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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Laying Down The Challenge

Started by NBD, September 30, 2023, 11:28:37 PM

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Date Posted:23/07/2010 12:18 PMCopy HTML

Sitting alone in his hotel room is Shane Mack, just relaxing and enjoying the moment of solitude he has before going to the gym or going to some event to represent SEF like only he can. Especially the live shows every Sunday, the crazy as hell late night parties hat always seem to happen around him and for how many years, nearly twenty. So yea, this moment of peace is nice and Mack enjoys, plus, it's a great time to cut a promo, so he finishes his Guinness Extra Stout and puts down the roach clip which holding the remains of a joint, though ya could only guess that considering it's a small speck of black ash. Mack just wears blue jeans and his bandana, nothing else, leans back in the chair against the wall, so the back of the chair is where is left arm rests. His right arm on the table near him and he brings that hand up stroking his rather bushy beard now and smirks, then lays his hand down and says.
Well here it is folks, the Hardcore Hotel is back and now for my first guest back I will be going one on one, verbally, with the owner of this company and someone very close to me, oh say, my old lady Whitney Marret and who knows what we may end up doing in that very ring my show will be held in!
He winks and moves his eyebrows up and down, laughing a little and says.
Anyways, it should be a hell of a show and that's all I really got to say about that, however, the Sunday after next I have my return in the ring wrestling and I have to defend my World Title as ya gotta do so every thirty days, at least. I usually do more than that unlike most, but I earned some time off, no one else has! As for this match now, a World Title match, well, I need an opponent and so it goes like this, my opponent will not be determined until the first match of that night is over. That first match will be a battle royal and here is the fun part, if your name is on the SEF roster, your in that battle royal, so Strife, Justin, Lacey, Johnny, Sterling, the O'Bannon's, the rest of Tarnished Legacy and Dynasty Divas, Grace Payne, Maegan Fox, Ashlee Madden, the new girls Kat Wylde and Jennah Hembrook as well as the new guys Shane and Cody Jericho, even Bethany Jinx if she ever gets off inactivity, hell, if Chris Orton came back in time he'd be in it and I wish he would. I need some fucking competition around here, but it seems like no one has the balls to step it up the level of SEF's standard, they all battle for who's the best bitch instead of who is simply the best which is me, like it or not ya all better learn to live with it or do something about it cause it is the best fucking thing going today, it is good to be me and so fuck you, go green cause Mack 420 said so!
He stands up and grabs a white shirt pulling it on and on the front is a big middle finger. Mack just pulls his long hair out from under the collar flipping it back, then picks up a bag from near the bed and heads for the door. On the back of his shirt a big pot leaf is seen and on top of it is MACK in red with 4:20 across the bottom. He opens the door and turns back stepping aside and says.
Alright, hop on outta here son and go film someone else, I got work to do!
And so the camera view moves out into the hall, Mack steps out locking his door and shutting it, then walks off down the hall and we soon pan to the floor before fading to black.

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