlee, all I care about is seeing Jade Hart beaten and bloody.  So whether its you or me I don't care.  As for winning the match, I do care about that.  Each win is another step closer to the ultimate goal of cutting the head off the monster.....The head being Lacey and the monster being the Dynasty Divas.  They think they are so much better because they are all third generation, or in Dusty's case she's only legit as a second generation, although she likes to lay claim to the Fox Family heritage even though she's only a step-daughter.  I even got a house show call sheet this week and Dusty, you are in my cross hairs.  {She smirks} Yes, I said it.  Run that back home to....oh that's right.  He's no longer apart of the group.  Scotty ran him off a long time ago.  I know how that catch phrase belonged to the man you called Daddy for so long.  We all have our secrets don't we, Dusty?  I learned a lot from Gracie and I do think she may be negotiating to come to SEF.  Tremble because you think you're hiding behind Hayden from Taryn?  Hayden can't stop Gracie.  I bet that Lacey couldn't even stop her.  Champion or not!  Now guys I have to get back to training.  I have a dynasty to destroy."
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