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Proving Myself Once Again (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 07:39:37 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:31/05/2009 1:06 PMCopy HTML

The Ultimate Rebel, The Extreme Icon, The Showsteala, The HardCore Kid, The One & Only, The Original Daddy Mack
You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG!
The Big, Bad, Mack Daddy Lays Down For Absolutely Nobody
No One Makes A Bigger Impact Than The Impact Playa
(The man of SEF, the backbone of the company, the conscience of the promotion, the heart and soul of SEF...MACK! One again he's out to prove himself to everyone, mostly to prove his Intercontinental Title reign is well deserved after that bullshit Richard Leer, the owner pulled. Now since being allowed to wrestle for SEF and allowed to defend the IC Title, Mack is intent on doing that, proving he is as good as he ever was and better than before. Last week he sent Ravyn Crow runnings cared from him and SEF after making the bitch tap, but that was a tag match. Tonight is his first title defense since being allowed back in the ring and its against a relative nobody, but still a wrestler, Josh Drakmen. He and his brother Joey came in, a tag team of course, but fizzled away before they every got established. Hopefully Josh steps up with this title shot given to him. We all know Mack ain't holding back for anyone, so regardless of what Josh does, tonights match should be a good one. Right now Mack is sitting on the end of a bed in his hotel room and shirtless, just wears blue jeans and no shoes as well. He smiles as he justs its there relaxed.)
MACK: Back in the biggest little city called Reno and tonight is my first title defense of this year and Reno is in for a show like they never seen before! The proving point starts tonight and will never end as long as I am alive because unlike all these new kids in the business, even the veterans, they all think their on top when they come into a new company, no one wants to earn shit anymore, but me. Well, not really, I know a few who have theirs heads on and prove themselves, but its rare today to see from people, especially the rookies like that Ravyn Crow or Phoenix Winterborn or Midnight, all three of which have proved absolutely nothing except that they can't handle a real company like SEF.
(He's still relaxed, but dead serious.)
MACK: Josh Drakmen, maybe another of those rookie pukes, but maybe not. Maybe your just lacking the passion to rise up, maybe wrestling ain't for you. I heard your backstory of your life, nothing new from a guy like you, claiming pain and heartache, acting like you had it harder than anyone else around, thinking no one knows what you been through, heh, only setting yourself up to be humbled by a guy like me. If ya think I ain't had to over come shit in my life, had the hard end of the fucking stick in life, think again. I simply choose not to expose what all I been through and play off it to try and get pity, to try and act hard. I made myself who I am today and am a point where I am doing very well, have been for a few years. If your not, if you have to talk about all the bad shit, act like you got it hard, then do something about it because your to blame and no one else and that is a shoot son!
(Mack stands up now and slips on a pair of tan, leather sandals, then grabs a white, silk, dress shirt pulling it on, but leaves it unbuttoned.)
MACK: Lifestyle doesn't matter when we step in the ring. A "hard" past does not matter either, nothing does except how good you can perform, how hard your willing to push yourself. Its one thing to act like you had it hard in life, but to say that because of it no one can be pushed as hard as you in the ring is a lie. This business is a unique one, it don't matter what kind of life you lived, you either have passion for wrestling or you don't, there is no inbetween that allows you to make it. You have o dedicate yourself to this sport for years, proved yourself from day one and never stop if you expect to make it big. You walk in with your attitude expecting shit handed to you because you think you had it "hard" in life and you will go nowhere, so shut up and step up or step the fuck out!
(Mack steps forward reaching for the camera doing the filming now, it was just on a stand. He walks towards the bathroom and starts pushing the door in and we see Whitney Marret in front of the mirror with a towel wrapped around her, hair all wet. She's brushing and blowdrying it, turns seeing the camera and gets wide eyed, then whips the brush at Mack. He dodges it and moves the camera down, the view on the floor and then fade to black.)
Ain't nobody crazy 'nuff to do this gig 'cept for the HardCore Kid
-x- Disclaimer -x -
This layout is a fucking layout that means shit to me and personally, I didn't make it anyways, so take if you want, beat it, abuse it, rape it, sodomize it, trash it, burn it, do whatever ya want to it, take it for your own and claim it as your own like I did, but remember, its the Roleplay that means anything in the post, so yea, take the layout, later.

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