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The Party Crashers Get a Unexpected Visitor in their Van

Started by The Perry Family, June 22, 2024, 12:30:55 AM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker sounds all right to me all right cool lets go to i hop we can go swimming after, this is like a dream come true.

Tonya Walker. we are going to have fun tonight and just for the first time ever enjoy life,

they head over to I Hop ordor food and all sit down and talk and enjoy themselves.
Tonya Walker.

Tonya Walker

some long hours passed, Tonya smiles and looks at her friends they now Outside, and Sierras cell Phone keeps ringing she ignores it and Tonya begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. I wonder what time it is oh well hey why don't we head to the beach it is so Hot out here it would be fun.

Tonya Walker then after we done instead of coming Home, we could take in a hotel for the rest of the night or so i think it would be fun let us relax and get to know each other, what u think

she wait for reply

Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers sounds all right to me we got to drive to the beach we got head to our cars oh wow Night swimming, this is going to be fun, nothing wrong with re living our childhood and just having fun.

Bunny Summers im wondering where did we park our van

she waits
Bunny Summers

The Perry Family

Sierra Perry. oh sure that sounds like fun, lets go swimming, first lets go find your van then we can go swimming and walk on the beach im glad we did not go to a dance club everyone be asking for autographs and im to worn out to sign my name lol.

Sierra perry let me say something, this is the first time in my entire life i can actually have some fun, i never ever did this before not even with cruella or Nikita u know The Wolf

Sierra perry this is just what i needed, time to just get away for a while, just a chance to breathe fresh air and live my own life,with some good friends even though our groups dont really like each other right now hey am can we keep hanging out together just the 3 of us it would really help me out i wont tell cruella il even let nikita come with us

she wait
Jade West

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker sounds all right to me you can be a Honoree member of the Party Crashers im sure nobody else will not Mind, hey u know we could work off a fun night, this is going be fun, swimming sounds just about what we need, this is going be fun, But if we want to make it there before it is to late,

Tonya Walker so lets go find our van, and head to the beach, we could work off a heck of a swim,

they walk toward Party Crashers Van, and Tonya, Bunny and Sierra gets inside the back of the Van shuts the door, and start it up and drive down to the beach and appears to be nobody there, and they get out, and head down to the beach for some fun, and they all jump in the water,

and dive right In,and are having the time of their lives, laughing swimming, with their clothes on not a care in the world.

this end up lasting all night, it turns to 8:00am the next day, and it turns to 10:00am to 12:00pm tonya bunny and Sierra are walking on the beach and One of them looks at their watch and begin to talk.

Bunny Summers ohh noo girls you know what time it is,

Tonya Walker am 5:00am?

Sierra Perry. my Money is on 6:00am lol

Bunny Summers 12:00pm lol we been here all night and mostly all Mornings i need to get home and take my pets outside i live alone and change my clothes

Tonya Walker. i need to change my clothes to, this was fun we need to do this again sometime,

Sierra Perry im going be hearing it at the church when Cruella and Cora get a hold of me,but u know what i dont care iam my own person, i can stand up for myself im not scared of them Cruella is my sister, and we are going be fine.

Tonya Walker im hungry right now look its all right Sierra we have so much respect for you right now you and Nikita, nm for Cruella but far as we are concerned you two are part of our family, u 2 are our Party Crashers don't worry about them two Party Poopers we are family and we are going stick by each other through thick and thin,

Bunny Summers how about we go out to breakfast or Lunch or both is I Hop stil OPEN.

Tonya Walker i think so lets go and check it out. at first a big sendoff

Bunny Summers sounds good to me

they throw each other some Pepsi cola cans and they open them up smash them together and they all look at each other think about what they all been through, and smash the cans all together. Laugh loudly,

Tonya Walker. hey how about we return here for the 4th of July

girls sounds all right to me, now lets go get some food.

they all skip to the Van and all hop in and start it up put on seat belts, and drive on out to eat and then on home

Tonya Walker.

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