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The Fighting Foxes: Another Extree

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 06:34:28 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 2:25 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 2/3/2007 4:01 PM
For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
laura-vandervoort-from-stuff-magazi.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
|| The Fighting Foxes|| {{Gracie, Taryn, & Maegan}} || The Fighting Foxes||
{The Fighting Foxes: Taryn, Gracie, and Maegan are at an autograph signing in Biloxi, MS.  The cordinator calls for a break and their girls grab icy cold bottles of Kentwood Water.  Mississippi is undergoing a major heatwave and while the weather is in the 90s it feels well over a hundred plus degrees.  Their is a crew filming and Maegan nods to them and walks over to the crew}

Maegan:"You guys got a minute?  {they nod} Excellent!  Well Lacey, I can see that we are getting under your skin."

Grace:"First off, the Dynasty Divas aren't facing Maegan and Taryn.  They are facing Maegan and I.  Seeing as you like to flaunt you have a modeling career..."

{Gracie removes the wrap around her waist to pose in a white bathing suit}

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{Maegan starts laughing}

Maegan:"You aren't the only one who has a busy life as a model."

Gracie:"You know you guys better not leave me hanging."

{Maegan and Taryn laugh}

Taryn:"I can't believe you want me...us....to do this.  I wasn't much for modeling like you two were."

Maegan:"Are you a Fox?"

{Taryn nods}

Taryn:"Of course I am."

{Maegan removes her wrap and poses in a two piece}

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Grace:"Come on Taryn.  Show Lacey that she's not the only girl around here who kicks butt and looks good doing it."

{Taryn sighs and then smiles as she undoes a white shirt to reveal a red bikini}
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Gracie:"Now that we have all of the men's attention and that of our opponents.  I'd like you to realize that we wouldn't do this normally.  Lacey, you should pay more attention to what your call sheet says.  You are fighting "The Divine Diva" Grace Payne and Maegan Fox-Silva, not Taryn Fox.  Taryn has her own singles match which we have been working double time to help her be more prepared for than she has been.  The three of us have always worked better as a unit than we have in singles for the most part.  As for the Dynasty Divas?  How much time have you guys really worked together as a cohesive unit?  Dusty has never teamed with Lacey.  Jade and Hayden have teamed together but is Hayden even going to show up?  They don't even know.  What Maegan and I know is that Carly's attempt at trying to cause dissention..."

{Maegan shakes her head}

Maegan:"I know what they've been talking about for weeks.  As if, I would leave my husband to join up with a bunch of girls who can't even keep track of each other much less their ring work.  Of them all Lacey and Dusty are the only ones attempting to prepare and Dusty got lucky that Knox took her out of the equation because I know we would love to focus on her to break her down to where she says she'd quit.  That's the plan anyway.  When we get in the ring with Jade, Hayden, or Lacey, the person who we commit to working on, that person will not get lucky to have a pin to try to kick out of.  We are going for the submission."

Grace:"That's right.  Forever Fox is the key here.  It's our dichtomy.  We are going to thin out our competion as much as possible.  So the person who is trapped in Forever Fox will have to scream I Quit in order to get out of the hold.  We won't accept anything less."

{Taryn looked around}

Taryn:"I am actually really dissapointed.  It's Sunday afternoon and my opponent still hasn't made any indication if she has even arrived in Biloxi yet.  We've been here.  We've enjoyed the white sand beaches.  We've played at the Casinos and yesterday, {they all laugh} We spent the night roaming The French Quarter.  It's only four hours away and Gracie and I got hit on by a bunch of flyboys on leave from Keesler Air Force Base.  We woke up this morning and had breakfast at Cafe Du Monde after a sweet Trolley ride from my sister's home in the Garden District.  Last night was a perfect girl's night out.  We even danced on the bar at Coyote Ugly in the Quarter.  {shakes her head} I hope Ashlee pays attention that when we get together we do know how to party but we also can kick a lot of ass.  We even did some MMA training with Pit Bull in Houma at Body Elite.  I have to say, {she glances over at Maegan} They aren't as nice about mistakes as Ash is."

Maegan:"Pit Bull is a training ground for guys who want to be on the Ultimate Fighter reality show.  You wouldn't stiff Tito Ortiz in a match and get away with it, you won't stiff Cripps and get away with it.  He's a little guy but he is really is a pit bull when it comes to getting in the octagon."

Grace:"When you aren't used to training MMA then its easier to mess up.  {she preens a little bit since her dad has used MMA as a training tool for years} "So later tonight when we are in the ring we have the advantage despite not knowing who we will face because even though Lacey claims she can wrestle more than one match a night, it is highly unlikely that she will.  So we can safely assume that it will be Hayden and Jade.  This increases our likelyhood of winning greatly since we know them well."

{Maegan smiles}

Maegan:"So you are going to issue only one press conference and claim that I'm working with you?  Come on Carly, aren't you more created than that?  If Dusty is pulling your strings now I'm sure she can come up with something better than slandering me.  {smiles} Why don't you try to prove that you really have the suprise advantage?"
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.


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