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Breaking it Down for ya! [extreme 179]

Started by Ashlee Madden, October 01, 2023, 08:22:05 PM

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Ashlee Madden

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Date Posted:31/07/2010 1:31 AMCopy HTML

AshleeMaddenTop.png picture by CPDesigns_74
Music: "Lil Freak"-Usher
OOC: Ok so this one is MUCH better than my last one! I effing love it! Sorry its so long...Theres alot of people in the match...I cant help it lol...Plus when you have two...maybe even the possibilty of three its hard to tie them all together and make it work.
Ashlee was getting sick and tired of all the comments being made about her. Everyone claiming they are the real ones speaking the truth. When in fact really every single one of them were lying to the fans and themselves. Ashlee felt like her and Mr.Sterling were the only REAL people in the whole damn building. As far as her getting all the predictable whore comments? or the fact all she had was her money? Well she was about to address all that right now. She was tired of assholes assuming they knew exactly who she was when obviously they had no clue. Oh well today they were gonna learn a little lesson about Ashlee Madden weither they wanted to or not. So the SEF Cameras were right exactly where Ashlee had told them to be. Her Strip Club. Yes Ashlee had a Strip Club. It was more of a high end one. It was dark and still the lights were tacky and flashy but the girls were more beautiful then most strip clubs and the patrons were nothing but high class clients. Back behind the massive stage Ashlee stood looking out on the crowd. She noticed the cameras and smiled and turned around as a girl in lingerie walked by and smiled and waved Ashlee waved back and then turned back to the camera.

Ashlee-Oh I see you guys have made it. Great. Well now normally I wouldnt think to cut a promo here but since Im really getting tired of people acting like they truly know me around SEF I decided this would be the perfect place to enlighten all the retards on the Extreme roster of just exactly who the fuck I am. First off let me welcome you to MY buisness. Yes you heard me right...This place...I OWN IT. Hell I worked in it for a year. Im not proud of it and I have no excuse for my actions besides being young and stupid. The old owner happened to be the biggest prick in the god damn state of California. He treated the girls like shit and this place was run down and honestly disgusting. So after breaking his nose and leaving this place to join the Wrestling Buisness I thought about buying him out. Did I? No. It took the falling out I had with Mr.Sterling and the other company I happened to be in to make me realize that I really had nothing but my money and my good looks. I mean My boyfriend had been a succesful buisness man, My father, and My Brother as well....Hell even my sister helps out with the family buisness from time to time. So I got a little help from my Brother Ryan and Sister Sky and well the rest is history I officially own this place. I cleaned it up. Threw the rif raf out and put some class in this place.

Ashlee grinned and looked around the backstage area of her little buisness with pride. She had really done it all by herself and had been proud of the job she had done. No one would have ever expected her to be able to run her own buisness and though her friend Belle did most of the work Ashlee chipped in when she was home.

Ashlee-You might wonder why I am telling you all this...Its mainly because I seem to remember Grace telling me I have nothing but my Sex Appeal and Family Name if not for my wrestling career. Look around you now. I have more than that. This place brings in a small fortune in itself and my girls are paid very well. Hell most of them used to work with me before. Now of course the whore comments are gonna start up. They always do. But believe it or nto just because a girl is a Stripper does not make her a whore. Some girls really dont have much else of a choice.The economy is pretty much down the shitter as it is and this is the easiest job for most of them to get. Most of them have mouths besides themselves to feed or other people they help take care of. Working with these girls made me appreciate my life more and well I guess made me a little less cold. I make sure each and every one of them gets taken care of and isnt treated like a classless whore. So yeah...Keep on talking about how stupid I am...Keep on talking about my lack of a high school education because obviously that doesnt mean shit. Being smart, classy, and multi talented pretty much runs through my veins. But since we are on my high school days. Let me first be clear in saying once again I really didnt give a damn in high school...I did stupid shit and ran the street but seriously I bet 90% of the SEF roster did the same thing. As far as Gracie being better than me for going to College? Meh..I talked to Sky and she said its not all that great. Who cares some people just dont go to college it doesnt make them any lower than someone who did go to College...Geez Gracie have some class.

Ashlee walked further backstage passing girls in all kinds of interesting, yet scantly clad outfits. They all smiled at her and some even high fived her or winked at her. Ashlee blew a kiss to Belle one of her best friends and the manager who had a clip board and was trying to maintain some order backstage. She just smiled and waved before going back to her work. Ashlee then headed to the back office and opened the door letting the cameras follow her inside before shutting the door. She pulled her skirt down just enough where she could sit on the edge of the desk in the room.

