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universal6 star tag team

~Not The Same As Last Time~

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 06:01:43 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:29/08/2010 7:39 PM
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Date Posted:19/09/2010 6:10 PMCopy HTML


CS-1.png picture by PureEvil2007
~Now this was something. She was back in the SEF. The place she debuted, the place where she was first really exposed to wrestling. The place she sat back and watched, as a newly married woman, week after week, back in 2003 to cheer on her husband. A place she decided to join alongside her husband the following year. A place where success had never been something she achieved. So why was she here? You'd think anyone with a standing record of ten wins and thirty losses would never show their face again. But maybe, just maybe, things will turn out to be different then last time.~

~It was shortly after her little confrontation with Jessica Winters in the hallway. Apparently Matt Matlock's newest and longest lasting piece of ass had decided to join him inside of the wrestling ring, despite weighing about as much as a the average bodybuilders warm up weight. She got pissed off when Christine told her to stay away, but Christine was only looking out for the girl. She'd need to beat some sense into her later on tonight.~

~The cameras had caught up with Christine now, who was drinking Gatorade, or some other sports drink. She smiled a sexy smile, and brushed her long hair aside, turning to face the camera.~

Well well, it seems the queen predator of the wrestling world has made her way back to the place she got her star. In case you skanks are too stupid to figure it out, that's me. My husband, Adam Smith, is considered the predator of the wrestling world. I'm the queen predator, the female huntress. And after all these years I find it hard to believe that SEF is still open, when so many other companies have gone under. That says something about the company, and how it's run. But you're all probably sitting back there wondering, why? Why in the sweet fuck would Christine come back to SEF? I was asking myself that question earlier. It's not that I never had a good time in SEF. But you look at my record and my title history, and it's not exactly up to par. But ever since I came back to the ring a few months ago, I've had a feeling that something was unresolved. I figured out that something was SEF and the fact I had never risen to the top as I should have. I'm a bit disappointed to see that there's no more Women's Division, and no more Whitney Marrett or Cassie Micheals to throw down with. I guess I can make due with the latest pack of women who think they're something.

Jessica, dear. Like I said to you earlier, Matlock's a pervert and known to be one of the biggest assholes in the world, in and out of wrestling. Associating yourself with him is a bad move, and marrying the man is even worse. But hey if I pissed you off, good. You come out to the ring and tie up with me and end up on your ass. You need to remember I was trained moreso by my husband then I was by your fiance', and I have that brutal hardcore influence that my husband instilled in me. I don't mind hurting people. You're still green and new to the business, and I can't picture you hurting a fly. I can't picture you wanting to hurt a fly. But come on and give me a try, I dare you to.

~Christine smiles sarcastically, and even blows a kiss to the camera. Obviously there was no love lost between the women of the former tag team champions. But what about the other two in the match?~

As for these other two bitches, it seems the trailer trash is in full swing in SEF and they're trying to recreate the Jerry Springer show. Grace Payne and Dusty O'Bannon. You two girls argue back and forth, talking about who married who, some bitch getting upset because some girl didn't go to someone's graduation, blah blah blah. None of it to do with wrestling? Don't fucking talk about it. The only thing that should be on your minds is this match, and me in particular. Out of all of you I have the most to gain in this match, and I'm the one with the most experience. I'm returning after years away and you think I'm letting trailer trash or Matlock's latest cunt get one over on me? Don't think so. I've been stepped on my entire SEF career, and it's time I stepped up and let the skanks know that they can't step on me. Dusty your husband is a big fucking pussy, and you look more comfortable with a cock up your ass then inside the ring. And Grace, all you probably think about is getting gang banged by the rest of your little stable there. I'm surprised either of you have the talent to even wrestle. But don't. Don't even try. Tonight just let the queen predator of the wrestling world, of SEF, pick up the victory like you know she's going to anyway, and save yourself from suffering the wrath of a woman. Otherwise? Well, it's gonna hurt. Badly.

~Not much else to say. From there the scene fades.~


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