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The Bytches Strike!

Started by Oktober Summers, October 02, 2023, 08:47:12 PM

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Oktober Summers

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Date Posted:16/10/2010 4:01 AMCopy HTML

The girls went back to there l/r as they got ready for ER and it was funny to Oktober as the ER made her crack a smile and Fay wanted to know what was so funny and Oktober told her!
Oktober: Girl its funny how people think because were new that we cant fight or win a title here. These little bitches have no idea what we can do and well were the underdogs here and I love it! The way I see it is ER is just going to be that because when we get out to that ring were going to put some of thoes people in the ER and that means one of us is going to walk out of ER with a title! Now I belive in what were doing and very soon the time is going to come for one of us to get the 1.2.3 and when that happens the first of many titles will be coming our way! Fay your words have lit a fire in me and now we need to antie up and take whats ours! The people we face tonight have done very well thats why we will have to show what kind of a team we are and work that to our advantage! Fay I got your back and I know you got mine so lets show SEF what were made of and most of all lets show the talent in SEF and FFE just what they are going to have to deal with from now on! Girl I want to see you get pissed off and tear thoes jokers out there apart and togather we can take a step towards winning our first title! So bitches beware because the top bitches are here and were not going anywhere but to the top bitches!

Oktober smiles as she looks at her partner to see if she has anything to add...

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