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universal6 star tag team

Another Unfair Title Defense

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 10:47:57 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:27/10/2010 7:59 PMCopy HTML

Down in New Orleans for this first show of FFE called Wildside is where we find Rick Reynolds who sits in a locker room on a sofa in the usual suit, World Title on his lap and next to him is Rob Rocco in a suit as well. To Rob's left is Thor on another sofa dressed more casual in jeans and a muscle shirt along with Corez who is in jeans and white tee. Behind them on a bench in front of some lockers are Destruction and Axel while Frankie and Sly are missing. Maybe their off wheeling and dealing, who knows what the two twisted individuals are up to! Rick just looks on with a smirk and pats his title saying.
Extreme Revolution was exactly what I said, me being forced to fight three undeserving wrestlers and I proved that by beating them all, not just beating them, but dominating. I carried the whole match on my back and didn't even show up for the first few minutes, that's how good I am!
He grins big and Corez says.
I was there too man, I saw you kick all their asses one by one on your own!
He too grins and Rick says.
Now tonight I have to face Mack, a guy who maybe I should say deserves it even though he stated if he lost the title he didn't want a rematch. He did earn a shot supposedly at the pay per view, but over Matlock, please, I could beat that no name chump in a matter of seconds, I would have made Matt tap out within the first five minutes of the match. Mack needs to stay out of SEF, he needs to know when its time to go and tonight will only be a reminder that Rick Reynolds is the new showsteala!
He smirks ands Rob smirking says.
After you get done whipping ass I outta give him a lil R & R and show the world I'm better than Mack ever wished he could be!
Rick nods yea and says.
We got that tag match on Extreme first, that Halloween Havoc match, four on four and anything goes, but I don't like it, so we have to be focused on that after tonight. Way I see it we got our four men to do battle in the ring sitting right here which is why I told Viper to book us three nights ago and you see who we face, Mack and Nick Torres along with Black Bob and the almighty Joe Dumar! They have to have some back up and with the returns we been seeing we all know who it could possibly be. Storms hopefully is worn out by Chris Orton earlier on, but we still gotta watch out for him I think, he and Mack got a brotherhood, Da Gangstas, kinda like what we got with The Triad!
He smirks at Rob and Thor who smirk back, then Corez speaks up.
Yea, yea, ya all got your brotherhood and I respect both groups, but it ain't like we can't be called brothers in this business and remember, I call Mack the same, I know him well just like you Rick and that gives us an advantage I believe. Just like you got your teachers number as ya proved this summer, we all got their number as a group because the DC is too damn strong together or solo.
They all nod yea and Rick smirking says.
Damn right and tonight I prove it by beating Mack worse than I did back on Sacrifice to win this belt, I'm making that son of a bitch tap out. He wants to refuse to pin anyone anymore like he started doing back before his big leave, he has another thing coming when he steps across from me. Its all about the DC, so fuck Mack and fuck this bullshit FFE, this is definitely the last time I'm ever stepping foot on a show not even worthy to be the B show!
Rick with a kind of disgusted look as he says that and Rob laughing now as Corez says.
Yea, but this is probably the only place a no talent hack like Justin Rodgers can get over and we all know why despite what he and his family claim!
Rick nods in agreement and says.
Yea, I get it unlike some people and Justin will get beat again if he messes with the DC. Just like Mack gets his ass handed him to once again by his superior in the ring, by the real teacher cause compared to me Shane Mack is a fucking rookie!
A slick grin on his face and Rob laughing, Rick says.
Its like I said, all he did was beat Matlock, something I could do in my sleep, so why does even Mack deserve this shot? Answer is that he doesn't and on Wildside, please, if I didn't think Viper would pull the power card and abuse his like he has been doing I would no show the match. Then again, Matt Fox is in charge here, maybe I should do it anyways.
He thinks seriously now and Thor says.
Viper is probably here too, look at how much he's been helping Matt, almost mentoring the guy, but I have an idea that could work!
Rick looks over and smirks saying.
Yea, it probably will, then again, humiliating Mack again is almost worth stepping in that cesspool of a ring of FFE's, but let's talk about this.
Rick looks to the camera and says.
That means you go and if you don't, I snap my fingers!
We see Destruction and Axel look this way as Rick raises his hand and so the view begins to back up now and soon out the door shutting it and now fade to black.

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