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Justin's extreme promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:50:47 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/08/2010 6:54 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
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{{{{{Justin and Katana slowly walk through the line.  He shakes hands with Talon who is in full uniform while his wife Lacey Greene-O'bannon hugs them both.  Once they are through, Justin has to leave for Extreme and the match againist Ash for the number one contenders spot for the SEF title currently held by Rick Reynolds.  Katana is quiet as they head back to the ranch.  She is a little surprised by a black hummer and a black suburban are parked just outside their gate.  Justin hits the button to unlock the gate.  The hummer crunches gravel as it pulls in ahead of their Dodge Ram hemi quad cab.  Katana frowns and plays with a necklace of St. Christopher.  Justin gets out to open the door for her.  All of the doors of the black hummer open as first a 5ft nothing slightly butch looking Latina gets out of the front passenger door.  She is followed by the driver a huge Puerto Rican who looks like an older version of Jayson Rage.  Three guys come out of the back of their hummer in tactical gear.  The suburban reveals Katana's father, Shawn, his detective partner Jacob "Jax" O'Bannon.  The back reveals Jax's son, Jake, a scrawny looking Latin kid, and a younger looking kid with bright blue eyes.  This team is in stark contrast to the other team.  Jeans, boots, and buttoned sports jackets despite the blazing heat.  The Beast and Rage glare at each other.  Justin just frowns.  He shakes hands with Chris and Kat.}
Justin:"I didn't expect you guys to fly out here."
Kat:"You said you needed a protection detail and here we are."
Justin:"Yeah, {he pauses} I get it.  Jay must have misunderstood.  I wasn't talking about Gracie."
Rage:"Then who the fuck were you talking about hommes?"
Justin:"I was asking for information about the time Max...you know....I was talking about bringing Katana with me and the time that Amie Jo arranged Max's kidnapping....I didn't want that to happen to Katana.  Knox isn't crazy stupid but whos to say that there are no deranged Dynasty Diva fans who would do anything to get the attention of Dusty and Lacey."
Shawn Matthews:"Which is why she called me! No one is going near my daughter."
{there is a beep and they turn.  A cute red camaro convertible is parked at the gate.  Katana takes the remote and opens the gate for her younger sister.  Justin and Shawn share a look of annoyance.}
Justin:"Okay so who are we bringing?  The entire Matthews family?"
Kat:"Chulo could protect herself if she didn't have to work."
{Shawn looks at Kat funny}
Justin:"Uh, {he shrugs} Did I mention that Kat likes tall women?"
Rage:"Well don't expect me to leave my best friend's goddaughter all alone if you're calling in a protection detail.  It's not like you have to only worry about crazed fans.  You have to worry about a group called the Triad and the head of the multi-tongued beast just happens to have his sights set on destroying you and Silva."
{Justin turns to him}
Justin:"IF Gracie was in any kind of danger do you think that it would just be the five of you and not the entire Hardcore Asylum?"
Katana:"I can take care of myself."
{Neither her father or husband pay her any mind}
Rage:"No, Johnny would have beaten me here."
Shawn Matthews:"SO thanks for the deployment but we have things covered."
{He and Shawn go nose to nose}
Kat:"To many cajones, {she shoves them apart} "we're a phone call away."
{they climb back into the hummer at Kat's direction and leave.  Katana folds her arms across her chest and looks at the two of them}
Katana:"I thought it was to dangerous."
{Justin turns to her}
Justin:"It is to dangerous but don't act like it was me who didn't want to come to Extreme."
{She frowns and tosses her hair over her shoulder}
Cheyenne:"Let's go pack your things."
{Katana gives into her sister and pulls her keys from her purse.  When the girls are inside Shawn turns to Justin}
Shawn:"This better not be what I think it is."
Justin:"What do you think it is, Shawn?"
Shawn:"A cry for help because your on the verge of slipping."
Justin:"If I was on the verge of slipping you'd be the last person I'd call."
Shawn:"Uh huh, don't forget I can make you dissapear..."
