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universal6 star tag team

justin extreme 176

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 08:55:09 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:07-11-2010 9:55 PMCopy HTML

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
Justin &Camaro vs Loki & Hayden
All read-oh and for the record Ash is talking to his wife not some random chick. Oh and JC Katana is Justin's wife.
Justin Extreme 176
People Mentioned
Tarnished Legacy/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin has just finished an MMA workout with Ash.  Ash headed toward a tall honey blond.  Justin stretches and watches the flat screen replaying the promos for the week.  He chuckles softly as Lucas really gets into his spiel.  He opens a bottle of Propel Lemon and drinks while it goes through everything and shows Johnny Camaro talking about him and the comments made by his commentator}

Justin:"You know Camaro, you amuse the hell out of me.  Granted I am still greatly amused by my brother talking out of his ass, making excuses for the times that he's failed in his quest for kind of impact in SEF.  Now Camaro, you talk about shower of haterade.  Interesting how you'd chose a term straight out of the 90s, but maybe you are reliving the heyday of your teenage years as a way to throw people off, playing mind games like a pro.  I hope this is so because I don't have to like you to work with you.  I've worked with Riot in the past and I think he's a pretty sick bastard.  He's nothing like his brother or even his father.  I have even worked with Jayden and I don't like her but she's at least trying.  Camaro, you talk a lot of shit but its a different kind of shit by brother spills.  You said you trained with 5 different wrestling schools and paid your own way through.  Now that's commendable, especially since you gratuated.  True, {rolls his eyes} Lucas wants to talk about how you are brain dead and think you are me.  I didn't have to pay my way through school.  I'll be honest.  I didn't have to pay money to train with anyone that I trained with.  I did shed a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.  I was expected to put up the ring, hand out flyers, sweep the gym, hang up posters, and what not to earn my dues.  I didn't have to but I did it to prove that I was no better than anyone else....granted those kind of dues didn't really get imposed upon me until I went to Japan a few years ago.  I freely admit when it comes to what I was given, I was a spoiled brat.  I did have things handed to me, just like my brother did even though he likes to pretend that he worked harder and paid more dues.  So in a lot ways, I admit that I am still paying dues.  I am still learning.  That is why I have said before its why I came to SEF.  To rise to the top of this company is a constant battle.  You can never relax because there is always someone there to challenge you for your spot.  I know that I do not know much about your background but my background is out for the world to see.  SEF even has it up.  So I try not to brag when SEF has set my past in stone.  If you are the man you say you are, Johnny then we could make a great team tonight in this match.  You may even be an eventual opponent for my International title.  After your showing with Mack at the ppv, its more of a when rather than an if.  As for tonight, we both like to win.  The only advice I have is not to take Hayden lightly.  If she wasn't up Lacey's ass then she'd be after the International title or the t.v. title instead of walking around with those phony tag belts.  I'm surprised that Lacey hasn't been around.  It makes me wonder if what Mack told the divas about sucking up to Lacey didn't cause them to snap and take her out before she had a chance to go after Strife.  It's more likely that Lacey has been in Calgary busting her ass to face Strife tonight.  {He smiles} See Camaro, I don't have to agree with method to not be able to respect the effort that it takes to get you there.  I respect the dedication Lacey had.  She trained with one of my closest friends under Bret Hart to get where she is today.  She trained alongside a man under a man.  Her current methods, {he grimaces} not so much.  Hell if it came down to three or four guys attacking my sister  I can gurantee Knox would be there to back her up.  Our brother, he's a loose cannon who can't be trusted.  I could see myself in that situation helping Knox bat clean up to save my sister even if it would come back to bite me in the ass later.  This is how I see our match tonight Camaro.  I have to team with a man I'm not familar with againist two people that would cut my throat if they had a chance.  So I am wary of everything about this match.  Hopefully, as my uncle used to say, "Prove me wrong."

"Hey Justin?"

{Justin looks up to see the honey blond holding hands with Ash}

Justin:"Yeah Maegan?"

Maegan:"Ready to get our not so much older aunt and uncle out of the battle dome and head to the arena?"

{Justin chuckles and gets up}

Justin:"Let me catch a shower first.  I'll call Katana on the way."


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