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The Only Fail Is Sterling

Started by NBD, October 01, 2023, 06:45:04 PM

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 9:29 PMCopy HTML

So now this Sterling kid is claiming his words were his thoughts pouring from his head which in a way is sort of true except no one read his mind, he just doesn't get how this wrestling business works. Now he's trying to say Mack failed by trying to be like Hogan when in all honesty Mack has never been anything like Hogan. A fan base that loves him may be similar, but that's because Mack earned respect of his peers which are those he works with and those who watch him and many people have a cult of fans. SEF fans are generally his considering history with the company, but so what, he earned it all long before anyone today was ever even known to any of the fans who attend the shows here. So the only one who is failing is Sterling himself for thinking all he says is the truth when in truth is his own truth which is opinion and when it is not the way it is, it is thus a lie. Sterling can continue to deny all he likes that he never lied and that he isn't actually speaking, but those are both lies and everyone knows it to be true.
And so what if Mack shoots? At least he can do it without coming off as a liar like Sterling which in itself is a shoot! There is nothing helping him, no machinery to make people believe shit, so again, why lie about Mack? He never lied about anyone else here in SEF, least not anyone on today's roster. He has a past, he's done a lot, more than most his age and more than anyone in SEF today and until anyone else proves they have done as much, its all lies. Sterling has not proven shit and that is another shoot, something he has a problem pulling off, but as noted, everyone in SEF does.
In all honesty, there is no real hater nation, hell, no one really cares about who Sterling is as no one knows who he is, the problem of many in SEF, they all have identity issues and can't accept the truth which is all Mack states. He never once ran anyone down and thought he was above anyone, so where you get your information is wrong and its from your own conclusions from studying Mack, your have a lot to learn about the man and ya best start studying harder. Thus far, Sterling has got everything he has said about Mack, whether it was a dubbed promo or not and for all you who may not know what dubbed means. To cut a promo and record it later while you stand there motionless or sometimes are not even present. Anyways, Sterling has gotten it all wrong about Mack and apparently he has a problem with Mack being a straight shooter in and out of the ring. If he didn't, then there would be no rise coming out of him now. Try to deny it, but the proof has already been displayed. Maybe he is just jealous because he has no control in SEF, jealous that he'll never be on the level of Mack? Hopefully not, but he has a lot to prove if he expects to prove that he's not jealous, then again, he has a lot to prove to SEF in general if he expects to be somebody in this company. Will he do so, well, there is no truth or lie in that matter, it all depends on his passion to succeed and earn greatness, something he is a long a ways from and that is the whole truth, that is a shoot!

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