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Putting the Glamour into FFE - Wildside rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 09:18:04 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:19/10/2010 6:43 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Putting the Glamour into FFEw/Dusty O'Bannon vs The Beautiful Bytches vs The Fighting Foxes vs The Jericho Army vs Chaotic vs Justin Rodgers/Johnny Camaro vs Knox O'Bannon/The Grand MinoruChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly FoxesTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)yay .. debut show!


The scene opens showing Lacey Daniels sitting on a sofa watching tapes of this weeks promos for SEF's Extreme and FFE's debut show, Wildside. Her facial expressions range from slightly pissed off to great amusement. She finally clicks the remote and switches the TV and turns to face the camera and beckons it a bit closer.


LD: So FFE has the same rules regarding privacy as SEF does ... none!!

Lacey laughs.

LD: Ah well ... same old, same old. So new brand FFE, debut show Wildside and of course you want it to be successful so naturally who do you gotta have on ... me, that's who! The most most exciting diva in SEF right now on a total hot streak. A dominant double champion .. one half of the current tag champs ... oh yeah you can see why FFE begged me to be here tonight. This way their ratings double instantly!!

Lacey laughs as she pats her title belts which are laying on the sofa next to her.

LD: So who do FFE have to compete against the Dynasty Divas ... well let's see I know Knox O'Bannon and The Grand Minoru are involved. Gotta say I don't know too much about the Grand Minoru but quite frankly if Knox thinks he's good enough to team up with then I know he's going to have what it takes to win and that's a good thing because I know the Fighting Foxes and Justin and his team-mate Johnny Camaro are painting big bullseyes on us four. Maegan and Gracie will probably still be pissed about not beating us for the tag belts on Extreme and well everyone knows Justin always has a problem keeping his hands off me!

Lacey tilts her head and winks.

LD: Johnny Camaro is probably still carrying a grudge from when I beat his ass, so yeah those four right there have a good enough reason to target us. Too bad that not a one of them has the skills to beat just me on my own, let alone with my tag partner standing alongside me. Oh and not to forget that Knox is also involved in this match, they love to play a numbers game but too bad for them because this time they don't have any advantage, so if I were them I'd re-think they're strategy and maybe focus on getting rid of some of the other competition first, then it won't look too bad on them when they eventually lose! ... Someone like say ... the Beautiful Bitches?

Lacey takes a deep breath and shakes her head in slight disbelief.

LD: Now before I even go there ... honey-cakes you should really check your mail because in case you weren't aware ... the beautiful bitches is a nickname of Dynasty Divas and you could well be in line for a copyright infringement lawsuit, so I'd think about changing your name before my lawyer gets on the case. I don't take kindly to stupid-ass sluts treading on my toes.

Lacey tilts her head and gives a nasty-ass smirk.
LD: I can't quite believe that I'm about to say this but Maegan Fox has a point about those girls. And let's be blunt here, that's what they are. They're not wrestlers ... hell they're not even divas from what I can tell. They may well be the latest lesbo duo to hit SEF but that's nothing we ain't seen before ... oh and girls you're a little late, Mack left a while back and I don't think anyone else would be interested. Oh you strut around SEF like you're the shit but really you're nothing and you've not proved anything aside from the fact that the only cuss word you seem to know is "bitches". The reason I haven't commented on your arrival truthfully is because I don't sweat the small stuff and sweetie-pies you are beneath small stuff! You wanna make an impact?  You want people to sit up and take notice? Then put your money where your mouth is and show me what you can do in the ring! Until then all you are is another pair of skanks who're blowing smoke outta their asses. So who else is there?
Lacey looks down at the call sheet for the inaugural FFE show and chuckles.
LD: The Jericho Army? Oh my god is that the brothers Shame and Carcrash who've achieved pretty much nothing since their arrival? ... Ah bless fillers ... next!!
Lacey scans the sheet again and smirks.
LD: Oh boy .. Chaotic. Jake O'Bannon ... well that makes things interesting. I just hope he can manage to keep his eyes and mind on the tag team titles and not on my fine ass!  
Lacey looks down at herself and laughs.
LD: Naw, I doubt he'll be able to do it either but when you look this good who could blame him! Ah well another one distracted ... just makes mine and Dusty's life easier and if, by some miracle, the Fugly Foxes fluke our Dynasty Diva titles away from us on Extreme they can shelve the plans to change the design cos we'll just be winning those babies right back! And that's not a threat ...
Lacey smiles and nods her head.
LD: Ah you know the rest!
Scene fades to black

End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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