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Lucas Rodgers:Shooting Blanks (Johnny Camaro Thread)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 30, 2023, 11:13:33 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:17/07/2010 7:42 PMCopy HTML

Morrison1.gif Morrison 1

"Muffled Words from an Ass Face"

Out of Character: Sorry. Vacation without a computer
Camera fades in as Johnny is in a studio somewhere. He is looking handsome and renewed.
"If there is something that I will never let go off, it is dog/house-sitting for my sister. she has this tiny ass thing. Its like year old and it looks like a ball when it sleeps. I don't care if I'm feeding my opponent Luc Skywalker some material to bash me. He hasn't seen how awesome that dog is. Obviously, some of the people in the back have already seen the dog and I have been getting complements from people because I was walking around with it. They said Johnny, you really are a great guy. You show that even men can have small and pretty dogs. You show that even men can be sensative, and that manlyness doesn't mean only big and strong physically, but mentally. Of course that was from one of my diehard fans, he's like that dude that did [It cuts to a video]LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!![cut back to Johnny] Ya that dude. Nevertheless, I must get into my promo, so I will end that off by saying...Saint Brenards are *hype-alaz."
*Hype-alaz- same as hype, but with a "alaz" at the end.
"Before I get into my actual promo, I want to first reply to some Fan Mail that was put on TV and YOUTUBE. Gavin, cut to it.

[It cuts to the promo the Dynasty Divas & The O'Bannons did]

Lucas"You're pretty fucking brutal, Riot, but if you want to see brutal see what I'm going to do to Justin and that fucking little spaz, Johnny Camaro.  Camaro, you are everything that I came to hate about Justin.....when I first started hating Justin.  You are a spastic little pretty boy who thinks his shit don't stink.  You think you can kiss my ass because Justin doesn't like you?  Newsflash, son, if Justin doesn't trust you?  I fucking despise you!  The two of you are so fucking much alike.  I don't know how I am not going to survive tonight without being arrested for murder."

"[Giant smile, he's holding back a laugh] Wow, you really told me. [He starts laughing at Lucas] You are just another little asshole who can't grasp that I'm not just a pretty boy, I am talented in the ring, I have more atheletic ability than you, and able to bring more pleasure to ladies than Shawn Michaels...Well, in the bedroom anyways. And besides, from day one I told everyone the do's and don't's when verbally attacking me.

1-NEVER EVER attack the ones I care about
2-ALWAYS follow rule 1
3-Rule 1 is always right
4-If rule 1 is wrong please see rule 3

Very simple rules. Not really all that hard. Very straight forward. Mack didn't get that at first. Maybe he forgot, I don't know. And ya, I lashed out at him, but I did for one good reason. He broke Rule 1. He disrespected Nikky Venom, someone who can't fight back because he's not here. Before our match, I found Mack and we talked it out. I forgave him for braking rule 1 and he forgave me for lashing out. That's as far as that went. So go ahead and slander me, just get facts straight first."

Next part shows.

Lucas:"Fuck that!  The little bastard spent two months away from SEF and then reaps the benefit of the effort Knox and I put in beating the hell out of Ash to waltz into a heavyweight title match with Mack?   You're worse than the has been you claim we are, Camaro. You are a never fucking was.  You are blind as well as deaf and dumb.  Why don't you delve into the SEF archives.  You, Camaro.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Why?  It's because you are disgusting, no talent, waste of space.  What was it you said? Five wrestling schools and martial arts training?  What the fuck, son?  Did you prostitute yourself out and sweep the floors to get in or are you lying to try to kiss my ass or Justin's ass?  {evil laugh}  It's on our resumes that we have countless trainers and countless time training in the martial arts."

Another smile and a held back laugh.

"Two months, I have been gone for two months. I needed to refocus. I have done that, but I came back and I fought just like you did to get that title shot. I was the one beating Ash down. You sat back and let me do it, but when I pinned. I guess I need to jump in now. Although, you need to hype yourself up here just to seem relevant. So for that I forgive you. As for this hasbeen thing, I never called you that, I was completely neutral. I hadn't paid attention to you at all, before you came back I never knew you existed. I gave you the reckonition of being a vet and I was amped you were fighting me. I was amped that maybe you would give me some advice after the match. I already went over how I did have talent and I showed you at Extreme, the schools and training were my proof to you that I actually am talented.  If you took it the wrong way that's your problem, not mine. I don't believe I actually said I was in 5 schools anyway Lucas. I was in 4, I trained with Matthew Crosslin privately. So again get your facts straight."

Johnny lets his smile drop and now its just a grin.

"Oh and Hayden, Lucas, usually the ones to make gay comments are the ones that are gay. Now moving onto my promo.

With that comment made Johnny's smile grows again, soon he starts laughing and he calls cut. The camera fades out.

Johnny is backstage and a camer turns on, you see that he's on his cellphone telephone.

Ya man, if you need to know about Platinum Greatness just tell me when and where...Ya...Ya...Well i have a few classic items to show you so we need to actually do this in person...Ya....cool....alright.....uh-huh...cool, peace." Johnny closes his cellphone telephone and puts it in his pocket. He pulls out a book and right something in it. Tonight at 9:00. Justin needs info on Platinum Greatness.

"I ignored it the first time Lucas." He is adding more into the book, not even looking at the camera, just acting as if Lucas was infront of him. "I ignored your gay jokes for the most part, only adding in a little joke. But your latest promo which I just watched, that's just bullshit. You claim that you are so great, that you are the Future. Well you are so great, you resort to making up lies, not just lies, but lies that are hundreds of trillions of miles from the truth. Its like swinging a bat at a ball that is being thrown to the dugout. That's a baseball analogy by the way."

