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The Foxes and Enforcers talk about supercard

Started by Kristin Fox, October 03, 2023, 09:25:27 PM

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Date Posted:06/11/2010 12:18 AMCopy HTML

The Roleplay of The Kindered that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

{{Danika leads in the camera to The Kindred locker room.  Wildside is over and the members of the Kindred who pull double duty for SEF and FFE are still in their locker room.  They are all freshly showered and packing their gear.  Justin looks up, sees the camera, and hands the handle of his wife's suitcase off to Ash, who leads Katana out of the locker room so The Fighting Foxes and The Enforcers can promo for the Extreme/Wildside supercard.  Justin pulls on a Saints hoodie and a black leather jacket before walking over to the camera, putting black gloves on.  The rest as they put their coats and jackets on start walking over.}}}

Gracie:"You'd think it would be warmer.  {Rage puts a pink quilted hat on her head down over her eyes.  She fixes it and swats him playfully} "Bay, come on, I'm cutting a promo! {she then turns back to the camera}  "I do love the snow though.  It's the thing that I missed the most when I left Conneticut.  Hopefully next week when we are in Minnesota they'll be snow."

{Matt and Justin look at each other}


{The girls roll their eyes}

Gracie:"I'm sure Justin will dissapear and find some time to lace up some skates and put in some time on the ice."

Justin:"I will be taking my match with Adam Smith seriously.  He's an up and comer who is seriously hungry to make a name for himself here.  I'm just not going to let him do it at my expense.  I believe they call him predator and there is a reason for that.  The guy is a beast!"

Rage:"Can't be as big as you."

{they all laugh as Justin is taller than anyone within the Kindred, even his own younger brother}

Justin:"He may not be as tall as I am but he makes up for it in intensity.  Plus he has his wife, Christine Smith at ringside with him and she could very well try to distract me."

{Maegan wraps a scarf around her neck and then shakes her head}

Maegan:"She'd better not.  I may have this other rookie, Jessica Winters but I'll be more than happy to come with you to ringside in case Christine decides to stick her nose in where it doesn't belong!"

Matt:"Viper booked me to wrestle Jessica's boyfriend, Matt Matlock.  So it seems we're all going to have to, as usual watch out for the others.  Mack and the Gangstas are going to have their hands full with the DC.  {shakes his head} The Dangerous Corporation.....those guys are really started to get under my skin..."

Justin:"What? Just now?  {He scowls, just now calmed down from his brawl with Thor} "I wish Viper would let me get my hands on that bastard Thor....in some kind of cage where even the winner has to be stretchered out."

Matt:"I think that is what Katana is worried about.  Maybe at the ppv coming up.  There is more than enough of the DC for The Gangstas, Mack, and ourselves."

Justin:"Don't forget JC, he hates those bastards just as much as we do!  He hates bullies and that's what these asswipes are!!  Bullies!  Otherwise Gabby...."

Gracie:"DON'T GO THERE! {she claps her hands over her ears} "Please!  I am trying to channel all of my energies into my matches.  I don't want to break down again.  I broke down, lost my mind, and dropped a match to Cody.  Good guy, but, {she shakes her head} I could have done a lot better.  I need all of my attention focused on this six person match where I'm teaming with the Jerichos vs Orton, Dusty, and Oktober.  I need to get things squared away so I can make sure the Jerichos know what they are into facing these guys.  Orton won't care if Brandy's just a valet.  If the opportunity presented itself, he'd use her as a way to get the upper hand.  We need to get in the ring and practice together.  Dusty has the advantage teaming with her best friend's fiancee."

Rage:"I'l be at ringside.  They won't have to worry about someone blindsiding Brandy.  In fact, I say we get you started with that team work asap.  We spend the night here and then fly up to Nashville and spend the next week working with them.  {Gracie laughs} You love Nashville, they got your favorite store, Past-Presents right around the corner from the Starbucks cart."

Gracie:"Okay, you're right.  I need all the time I need training with these brothers since we've never teamed together.  {Gracie then smiles at the camera and waves}  By Lafayette, I enjoyed staying in my home state away from home!"

{Rage takes her hand and they leave.  The camera then focuses on The Enforcers and Maegan}

Matt:"The Intercontiental Title...{He looks at his twin and favorite cousin}  There could come a point that we could be facing each other.  It would be the perfect time to show people that we are a cohesive unit.  Now, I don't know Matlock very well, just what I've seen of him in your matches and the hell of a showing he had againist Mack last week."

Justin:"We are going to have to do a lot of work if one of us is going to be the SEF IC champ.  Maegan's match could very well be cake since Winters is so green.  Matlock and Smith are not going to go down easily."

{Matt looks down, thinking.  We can see that his wedding ring is no longer on his necklace but on his left hand.  He reaches up and rubs his chin}

Matt:"We are going to have to train Jagger the way you learned in the Genome....he has to control his anger better.  He needs to learn to channel anger and turn it into intensity.  We're going to have to bring him into training for the IC battle for us, even though he only works FFE.  I also need to make sure he and Rage put in their stat change..."

{Justin chuckles}

Justin:"Now who's getting off topic."

{Matt grins}

Matt:"You try my job.  Busting heads is what helps me focus because at the end of the day, I'm responsible for what FFE produces.  I'm lucky to have your sister-in-law to run things everyday while I am in the ring helping build the product and as Viper said, protect my family.  {he looks up at Justin, totally serious}  I'll do my best to get you a match with one of the guys from DC but I have no control over SEF and they won't allow me to book them.  Hopefully, Viper has something up his sleeve to help us get Gabby back.  If not, once Mack and the Gangstas tear them apart, we can get some answers."
This Layout Was Made For The Kindered by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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