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Back Again

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 09:00:30 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:16/10/2010 9:25 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
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Nikky Venom is fighting Adam Smith again this week. Which is better for Nik than Smith because it is proven that Nikky could whip Smith's ass. Smith though haad to take the cheap way out and use a singapore cane. Smith knew he had been caught and had he been in the ring with Nikky for one more minute he would have tapped out. Nikky had a plan to only use the high risk style if it is absolutely needed. If he can take the person on face to face than the high risk speedy style was unneeded. As he proved in that match all Nikky needed was his technical background. The speed background was unnecessary, it also didn't help that he was completly focused on the win. He didn't quite know what came over him, it was like Festus. As soon as that bell rang something just snapped. It was something he hadn't felt in a long time.

So Nikky has to step in the ring with Adam Smith, but he also has to step in this ring with a newcomer Lee Long. He is quite obviously a Val Venis rip-off but Venis was one of the best workers in the business. Had he been given his shot at the World title he could have been the next big thing. Sometimes though people are ignored, even though they are super awesome they can be ignored. But I digress. This Long fellow is unknown to Venom but having a new face in the company brings hope. Hope that Rick Reynolds can be taken down even quicker. venom though has no interest in the World title anymore, rather it's the International he has his sights on. Lacey Daniels has held the title for too long, and after what she and Orton did to Camaro, Nikky has been in the same state of mind as he was in the ring. It was a sense of perfect concentration. Extreme Revolution is where Nikky will regain his title from so long ago. First he has to push past two baricades inorder to be assured that title shot. So will we see the same match as we did on the Extreme prior? Will we see Nikky have Adam Smith ready to tap before the match really begin? We'll just see on Extreme won't we?
TBC: Anyone

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Back Again
Date Posted:17/10/2010 9:10 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message:That's right! Brought back the old catchphrase.

Nikky is standing before the construction vehicles just like last week and the camera swoops around and shows his face.

"Adam Smith, last week you think that you hurt me. You think that you broke me, that one singapore cane shot can keep me inactive. You may not have said that but I know that is what you think. I can see right through you and that is for one reason...You are predictable."

Nikky pulls the cigarette from his ear and sticks it in his mouth. He is wearing the exact same clothes he was last week when he did his promo. He pulls his Zippo out and lights the cigarette. He continues to speak with the cigarette in his mouth.

"Although I will give credit where it's due.Cryptic narration, that's original and kind of funny. Way to go."

He says that holding the same face. He sucks in a deep breath of the cigarette and pulld it out of his mouth.

"So you think it's time for The Jackel to rise to the top the right way this time yeh? Well, I'll tell you that it's a waste. I thought I'd do that this time and look at where I've been the last couple of weeks. So you've beaten losers like Cody and Blaze, that don't mean shit. They have yet to prove anything in this company, I have. Dating back to my entry into SEF I proved myself to everyone. I faced people like Diamond Dogg and Booby James. I was basically put right up against people like Mack. Back at Apocolypse I was in a big thirty-seven million person battle, Mack was one of the competitors. Now mind you I really didn't have any reason to go after him and I didn't, but it still goes in the books as a win. It's not much to hold over someones head but it's still a fact."

He takes a deep breatth of smoke again and talks while exhaling it.

"Now I'm not trying to degrade Shane Mack and I don't see that comment degrading him in anyway. It is only a fact, I was in a match with Shane Mack and the records show me having the win. As I said before, Mack and I basically stayed on to opposite sides of the ring and kicked ass. But I digress. There was a man who once said that it doesn't matter how you win, it's what the record books show. The records showed that I indeed won that match, and by my memory you were screaming as I clinched in La Statica. That move that I learned from my trainer Jamie Static, a man that focused mainly on his high-risk abilities. So you may work on technicalities, but SEF archives work on win/losses."

The wind blows hard and he just stands there as you can see the shadow of the cameraman as he tightens his coat around himself.

"Moving on, last week I kicked your ass all over the ring. I got you to the point that you had to resort to a DQ loss. You can claim that you wanted to break me on your way up, but I know that you knew you were skullfucked. You knew that I caught you multiple times and that you needed a way out before the world see you tap the fuck out. So you don't think that people use terms such as style in the wrestling world so I will rephrase that just for you. Usually I use my speed and endurance background to evade and wear my opponents down. That match I used my techinical background-that means matwork- to get you to the point where you were hurt everytime you moved. Whether you want to admit it or not I know that you were hurt as you hit me with that cane. I know that with every movement you made you were hurt, as you were coughing in the back you were hurting. As you step into that ring I know that you will be hurting and I will be doing nothing but taking that body part out. By the end of this match you may step out with the win, but it will be because I didn't unhook La Statica after you tapped. DQ via failing to unhook La Statica is the only way you will step into the International Championship match. I have a goal and it will not be shut down tonight. So basically Smith, what will you do when you fall to hell and I don't save you?"

Nikky stands there and stares at the camera witha glare that made many viewers bleed through thier eyes. Next stop Extreme, then court for those murders.

"Vicariously, I live while the whole world dies."

TBC: Anyone


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