Ashlee-Well I figure its almost showtime and it tends to get a little crazy and wild backstage. I guess I could respect the place and keep it PG-13 for all the "virgin eyes" that seem to run around the SEF halls. Plus we can get down to the real buisness. Extreme. Coming up on Extreme I have three matches. Yes it is true. It will be a tough challenge but I realized I can handle it. Not at first of course. Honestly I was seriously debating weither or not I was too good to show up for the battle royal. I mean why in the hell would I care to put myself through three matches just to get to Mack? Im not that desperate to get his attention though I seem to have gotten it already. But I guess I will get to that later, because first I feel I need to start with Grace Payne once again. Grace you run around the hallways acting like you know everybody. Acting as if you are the best. Acting as if you have even the slightest chance in hell of beating me. Well sweetheart, you dont. You mention brilliant doctors that arent perfect like House? Um dollface did you have your head knocked around one too many times in your many little training sessions? You do know House is a fictional character off a fictional show? Yeah...and your the one with the degree..Oh excuse me Degrees. Maybe you should go to whichever panzy in your family is the neurologist and get checked out because obviously the lines between reality and tv are being all screwed up in your brain. As far as you even coming close to "Michael Phelps" in your little swimming exercises. Get real. I bet he would just want to punch you in the face for saying a statement like that...Hell I know I do...and it gives me such great satisfaction in knowing come Extreme I will get to do just that.

Ashlee sighed and looked down before looking back up at the camera she rolled her eyes and pretended to start picking at her perfectly manicured nails that were polished a light pink. She looked back up at the camera and tugged on her skirt a little bit before crossing her legs and rolling her eyes.

Ashlee-Oh and the drinking comments have got to stop. I mean really its starting to sound like a broken record. I mean come on. I like to drink every once in a while big deal. Im twenty-three years old. I aint getting any younger Grace and unlike you I wanna live my life before I die. If I die tomorrow hun I wanna know that I have more to show in my life than training and a couple degrees that you probably earned off the internet. I wanna know that I had fun. I wanna know that I lived every day like it was my last. Not spending all my time training like you. You strive so hard to be so great and amazing and still you always come up short...So what do you do? You train harder and harder and it still doesnt amount to nothing. Do I train? Yes. Obsessivly? No. I train to the point when I know that I have done the very best that I can do. I dont push myself to a false high that I know I cant achieve. Hell I trained myself how to fight for the most part. Then I got a trainer and now Im lucky to have Jonathon who happens to be teaching some more skills to me that I probably might have never learned any other way. So I know Ms. Grace when I beat you you will feel just like that weak bitch you call a sister or cousin...Taryn...Humilated that all your hard work and hours and hours of training amounted to NOTHING against me.

Ashlee hopped off the desk and stood up putting one hand on her hip and smirking. She just stood there for a moment as if thinking what she should say next. Then she shifted her weight a little bit and cleared her throat before continuing on.

Ashlee-I suppose thats enough of that. We arent even close to being done. Blame it on whoever decided to book me in three matches. Although I do have to thank them for it. It gives me a chance to address all the damn haters of the SEF locker room and also gives me a chance to shine brighter than any of them ever could...And its only like my 4th match. Its just...beautiful. Now hang on...Wheres my god damn list at...You'll have to excuse me theres so many nobodies in the match I had to write everyone down jsut to make sure I forgot no one. I know how disappointed people would be if I just left them out. I know everyone pretends to hate me yet they still hang on every word I say.

Ashlee leaned over the desk and when she did she didnt notice the camera getting a shot of her ass. She eventually found what she was looking for and leaned up smiling. She looked down at the piece of paper before looking up noticing her camera man straightening the camera up acting like a little kid that just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Ashlee rolled her eyes.

Ashlee-Geez and no wonder I get called a whore. You bitches are filming me like Im some god damn porn star. Please I have more class than that. Im a god damn Madden. My father and my brother both are in Forbes top 100 list. Im pretty sure my amazingly talented boyfriend "The Greatness" Mr.Sterling is in there as well. Have a little bit more respect for "The Platinum One" than that. Anyways moving on...My list says first Oh yay! Ash Silva. Ugh you make me hate my nickname of "Ash." I feel like you are degrading that name for all of us who actually matter with any name resembling that one. Wait...Isnt Ash like Pikachu's master? Hahaha...Seriously when the cops tase you do they go like PIK-AHHH-CCCHHHUUUU?! Because seriously that would be FANTASTIC! Well I have exhausted alot of breath on you and your whole entire family as it is but it seems like you guys are just like cockroaches. Squish one and yet there still are more or your just so hard to fuckin get rid of. You take your pick. I enjoyed watching Mr.Sterling kick your ass at least twice and now I guess I can enjoy kicking your ass now too. Im not pushover Im not afraid to fight anyone. I never back down and never quit so even though alot of the competition are men its not gonna stop me from being able to hold my own in that ring.

