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universal6 star tag team

The first match

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 08:18:20 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11/10/2010 11:31 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tao20Inoki20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
_xx.%Tao Inoki%.xx_

{{Demon Speeding by Rob Zombie hits the p.a.  The fans turning their attention to the ramp to see who is coming out.}}
gailkim1.gif picture by pegasusfeds10
{As the video plays a shower of red tinted pyro goes off and a woman comes out dressed in a black beaded backless top and black pinstripe slacks.  The video shows her working out.  She hops up on the apron, poses, and then climbs into the ring.  She gets a microphone from a tech, smiles, and then begins to speak}

Tao Inoki:"My name is Tao Inoki, {she pauses and then smiles) before the rumors get started, no I'm not related to the legend, Antonio Inoki.  The name is just a coincedence.  He is Japanese and I am half Chinese and half Korean.  Anyway, on to more important matters.  Matt Fox has asked me to come to the new SEF brand, Fox Fire Entertainment to act as the Wildside General Manager.  I work for the Fox family at their other organization, PCWF as their CFO.  The reason that I am out here is two fold, first to introduce myself, as I just did, and secondly to announce the first ever FFE match.  At Extreme Revolution, we will have a battle royal for the FFE Transcontiental title.  It will consist of every person that is working for FFE.  So in this battle royal are Johnny Camaro, Ravyn Crow, Pyretta Blase, The Grand Minoru, Shane Jericho, Justin Rodgers, Gracie Payne, Maegan Fox, Knox O'Bannon, and Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon.  If I have forgotten anyone, I do apologize.  We are currently looking at people we have worked with at PCWF to round out the FFE roster.  I believe at this time, Lance Boudreaux and Jake O'Bannon is our first official tag team to sign with FFE.  FFE will have a tag team turmoil match on our first episode of Wildside on October 27, 2010.  If we do not have four official tag teams by the time the cameras begin to roll, we will institute a Lethal Lottery at the begining of the show to pair random partners together.  For any match requests or questions, stop by my office."

{Demon Speeding begins to play again as she hands the microphone back to the tech as she leaves the ring.}
»þąşşıøи▪đяυйќ« at DAF, no stealing will be permitted if you like what you see then come on down and request one instead of stealing it cause lets face it... stealing is for punk ass clowns who cant get shit on their own and I hate thieves! You've been warned you should and better take heed to it!

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