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That Shot Will Be Mine

Started by mysticbabydoll, December 18, 2013, 04:26:50 PM

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Tristan is taking on Steve Weigel, Johnny Camaro and Phoenix Winterborn as the winner will get a shot at the Sex World Championship at the PPV. He isn't planning on losing to these losers, and they are not as great as he is. He rolls his eyes, and stares right at the camera as he get talking.

Tristan Darland: Johnny, Steve and Phoenix are not even a challenge for me at all, and they don't compare to me either. I am not losing to these morons, and they will get a beating of their lives as they will come to realize that I am not playing around anymore. That shot will be mine one way or another, and they can't say or do anything about it since they mean nothing. They are not getting the best of me, so they can run their mouths all they want still that won't help them at all. This is my night, and you idiots will get a reality check as this will not be going your way not when I have something to say about so see you in the ring losers.

Tristan laughs evilly, and the scene fades to black.

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