Ashlee then held the paper back up and pretended to squint looking at the next name on her list for the battle royal. She just shook her head again and pinched the bridge of her nose before brushing her hair back behind her shoulder and putting the paper back down.

Ashlee-Ok so next it seems to be Cody and Shane Jericho. Seriously if they have any relation to Chris Im gonna stab myself in the eye with a spork. Serioulsy I think we have enough people in this place claiming to be related to someone in the buisness I dont think we need anymore. As far as these two yahoos go...Well I dont know much about them but so far it seems like all the two idiots know how to do is fight back and forth over who is better or drama that nobody gives a shit about. Hell Im pretty sure they will be too busy bickering like they are married to even focus on the match. Yep easy to just toss their asses both over the top rope myself or just let them toss each other out. That would be just convinent. Im all about convinence. Just ask anyone. Well I guess we can move on to the next ones. Speaking of another pair of talentless family members...Why my list seems to have Maegan and Taryn Fox...What a fucking suprise. Now Maegan I dont know much about you other than your Ash Silva's little "wifey" and you claim to be just like Grace with some sort of degree in something I could give two shits less about. The other thing I seem to be remembering is that Ash said that you were specifically coming here to take out "Hos" like me. Now Im not a ho or anything but it seems like a popular name for me around the halls of SEF when I have a boyfriend and stick by his side but anyways. I also remember telling you that I would be more than happy to roll out the welcome mat for you and I will. Im just glad I finally get to smash your face into it...Well maybe not a welcome mat but I would just love to be the bitch that throws you out of the ring and right on the mat below straight on that so called pretty face of yours. Really I guess you must be smart because thats really all you and your family have going for you. Which leads me to my next little girl. Taryn. Now Im pretty sure I have already beaten you and wasted enough breath on you. Now I know I can talk a lot of shit but if you havent noticed little girl I happened to have backed up every single comment I have ever said. I bet that just sucks...Tell me Taryn? After you lost to me...Did you cry? Oh I bet you did. Your just about that pathetic. Taking you out was a breeze. Hell I felt it was more of a warm up than anything else. Just like Im pretty sure little Miss. Grace is gonna be a warm up match. Thats all you and your family are good for anyways. Im done wasting breath on you and your whole entire family. Espically Grace. Im just gonna show her more of what I can do and shut her mouth up hopefully for good but Im sure you guys wont just go crawl back into a hole somewhere and leave me the fuck be. No that would be too convienent.

Ashlee held her arms out and shrugged before laughing to herself and looking back down at the paper and sighing before looking back up at the camera.

Ashlee-So moving on we have Dusty and Knox O'Bannon. Havent really had much of a pleasure in getting to know these ones. All I know is they wanted me and Mr.Sterling to just hop on their bandwagon and join forces as if we are some cheap knock off of the justice league or some shit. Well I guess they found out that just isnt our style. I have taken plenty of lessons from my sister and honestly there are very few indiviuals I trust and you two have given my no reason to trust either of you. Obviously you havent gave Mr.Sterling a good enough reason to either. You blew your chance with us and you deserved to be left high and dry Knox. As for your Wife Dusty...Which Im pretty sure was the name my Grandmother gave to her yappy little poodle...Well her and her "Dynasty Divas" are pretty much just as much of a joke as "The Fighting Foxes" which sound more like a high school football team than a group of serious female fighters. Now I know Dusty holds a tag title or something and I have noticed she hasnt really had much in the way of competition to take that away. Like I said none of the champions in this place truly have. Now Im pretty sure you two will team up and try to take people out together and Im pretty sure Dusty will all but hand you the title shot if it came down to it...Pathetic in my book but whatever she can go back to her group of skanks and pretend like they mean anything. Just because their little group is the "Dynasty Divas" doesnt mean they are all high and mighty and mean anything important in this company. I treat them the same as I do everyone else. Just another douchebag who cant beat me. Oh My god this is starting to get on my nerves...I still have quite the little list left.

Ashlee rubbed her temples as if she were getting a headache but she just looked at the list and continued to go down it.

Ashlee-Awww we now have the sweet couple of Jennah Hembrook and Katherine Wylde. Now I have nothing against bisexuals because hello we are in a strip club half the girls that work for me wish they could make out with me every day. I cant help it Im hot. Anyways my point is...Im not gonna bash you for being what you two are because quite honestly I dont bash anyone else for being straight. Its stupid and childish and this is 2010 times have definitly changed. Now do I feel either of you deserve to be in this match? Hell No. Katherine you bombed against Taryn worse than anything I have ever seen before. As for your girlfriend? Well She hasnt even been around yet...Sheer stupidity on Managements part for even thinking either of you deserve even a SHOT at getting to Mack. Katherine you are no better than anyone else in this building talking trash about my high school education once again I will state that has NOTHING to do with the ass kicking I will probably give you and your girlfriend both. So I think it would be wise to just hush your mouth or come up with some new material for me. Oh and please...Dont make whore comments those are way exhausted on me and quite honestly its a bit played out. I think thats pretty much all I have to say about that.

