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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 10:16:19 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:26/07/2009 10:54 PMCopy HTML

(Well Golden Glory is right here around the corner, just like minutes away and who, but who do we find standing by...the man 
with all the questions, the man who can? Well no and probably not even a lot of questions cause he's normally too stoned, er, um, yea, anyways, heh, its Smokey McWeed and he's so damn baked, well hey, its pay per view night, he's celebrating the big night already, though he's like this every night. Right, so we should move this on before Golden Glory comes and goes, so Smokey, take it away.)
Smokey McWeed: Yo everyone, Smokey here and well were like um....hmmm....
(He looks off to the side.)
Smokey McWeed: How long until we air the show?
Voice Off Camera: About a half hour.
(Smokey nods and looks back at the camera.)
Smokey McWeed: Ok, so we got like, um, damn, how many minutes is that? Well we got a half hour until Golden Glory, a huge card booked and its gonna be kicked off with Mack and Suicide Hank in a deathmatch, whoa, that's gonna be fucked up! Anyways, I got one of the guys from that match right here, so brotha, show yo self!
(And with that we see Mack step into view next to Smokey and just look at him, they both smirk seeing each others eyes, then shake hands. Mack is decked out in the usual ring gear, got his IC Title around his waist and fire in his eyes.)
Smokey McWeed: Man, you in a deathmatch, I'm a kick back here and not blink once. Mind if I snag a few Guinness for the show?
MACK: Go ahead Smoke, have as many as ya want and when I get back here I'll catch up with ya.
Smokey McWeed: Ok, so how about this Hank, ya think he stands a chance or ya really think he in over his head?
MACK: I know he is Smoke. I mean hell, I got no doubt he'll fight me, he'll make me bleed, he'll show he's hardcore, never said he wouldn't, but Hank has a lot to learn as I said and tonight there is no better teacher than the showsteala. This match is gonna set the stage for the night, it kicks off the damn show, but like always it will steal the show, ain't nobody gonna follow me. I proved that every night of the week and it ain't ending now.
Smokey McWeed: No doubt, well hey, I wish ya well, so I'll let-
(Smoke is shoved out of the way by Greg Boone who grabs stands by Mack eyeing him with a snarl. Smoke just looks at him and Mack motions to step back and hear out Greg who speaks.)
Greg Boone: Forget that moron and his bullshit, answer me Mack, unless your scared?!
(Mack just smirks and shrugs, then waves him to bring it.)
Greg Boone: Ok, well for starters, what makes you god?
MACK: Um...hmmm, well, not sure brotha.
Greg Boone: Whay ya act all high and mighty, think your opinion is the best of all, that you know it all, that you always tell the truth and everyone else lies. Maybe Hank was the one speaking for real and your the blowhard, arrogant prick who spews bullshit?!
(Mack just smirks and chuckles a little.)
MACK: We all have our opinions and we all think ours is the right answer. Personally, I feel all I am doing is giving advice on shit I know about, have loads, tons of experience in. Now I ain't saying I'm always in the right when I speak, but I don't go out an intentionally lie to try and feed some ego of mine.
Greg Boone: Ego...EGO...you out of everyone has the worst, the biggest ego around, your full of it!
MACK: I never said I had no ego, just said I don't go around lying to feed it. I praise myself yes, normally has a half ass comedian, but I admit I get cocky and I've been real cocky in years past, so what, I still don't lie, I don't disrespect other people by talking down to them like some people, one of which I get to face in a very short time.
Greg Boone: Why do you do this, you twist words around and try make yourself out to be some choir boy, your always in the right, your never the bad guy, what the hell?
(Mack just arches a brow and laughs.)
MACK: Wow, that's kinda fucked up there bro. I don't know what to say to that line of bu-
Greg Boone: NO...SHUT IT!
(Greg gets right in Mack's face now, Mack just gets a little serious.)
Greg Boone: Tonight you go one on one with Suicide Hank and while I admit the guy was a complete farce, a joke when he first came here and wasn't much different when he returned a couple months back, I can't wait to see him destroy your fucking ass tonight. You got it coming Mack, its time for you step it down and hopefully Hank does step it up at your expense.
MACK: I hope he steps it up too and if he can beat me, that's be great for him, that would make him somebody because up until he does something of that magnitude he'll remain what he is now, just another face strolling from company to company. Sure, he says he does it to wrestle many different people, to have fame in many places, but like I said, you get just as much fame by sticking in one place. I've done both and SEF ain't my first long run, but it is my longest. Hank likes to talk shit, talk and talk and talk, but how often does he walk?
Greg Boone: What the hell you mean, wait, I ask the questions.
MACK: Shut up! I'll answer it then, Hank only walks the walk once in a while. Sure he got the International Title and then what? Slacking off in matches since winning the title, hasn't done shit since then except one thing, challenge me to this match here tonight and now, now he thinks he is gonna get all amped up and walk in and destroy me?
(Mack grabs Greg by his collar and gets all intese causing Greg to get wide eyed, then Mack just shoves him away. He turns and motions Smoke back, then steps right up to the camera looking dead serious and intense.)
MACK: Hank...I have worked my ass off here in SEF alone for how long now? As you said, half my career and thinking on it, year, damn near and I'm proud of that fact, that I got to find a company like this that may have seen bad times, but kept going for over seven years now, I'm proud to say I'm a loyal wrestler to the company. My real reputation with the boys who know me is one as the hardest worker in SEF, one of the hardest in the business. While you were slacking off for the past month and a half I was busting my ass in the ring, I was headline the shows, carrying people, stealing the shows, making impacts and whipping ass. Tonight is no doubt a bloody fight between two hardcore wrestlers, but a win for you is not gonna happen. You want to beat me, ya wanna beat Mack, then Hank, you better step your ass up every night of the week and work harder than I do. Slacking off win't get you a win, it'll get your ass knocked the fuck out and just like that...Da Shows Ova!
(And just like that Mack turns sideways and snaps his superkick off right into the camera causing us to fade to black.)

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