Justin:"No, you could kill me and make it look like an accident but dissapearing? Jennifer would roll on you for my dissapearance.  It might not hold up in court but she'd certainly talk to my mom."
Shawn:"Even so."
{He makes a motion across his throat.  There is a crunch of gravel and everyone turns with a hand toward the inside of their jacket.  Its a camera crew from SEF.  Jax reaches in the Suburban for a pair of binoculars and checks the passengers.}
Jax:"It's that big breasted interview chick."
{Justin shrugs.}
Justin:"I need to answer Rick Reynolds."
Jake:"Hire a PR specialist."
{Justin turns to him with a smirk}
Justin:"This is why you work DPS and I'm a wrestler, Jake."  {He opens the gate and they come through.  The crew comes in and sets up} "Sam, meet my father-in-law retired wrestler Shawn "The Beast" Matthews, {he gestures to the muscular older sandy blond} "Knox's cousin Jax, his son Jake, {he motions to the younger sandy blond and then to the younger ash blond with blue eyes} "My cousin, Lance Boudreaux.  The insanity that is running rampant in SEF right now in the absence of Mack and Whitney requires me to take drastic actions just to bring my wife with me.  The triad will not get past my father-in-law when it comes to keeping my wife safe.  {he stops and stares dead into the camera} "Yes, Lacey, despite some veiled attempts and comments to the contrary by Dusty, I am still very much in love with Katana.  Now you said something about me earlier, what was it?  {he reaches into his pocket and removes his phone.  he taps until he comes up with a transcript of lacey's promo} "You said you don't believe that I am as happily married as I claim and I am only with her because she is the mother of my unborn child.  Funny, I didn't use to be such an honorable man and Samoa claimed that I impregnanted her as well.  I wasn't so honorable when I was younger and certainly at first I resisted because my instincts told me that she wasn't mine.  Turned out that she wasn't but I certainly didn't dump Melody or didn't fly back up to Canada to try to get back with you.  I was young and stupid then.  I had some growing up to do.  Now I could have been an ass and dumped Katana the first time I caught you looking at me with lust in your eyes before I ever found out she was pregnant.  I didn't.  I even tried to stay friends with you and even give you the respect as a competitor that you deserve.  Now you want to play games? {he undoes his tie and opens his shirt} Does this look like I would leave my wife for you Lacey?  {he turns slowly.} How many tats do you see that have anything to do with you?  {he holds up his left hand} Focus on this?  {he moves the wedding ring up a bit} What does that say Lacey or Katana?  Katana.  {he points to his chest and a couple other places} The tats I have are for Katana and my godchildren: Danilella, Kaitlyn, Dante, and Christopher.  I had Kialaya's covered up because she is not my child.  I have rememberance tats but none for you.  Would I mark my body for all eternity if I wasn't serious?  {he shakes his head} I'm starting to wonder if you were always this petulant, Lacey.  Did you ever grow up or did you digress because I thrived without you and made my own happiness without you?  Maybe its because you have always gotten what you want and when I returned and Katana took maternity leave, you set your sights on trying to get back into my bed.  {he shakes his head} Not going to happen.  Even if my father-in-law wasn't standing near me, armed to the teeth.  He very literally could put a gun to my head and threaten my life to tell the truth and it still wouldn't be you, Lacey.  It's over and I'm sick of the games.  You are not the person I knew nor care to know any longer.  In fact, I hope Maegan tears you apart tonight.  Years ago, you and Maegan would have shown this match as a chance to try to one up the other to prove who the better competitor is or was so to speak.  Just as Ash and I will tonight.  Although, we did talk.  Shutting up Rick Reynolds has become my mission.  He is taking a step back on this match because he has his own agenda, his own title to look toward.  I will be going to Dogg Daze and my wife WILL be with me win I win the SEF HW title.  I want nothing but to have my wife to deliver safely and to be the new heavyweight champion.  After Ash and I tear the house down, then I move on to Dogg Daze.  Reynolds will never know what hit him."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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