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He's History!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, October 02, 2023, 05:19:32 PM

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Date Posted:17/09/2010 10:38 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
He's History!
  Justin Rogers, Lacey Daniels, Samantha Winters 
Here my roleplay!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene shows backstage interviewer Samantha Winters by Chris Orton locker room, and she putting on lipstick started knocking on the door, so Chris Orton voice is heard.

Chris Orton: Who is it?

Samantha Winters: It's Samantha Winters!

There was no voice coming from the locker room, so Samantha Winters knock again this time we hear Lacey Daniels voice.

Lacey Daniels: He's busy!

Samantha Winters: I want to ask him about facing Justin Rogers on Extreme tonight.

Chris Orton: Hold on second Samantha!

Chris Orton locker room door opens, and Chris steps out of his locker room a mix reaction is heard in background, so Samantha started speaking.

Samantha Winters: Last week on "Extreme", everyone saw you win a triple treat match involving Shane Jericho and Johnny Camaro, so how did it feel being out there since injury?

Chris Orton: Well, I guess you can say I felt pretty damn good since I got injury training hard being back in the best shape of my life, so I felt pretty good being back in SEF ring, and I'm going back on top in SEF very soon.

Samantha Winters: We saw you return attacking Justin Rogers, so why you attack him at Dogg Daze?

Chris Orton: This jerkoff been messing with Lacey Daniels who is my girlfriend, and he should know the past whatever they had is over, so Lacey Daniels is wearing a promise ring which I gave her. I plan on marrying her when the time is right, so what that means she is mine not his anymore. He wants to come back get in the ring with me on "Extreme" tonight, so I will put him down for good he's history.

Chris Orton goes back inside his locker room, and he slams the door locking it, so "Extreme" went to a commerical break.

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