Just like his mentor in beauty said He is jealous that you are far better looking than him and multi-talented. 

Gay jokes are so inappropriate. Lucas Rodgers grow up. That is what the only women who will go in the same building with him says every day. By the way Lucas, that women is your mom. That is the type of insult you use. Very terrible. So far Lucas, I have seen nothing from you. No talent anywhere! Not on the stick, not in the ring. You have nothing, you shouldn't be mocking me without realising your own shortcummings."
Johnny closes and puts away the book and looks up at the camera. He is by a vending machine now and purchases some Smarties. He pulls out the pen he used and signs it and holds them up.

"There. Million dollar Smarties. Some kid in the crowd will get lucky tonight. Need to find Mack, pre-match, and get him to sign this too." Johnny just starts walking back to his lockerroom and the camera man follows."Luc, you talk about how I got my ass kicked by Mack. Well I headlined a Pay Per View in a deathmatch against a master of deathmatches. I got a lot further than you would have. I still didn't win, but I got something better. I got to headline, I got to mainevent. I got to steal a show. I got to fight Mack in a deathmatch that will go down as the best match of 2010. I got to fight against Mack, and this time there was no bad blood. I started going on the path I was on before I left and Mack pulled my ass out of the flames that night. He reminded me what the massive cheers were like. He reminded me what it was like to be there only for the fans. Like a said last week, I was Mainstreaming and Showstealing. I was selling seats and carrying the show with Mack. For one night only. I felt that rush of adrenaline, I felt that high that Mack gets everynight from the fans." The fans in the arena start cheering loudly throughout Johnny's speach because he's putting Mack over. "The fans. The fans were all I needed to bring me back to solid ground. I wanted those cheers, that's why I did what I did. mack gave me those cheers. That's all I needed. So you say I got my ass kicked, I say I was given what I really wanted and needed."

The fans start chanting SHANEMACK...CAMARO...SHANEMACK...CAMARO!!!

"Lucas, you seem to think that I am on my last leg here. Well truth be told, I was -like I said- dog/house sitting. I would have responded but I forgot my video camera and cell phone. I came back for Extreme but I went right back. It wasn't that far of a drive anyway. But now I'm back and I will show you I moves never seen in SEF before. Its a submission called the Straightshooter. In fact, I think I will make you tap to it on Extreme. Just you wait. That's not all I'm introducing. I'm thinking the Physical Anhedonia will be in there at some point, and maybe a hint of Aneurysm. I need the newly improved Click Boom Tiger Crush in there." The crowd starts to die down but they still are cheering for Johnny. "To conclude this promo, Lucas you won't hurt anyone, let alone injure anyone. In fact, I have a feeling that I will be the one to stop it. And if Lucas attacks anyone that is cool with me, then I will jump in before anything bad happens. What I say is as good as gold, and I say that I will win this week." Johnny reaches his locker room and opens the door. "I love the song so lets go out again on Work To Do by Perfeck Stranga's"

The song starts to play and Johnny walks in. The camera quickly changes from the door to the symbol that was made for him. It says Johnny Camaro in nice handwriting and has a silhouette of him with his hands forming a diamond above his head and there's silhouettes of broken hearts all around it. The song finishes playing and the arena goes dark as the fans quiet down for the next persons promo.

        In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make-The Beatles
C H R I S T 
"I am Survival of the Fittest."


Daddy Mack

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Re:Lucas Rodgers:Shooting Blanks (Johnny Camaro Thread)
Date Posted:17/07/2010 9:46 PMCopy HTML

Shady comes running into the locker room where Johnny is and jumps up on a metal chair to spew out a rap.

Stop trying to bust a shoot and act all big and bad
You just a clown, a fucking joke, you like yesterdays fad
Mack never forgot shit or failed to get anything, so you get a clue
And get over the past, let it go, leave it be and accept it, get a new do
That one been played out and done a whole lot better, you still a poser
And I'm a drop you if ya dare to come a bit closer

Johnny just laughs at the midget and Shady leaps off the chair at him with a dropkick. Johnny dodges out of the way and Shady kicks into a locker and falls to the floor. He scrambles up to his feet and growls at Johnny who laughs and backs up saying.

Damn, don't bite, I don't know if ya got rabies or not!

Mack's voice is heard as the door opens.

He's had his shots, just kick him across the room like I do!

He walks in sporting a a Super Shane Mack shirts and blue jeans with the usual bandana and of course his title on his shoulder. Johnny just eyes Mack looking down sort of due to the lies he's constantly spilling out of his mouth about the champ. Shady kicks Johnny who turns to him and Mack rushes over with a punt to Shady sending him into a locker. He jumps up and runs at Mack who puts a hand to his head holding him back, then turns to Johnny all casual and says.

So kid, when you get over your issues, swing by and learn some shit, get to know me and let the world get to know you.

Mack nods to Johnny and turns to Shady saying.

And you, get the fuck outta here ya lil son of a bastard!

Shady stops and Mack lets him go, then gets a kick to his left leg and Shady runs out laughing and growling. Mack just shakes his head and says.

He's a funny little fucker, but hey, Johnny, just stop lying about me, ok kid or if ya wanna step to me again and maybe go full force for once, well, do it, but stop making yourself look like a joke. I hate to tell ya what to do and if being a joke is what ya want, well fuck, I'll let ya to be just that. I'll always be around to help ya either way, later.

Mack just swaggers out and leaves the room, he and Shady meet up in their room and kick back with a few beers.

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