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A wrestling clinic.

Started by Drew Stevenson, April 07, 2023, 10:08:50 PM

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Drew Stevenson

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Date Posted:10/02/2010 2:58 AMCopy HTML

"Crossing the Line went off without a hitch."

The scene opened up on live television as we were backstage in front of the Extreme logo. Drew stood there staring right into the live rolling camera; his deep toned voice was filled with determination and passion.

"The ratings since yours truly was involved were higher than ever in the very history of this company. This week, Extreme; I step into my preferred environment against Shadow Dragon. From looking at the tapes, it looks like this man comes out of the VERY rich wrestling history of Japan. The mist, everything about him screams that he does in fact come out of that environment and let me tell you, I absolutely LOVE the rich history of Japanese wrestling and well, if you go over there then you'll see that they love me as well."

He paused briefly.

"EFW is hosting what will be a wrestling clinic this week between you and me Shadow. Everybody has been buzzing about seeing this because it kind of reminds them of the nostalgia between Malenko and Dragon back in WCW. Those were some fantastic battles, let me tell you. You and I are stepping into the ring in just under twenty-four hours to do battle; everybody will be sitting on the edge of their seats in anticipation. There will be very close falls, there will be submission rope breaks and their will be only one winner..."

He held up one finger.

"... And you are looking right at him. As great as you are brother? I will be just a tad bit better and you will find that out in under twenty-fours, bank on that."

He pointed at the camera then walked off.
 The Warforged Warrior

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