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Answering the Call

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 12:46:33 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:13/08/2010 5:24 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Past, Present & Futurevs Justin RodgersChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/AresTV Champion x1mmhmm ... lovin' it! ;)


The scene opens with Lacey Daniels on her cell chatting. She's relaxing on a sun lounger on the beach. She's looking amazing as usual and guys walking past are checking her out but she had her oversized shades firmly in place to avoid any eye contact and tries to ignore them all as she looks at the images that Knox has just sent to her.

LD: Oh My God! Damn Knox I'm good but I'm not a miracle worker!!
She laughs as she studies the photos closer.
LD: But hey I'll see what I can do ... she's obviously got some taste if she's copying my style so bring her down ... a bit of time away from everything might do her the power of good. Just so long as she knows I won't tolerate her shit for a second!
Lacey laughs.
LD: Yeah well why break the habits of a lifetime! ... Okay no worries ... oh and Knox at some point we need to sit down and discuss this triple threat match yeah? ...
Lacey nods her head.
LD: Good deal. Alright then ... can you put Dusty back on?
Lacey twirls a piece of hair around her finger as she waits for Knox to hand the phone over.
LD: Hey you!! ... I gotta bone to pick with you! ... What? ... You know what? What the fuck is up with you playing that song, huh? ...
Lacey laughs as you can hear Dusty laughing with her.
LD: Jeez I had a mouthful of juice at the time and I nearly sprayed it all over the guy sitting at the next table! ... Yeah he should be so lucky! ... What can I say, seems like everyone's got a sweet tooth at the moment!
She laughs again, enjoying the joke with her friend.
LD: Naw, course I don't mind. Not like my past is a secret, could hardly be that with so many people around who know me so well. And it's not like it actually means anything ... I doubt J really wants to jeopardise his marriage and I'm sure as hell not upsetting Chris for anything. I may be a lot of things but a cheater is not one of them, that's for sure.
Lacey nods her head as she listens to Dusty.
LD: Yeah true enough but that was then and this is now and I've worked too damn hard to get where I am today to let sentimentality get in the way of achieving my goals. I'll be honest Dust it ain't gonna be easy ... memories are hard to beat sometimes but hell I've moved on with my life and so has he. I'm with Chris and he's ... well ... you know ... I mean just look at him!
Lacey laughs.
LD: Oh yeah the total package ... yeah you better believe it!! ... And he treats me real good, so nope ... me and Justin are history and it's gonna stay that way ... let Maegan get her panties in a bunch ... again!! ... Let Katana spit feathers and throw threats around ... I'm a big girl and I can handle it ... as you well know there ain't much I can't handle!
Lacey giggles as she nods her head.
LD: I know!! .. I saw that!! .. .Can you believe that? ... Lil Gracie going all slut like over Johnny C of all people! ... And he's just totally ignoring her! .. .Jeez, talk about humiliating! ... I mean publicly throwing yourself at someone is one thing but getting no reaction at all from it ... yeah must be devastating!
Lacey has a concerned look on her face as her bottom lip quivers and then she bursts out laughing as you can hear Dusty laughing as well.
LD: .. .Ah we're such bitches!! ... Still someone should pull her to one side and teach her that's not how real women do it! ... Hell we wait for them to come to us!! ... Poor lil puppy ... how the hell is she going to team with him now? After he's embarrassed her in front of the world like he has? I mean even if he returns her feelings, don't you feel like it's too little, too late? ...  Oh yeah ... well looks like she's just made things even easier for you and Rob Rocco anyways.
Lacey smiles as she nods her head.
LD: Definitely gonna be a good night for us ... me bringing home the International title and either me or Knox getting a shot at Justin to become the No 1 contender ... and there may be a little surprise appearance too ... mmmhmmm ... yeah well the details need to be finalised but I'm keeping my fingers crossed ... yeah, well I'll see you soon honey ... take care, bye!
Lacey ends the call and tosses her cell down onto the lounger. She stands up and removes her shades and looks out to the sea. She gazes around her, knowing that every man there is ogling her and starts to make her way down to the waters edge. Before she gets too far, her phone rings and she turns to pick it up and check who's calling. She grins to herself before answering.
LD: Just the man I wanted to hear from ...
The scene fades to black

End of rp 3

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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