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Real Greatness Is Scorpion

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 03:54:35 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:04/04/2009 2:33 PMCopy HTML

(Sunday saw the greatest wrestler of all time finally get what he deserved, what he earned, what he was robbed of fours years ago, Scorpion bragged, he boasted, he stroked his ego over and over again and he backed it all up winning at Wrestle X, by headlining the biggest show of the year and standing tall when it was all over holding the World Title and the MCW Title, he is the last MCW Champion, no one will ever hold it again! Nothing more matters, Scorpion is the king, he is on top of the world and no one can knock him off, no one. The next night he and Orton brawled, a part of a eight person tag match, but neither man saw the end, they were after each others blood. Now Monday they are in another tag match, a six man tag and will the same thing happen or will we see these two involved in the actual desicion of the match? If so, then Orton's team won't win and why, well why not hear the reason from the man himself, from greatest there is, the World Champ. He stands on a balcony of a hotel leaning on the rail, wears faded blue jeans and a white silk shirt, hair tied back. He stares out into the blue sky, a few clouds up there, then glances to the camera and smirks.)
"You all witnessed, you saw me rise above everyone last Sunday and do what no one can do, literally because no one else can unify the SEF and MCW Titles ever again! If Chris Orton could pull a miracle out of his ass at Redemption and beat me he will not be a unified champion, he will not be near my level because he has never been and never will be a unified champion and that's a fact!"

(He stands up straight now, keeps his hands on the rail and smirks.)
"The problem is Orton, you won't even be World Champion after Redemption because you won't beat me, not then and not ever, your never gonna take the World Title off me! I'm a winner Orton, I main event, I headline, I am the top of SEF now and for a longtime to come. Your time is gonna have to wait, your time is not now, its never! When I am done you'll be a nobody just like you are now, worthless, so your time will never come to you, ya hear me Orton, do you understand, you have no time coming to you to be World Champ! I dominated MCW and I am now dominating SEF and Scorpion will be the name remembered as the greatestm most dominant figure in SEF history!"

(An arrogant statement for anyone to make, but coming from Scorpion its no surprise to hear him say that. He just stands there, hands the rail and smirking.)
"Monday its you and I in a tag match again. Last week we fought out of the ring and ended up seperated by security backstage, so how about this week, what can everyone expect? Well for one I wouldn't tell anyone the time of day let alone my plan to take Orton out before Redemption and yes Orton...I do have a plan and its forming perfectly!"

(He grins deviously now.)
"Now as for the rest of your team goes, Da Gangstas, Xanthus and Nick Torres, ha, I don't sweat them one bit. Xanthus is out of it, he has been for years, he ain't no threat to me winning the match, all he cares about is being hardcore. Now I will admit he can hurt people, he is reckless and unpredictable, more so than anyone, but he's not a threat to me because he doesn't care. He admits that and it is his downfall, he doesn't care at all, so why should I care about him? Nicky now, he's a big man and he does care more, I know he eyes my title every day, its a title he's never held and he never will. I've heard about Nick that he is one of the best to never be World Champ and well he is a good wrestler, he has experience, maybe he is one of the best to never hold the top gold, but he's nowhere in my league just like Chris Orton or Xanthus. I could take them out by myself, but that would be stupid to do because what if they all threw out the match and ganged up on me, used weapons like they have to do? No, I have partners for the night and I trust no one, but I will work with them. Joey and Josh Drakmen, brothers, I like that because it means they know each other all too well, they can work as a great team and aligned with the greatest wrestler in the sport today, myself, were unstoppable Monday Night!"

(He smirks confidently, somewhatc cocky too, it is Scorpion afterall.)
"Orton, X, and Torres, can you three work together, I mean after all, it was just last Sunday Orton and Xanthus engaged in a brutal, bloody war trying to end the other, can you co exist it will my partners and I just have to sit back and watch your team implode? That sounds ok for me, though I'd rather be the one destroying you, I'll take what I get, but regardless of how you three fall on your faces the same result will happen on WAR, myself and the Drakmen brothers standing victorious!"

(He takes his hands off the rail letting them hang at his sides.)
"On an off note, nothing real big, its not shit to me, but I would like to let someone know I heard them as I hear what happens in SEF. Ravyn Crow...heh, pathetic in so many ways I won't even get into them now. Son, you seem to have been watching SEF closely for sometime, but you haven't been watching enough, so I want you to go check out some of the history of this company, do better research and find out what this company thinks of rejects like you coming in here trying to employ riddles, dark messages, its a joke and it gets you absolutely nowhere. You want a shot at the World Title, then here is what you can do, beat everyone in SEF, beat them all, earn your shot because as of this date you haven't earned shit in SEF! A real legend is known by everyone in this business, in every company around the world the boys recognize that person as a legend and Ravyn, no one in SEF fits that description, no one from the MSN Circuit fits that description, so spare the lies and earn your way to the top, earn a status as somebody, as a veteran, and maybe one day as a legend. Too many people throw the word legend around and devalue its meaning, make it void of any honor. Go ahead and try to play games, twist these words around, do whatever you like, fail to realize the truth, continue about your ways, its fine by me if you want to think a certain way, that is your right to believe your something your not, anyone can believe it about themselves, hell, to make it an actual shoot, I'll level with ya, I ain't the greatest there is, but as of this moment, this era in SEF I am the best, I am the top of the mountain. That's why you came in here and targeted me, that's why Orton is after me, that's I have the biggets bullseye on my chest because I have the World Title and I wear it as a real champion and that makes me the best at this time...that is a shoot!"

(He flashes a smirk now and raise shis arms shrugging, then just turns walking into his hotel room as the scene fades away.)

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