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universal6 star tag team

The Dynasty Corporation

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 12:24:43 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:23/07/2010 10:04 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 2/3/2007 4:01 PM
For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
carlycowboyhat.png picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Carly Anderson|| {{Dynasty Corporation}} || Carly Anderson||
{Carly sneers at the reporters who have gathered for the press conference.  Today she is dressed in a Chanel Business suit and Jimmy Choo heels.  She tosses her honey blond hair over her shoulder in disdain.  She pauses before placing her hands on the podium in slight disgust.  She gives them a scathing glance before speaking}}

Carly Anderson:"Due to Lucas Rodgers recent, {she pauses} exile from SEF, Knox O'Bannon has taken control of Shattered Reality.  As for the Dynasty Corporation Dusty and Jade will be in negotiations that could be quite physical for control.  As for the Dynasty Divas stable, Lacey is still in control of the stable.  Dusty is currently petitioning Lacey to be her lieutenant within the stable to keep the other girls motivated.  As far as Hayden goes, we have yet had any contact with her to confirm or deny if she is sitting at home protesting Lucas' expulsion from SEF or if she is in secret training because the quality of the opponents the Dynasty is being fed has increased dramatically with the recent signing of Maegan Fox-Silva and Gracie Payne.  The Dynasty Tag team champions defend their titles under Freebird rules.  At this time I am going to issue a statement of who is NOT going to be in this match.  Dusty O'Bannon is not going to be in this match.  She is in serious training to prove to Lacey that she has what it takes to be in the Dynasty by taking the offer that Mack has placed to find a new contender for his heavyweight title.  So as Lacey is more than capable of wrestling in more than one match a night then we still are keeping the people who will be in the match at Extreme on the down low.  It could be any combination of Lacey Daniels, the SEF's dominant diva or Hayden Smith-Rodgers or Jade Hart-O'Bannion.  Like it or not, the Dynasty Divas are still the top of the line when it comes to competitors who just happen to be female.  They have what it takes to rule any division that SEF has to offer.  Doesn't matter what anyone else claims, the Dynasty is going to start eliminating the people who are less than worthy to get in the ring.  This concept was stolen from the Dynasty by Grace Payne and Maegan Fox-Silva.  They have done nothing original in several years.  In fact, Grace has not even wrestled much over the last few years except on a few school vacations.  Her ring rust should be great and will be manipulated to its fullest intent.  This Sunday, Extreme will be a highly educational event for everyone.  The Dynasty will do what it takes to be successful even if it means stabbing family members in the back.  {she smiles slyly} In the wild, a wolf caught in a trap will chew its own leg off to escape.  Do Maegan and Grace?  The answer still remains unknown.  Maegan shares family ties on this side of the ring too.  Who's to say that she's only luring Grace in to be the sacrifical lamb to prove Dusty's dominance?"
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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