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Get A Clue (Xanthus)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 12:22:02 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:23/02/2009 1:16 PMCopy HTML

(So this little fucking chump thinks he has a worthless match to get ready for, he thinks he's just gonna walk in and make an example outta someone to show IX he's not someone to be fucked with? Ya know, what he fails to realize is that I am Impact X through and through, hell, the night I returned and joined the group was at his expense, what a moron. Ah fuck, I need to rip some shit, this damn camera is on me. Take a few drags off my cig and then flick it away. Need a drink, so I pull out a half pint a vodka tossing back a sig, then put it back in my back pocket. I look into the camera, oh damn, fuck it, fuck Orton.)
"Listen up ya little loys, no good, waste a space chump change, fucking monkey bitch! Ya think ya gonna walk into WAR and whip my ass like a, like a...oh yea, a dog in the street, heh, well son, ya got no goddamn clue as to what goes on around here. Ya think mack been leaving you messages about last night? You think you no showing would cause a loss in buyrates? You think we care if you never show up in SEF again? You think your the biggest star around? You think this is a worthless match?"
(I'm a kill this bastard, fucking Orton don't know what he's got his ass into, he don't know who he's facing, he got no goddamn clue.)
"All that shit you spoke of, that ya claimed, all a pack a lies and I'm a smoke that pack by smoking yo ass. ya wanna be the biggest star around, stay in SEF and give, give, give, give, and when ya can't give anymore ya pick your ass up and give! Its what we all done for this company, its why were the top of the mountain your still climbing! You show up here and there, you don't give half of what we have given all these years, so don't claim something your not. Thinking a match is worthless, especially when its not, bad mistake. I'll admit sometimes it may seem pointless to face some people, ya get a big head and think someone isn't that big a star, but even if if that was the case with us Orton, that would be wrong of you. Everyone starts somewhere and is given a chance to prove what they can do, so calling a match worthless is disrespecting this entire fucking business and on that alone I will teach you a fucking lesson tonight. You don't disrespect the business I love, you don't disrespect my life! Ya see, in case ya don't really know about me, let me tell ya something. All I have in life is wrestling, my family is my friends I made in this business, Mack, Viper, Storms, Torres, Whitney, Julie, Corez are my brothers and sisters, they all I got for family."
(And ma even works here, but that whore ain't my family, she's dead to me!)
"You don't get it Orton, you don't really have a fucking clue do ya? No matter what ya do in the nest few months or even the rest of this year you will not be at our level. It will take you a couple years at least to reach the level we have reached, its just the way it is in this business. You earn your place and like it or not, but we have earned our place in SEF before you. Its really just a matter of timing, we signed with SEF first. Its not a knock on your talent cause you are talented, but thinking your the best is a lie cause the fact remains you are not and with that attitude ya won't ever be. Tonight your only gonna be a beaten man and this has nothing to do with what IX wants to do to do you, it has nothing to do with any war we got, its because you disrespected the business I love and that is a crime that cannot and will not go unpunished. Beaten like a dog in the street will be mild compared to what I do to you for your crime Orton, you can't imagine what I will do, I can barely imgaine it and I'm one sick bastard!"
(Well, I can picture it a little, oh yea, some shits developing, man, fuck the rules tonight, I'm just batter him, bloody him, so what if I get dqed, I don't care about winning, I'm a just tear him a new one, fuck Orton!)
"Fuck you Orton! Nothing is gonna stop me tonight, nothing can save you from the beating you got coming. In wrestling you can get away with a lot, the list of forbidden fruits is short, very few of them, but you disrespect if one and now I'm gonna disrespect you physically. I'm a rape you Orton, I'm a own you, I'm a kill you son...YOUR DEAD!"
(I stare psychoticallyinto the camera, fuck I'm pissed, fuck this, fuck Orton....I move forward shoving the camera down  kicking the cameraman and punt the camera into a wall breaking it and fade to black.)

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