Ashlee then held up her finger as if telling the cameras to wait she took a bottle of water off the desk and opened it before taking a big drink and setting it down before straightening herself out checking her list and looking back at the camera.

Ashlee-Ok the next two on my list seem to be Johnny Camaro and Justin Rodgers. Oh yay me! Now Johnny you seem to remember me and Mr.Sterling from BGW and youyr the only one who truly recognizes us as Platinum Greatness. Which I thank you for being the only half way smart nit wit in the building. As for you thinking we are pricks? Wonderful. Go on and keep thinking that. Now as far as me remembering you in BGW Im sorry I dont...I was too busy obviously doing much greater things than you ever could do. Im pretty sure I will go on and do much greater things here as well. It seems like you do good half the time and the other half of the time you bomb. You dont deserve to go on and face Mack. As for you Justin? Well Im honestly thinking you wont have much of a chance in hell because if Geeks hadnt decided to interfere your title woul;d be around Mr.Sterling's waist and Im pretty sure you knwo that after the nice bloody message he delivered to you at the hands of those brass knuckles. Its really quite a beautiful classic weapon. I would think you would respect his choice in using it. I know I would have just loved to get a few shots in myself on you with them. Hey say! Maybe on Extreme...I just might get a chance to knock you out myself...Oh what fun! I really honestly cant wait! I get to single handed quite possibly take out you and your whole family and shut your mouths for good. Im super stoked!

Ashlee clapped her hands together and jumped up and down like a little kid all excited. She then got serious really quick and checked her last two names with a smirk before looking up at the camera.

Ashlee-We come to the final two in the battle royal....Lacey Daniels and Strife...Now Strife I really havent seen much of...He quite honestly is like a ghost around this place...Or maybe The Flash...Here one minute and gone the next. I really cant make much of a judgement call on him other than hes the lowest of the low in my book in this match and I dont think he really deserves me to utter more than a sentence about him. As for Lacey Daniels...Ugh this whore I really wish she would just shut her mouth already. You would think she would be mroe focused on her own title rather than Mack's. Im pretty sure its about to be taken away from her by that punk bitch Ares or whatever his name is. So hun I th ink your plate is a little too full to be worried about the battle royal...Im thinking the thought of you having your title taken will be too much for your little pea brain to register much else and in the end you wont be very focused at all and I will get to watch you go sailing over the top rope and then crashing and burning on the outside much like last week or so on Extreme. Really quite honestly I think thats all I have to say about the Battle Royal.

Ashlee took her piece of paper and crumbled it into a ball before tossing it behind her and hearing it land in the trash bin next to the desk. She thought about celebrating the awesome shot but then her thoughts went to Mack and celebrating went out the window.

Ashlee-Well I promise Im almost done. I continue on to Mack finally. Im glad you have picked up on the large amount of ass kissing that comes around this place...Hell it looks like your little buddy Ares there seems to be the biggest Ass Kisser of them all. As far as Jonathon disrespecting the roster? Who gives a shit?! We arent here to kiss ass or suck up or even really care weither anyone really likes us or not. We are here to win and prove ourselves which I think we are doing a hell of a job at. Sure I havent had that many matches but I have dominated both of the ones I have competed in and no one can deny that. Not even my opponets.I dont know what scares you more...The fact you might actually lose your title...Or that you might lose it to a 115lb girl. Yeah Im starting to think its a huge mixture of both. I will admit the odds are stacked against me on Extreme...Hell I t hink Im one of the only people in the match that doesnt have a "team" member to deal with. Quite honestly I thought it was a handicap but Im embracing it as a blessing and an advantage over the competition. You see unlike my opponets Im gonna show the world that I dont have to rely on Jonathon Sterling to win matches...Though they dont rely on him they all rely on someone else. I have two matches before I get to you Mack and I h ave alot on my plate. Though I dont intend to let it slow me down...Hell I have even quit drinking completly just to make sure I have no distractions at all or any  problems with stepping into the ring and doing whatever it takes to keep my undefeated streak alive. I will see all you douchebags and bitches at Extreme.

With that Ashlee ended her promo as Belle came through the door ranting about some kind of buisness. Ashlee just listened and began going over some paperwork with ehr in the office before looking up at the cameras and rolling her eyes before shoving them out the door of the office as the scene went black.

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