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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Drunk Again!?

Started by Da Gangstas, July 30, 2019, 10:05:10 PM

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Da Gangstas

(The sound of aluminum cans clanging around can be heard as we find the door of a trailer open up somewhere in Detroit. Josh Diabolical stepping back as beer cans literally come falling out of the trailer door opening like an avalanche of aluminum. Josh waiting for it to stop and steps up into the opening of the trailer to find even more beer cans and sitting up on a bar is the SEFWUN United States Championship belt. Josh looking around kicking some cans out of the way to find a sofa which he clears off to find a body of the SEFWUN President facedown. He kicks at PBR and no sign of movement. Josh groans and says to himself.)

"Oh great, did he finally drink himself to death!?!"

(Josh dropping a elbow to the back of PBR and rolls of crushing a few cans in the process, then gets up as the President grunts and groans. PBR lifting his head yell.)


(Josh says.)

"Its me brother, Josh. Its time to get up. You got a show to run!"

(PBR turning on his side blinking his eyes several times and slaps his head, then Josh grabbing his hand to help the President sit up.)

"You ok?"

(PBR getting his head clear and looks around to ask.)

"What day is it?"

(Josh smiling and says.)

"Its Tuesday!"

(PBR nods and says.)

"Ok, so its only been four days right? We got time to get WAR going for tomorrow!"

(Josh laughs and says.)

"Its been four weeks since you won that US Title at Scars and Stripes! You've been on a bender since then and no one could find you. Where the hell were you anyways? I been checking this place almost everyday!"

(PBR shrugging.)

"Been a blur really. The fourth was fun I couldn't let it stop, but I guess it has to now. Think ther eis time to get WAR going for tomorrow or maybe wait until next week?!?"

(Josh shrugs now and says.)

"I don't know man, I ain't in charge and I don't want to be. Just happy you ain't dead or they may put me in charge!"

(Josh smirking sarcastically and PBR grinning a bit.)

"Nah, can't kill me. Just makes me stronger to defend that title, wait, where is my belt!?"

PBR looking around and goes to stand up, but falls on his face crushing cans as he does. Josh laughing, but helping his friend up and points to his title on the bar. PBR grabbing it and throws an arm around Josh saying.)

"Well hell with it, let's get out of here and go see what I can do to get WAR back on track. I got a title I need to defend anyways. We need to stop at the nearest beer store too."

(Josh and PBR walking out of the trailer to Josh's car and they two old friends ride off together as we wait for the next show.)

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