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The Real T & A Comes To EF'NW (debut r/p)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 08, 2023, 12:42:37 AM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:23/02/2010 3:36 PMCopy HTML

 The scene opens up behind the arena where a 2010 shiny black Mercedes Benz rolls into the lot and turns into a space not too far away. The drivers door open and out steps a blonde haired woman, her hair down and curled some, wavy, styled. She wears tight blue jeans and a small leather jacket. She shuts her door after unlocking the trunk, then walks back there and pulls a bag out that she puts on her shoulder. The woman shuts the trunk and brushes her hair back a little, shakes it out, freshening up to look good. She just smiles as she walks across the lot and greets the security guard with a handshake and big smile.

"Hi, I'm Tina, new here!"

The guard responds shaking her hand and says.

Security Guard:
Hello there, I'm Jake, go right on in and enjoy, you've been expected here and we all welcome you!

Thank you!

She smiles and walks in the door and just heads straight for the rooms. After passing a few doors she walks into a small room, got a leather love seat and small vanity area, nothing fancy, but Tina just drops her bag down and removes her jacket showing off a black halter top bright colored flowers all over it and her cleavage shown off. She tosses the jacket on the sofa and looks over the room.

Well, its a nice room, now to go get to know someone!

She walks out of the room and slaps her hands together, then heads on down the hall. Tina is suddenly stopped by Samantha Winters, an interviewer for the EFNW who comes up on Tina all seductively, grinning and going for a kiss. Tina just keeps her back and says.

Excuse me, can I help you?

Samantha just smiles and stands there grinning.

Samantha Winters:
Oh, just was trying to get to know you, but if your shy about it, maybe we can go back to your room or maybe you need my help finding it?!

She winks at Tina who just smirks now.

Yes, yes, see, I may have kissed a girl before, but I am here in the EFNW to wrestle, to be one of the best at what I do. I didn't show up to be just some other T & A, I am the real T & A because this T & A kicks ass!

Samantha Winters:
Oh, well if you don't want any of this, then your loss!

Samantha just walks off with her held held high and Tina watches her go.

Never said I didn't, but i am here for one reason and that is to be one of the best, to raise and set the bar for all women in this sport, to be a champion, any champion and since EFNW has no title for us women, then any belt will do. Maybe one day it will be me taking down Shane Mack for his World Title, a woman as World Champion. Maybe not the first time as I notice this company had past women World Champions, but definitely worthy of it.

She turns away now to walk down the hall, but almost bumps into...
TBC by Anyone


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Re:The Real T & A Comes To EF'NW (debut r/p)
Date Posted:23/02/2010 3:47 PMCopy HTML

Vikky turns around and then looks Tina up and down. She scoffs and then speaks to her in german.

VK: Wie nett, tragend ein anderer Schwächling die Föderation ein. Und slutty auch.

Translation: How nice, another weakling entering the federation. And slutty too.

Tina looks at her confused and then goes to walk off when Vikky grabs her arm and speaks.

VK: Schweinhund!

Translation: Pig Dog!

Vikky lets go of her and then laughs.


Bobby James

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Re:The Real T & A Comes To EF'NW (debut r/p)
Date Posted:23/02/2010 4:17 PMCopy HTML

The roleplay
of  Bobby James that you are
about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not
suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by
such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not
offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material
 Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of
your twisted life   You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and
such?   Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame.
 this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's
 a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it
originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart
unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're
religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that
would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're
Banner Here
Bobby James is making his way down the hall of The Leeds Arena and bumps into Vikky Lynn as she sneers at him pushing past him.  While Bobby just shakes his head and mouths out towards her " pathetic freak " as she carries on down the hall.  Still walking down a bit while looking at her he accidently knocks into another person.  Turning around he is prepared for a fight but quickly notices it to be a beautiful girl he had pushed to the ground.  Bending over he helps her back to her feet.  Taking the time to look her up and down while he pulls off his blue and black Ray Bans and holds them in his right hand while leaning against the wall.  Smiling confidently he starts to speak.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Sorry about that.  Hey there you must be the new girl that recently signed up.  I heard you were quite the stunner.  Just like me.  Tina right?

She looks towards him smiling and nodding.

" Bobby James " -- Well I know who you are but what was up with that bitch Vikky Lynn?  Whatever it doesn't matter.  I know who you are but I'm Bobby James if you don't know by now.  But maybe its coincidence , fate or just plain dumb luck that we well ran into eachother.  Either way I think its a good thing.  Don't you agree?

Bobby looks towards her running his left hand up and down her right arm.

" Bobby James " -- See the thing is were both great looking athletes that are in the same federation and I'm on the fast track to stardom with hopefully a tag title shot in the near future as well as being The Number One Contender to The US Championship.  Hell I'm a future US Champion and even World Champion.  So heres the thing cutie tonight I'm facing a new guy named Rogue and it would be so much sweeter with a gorgeous girl flank me by the side.  Tonight and when I have a title wrapped around me.  So what do you say about tonight girl?

As he finishes he lightly rubs her cheek awaiting a response from Tina.

TBC By Tina
This Layout Was Made For
James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal
this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So
 use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get
 either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

Taylor Andrews

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Re:The Real T & A Comes To EF'NW (debut r/p)
Date Posted:23/02/2010 4:34 PMCopy HTML

 Tina just stares past Bobby, then into his eyes and smiles.

I am flattered by that, thank you!

She even blushes.

And I do agree, what was with that freak Vikky?

Bobby just shrugs and continues rubbing her cheek, then Tina stops him and smiles.

Maybe we could see each other, but right now I am here to get in the ring and prove something to the world, to everyone, you and all my peers, that I am here to shoot straight to the top. I trained my ass off, excuse my language, I worked hard to learn how to really wrestle, I love to go for high spots and feel that adrenaline rush, wrestling is what I am in love with now.

Bobby just nods and seems to be ok with it.

Though, maybe the future sees us together, maybe we can do something, sometime, maybe I will even come out and watch your match, but no telling, just surprising, ok?!

She smirks sightly.

Bobby James

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Re:The Real T & A Comes To EF'NW (debut r/p)
Date Posted:23/02/2010 5:02 PMCopy HTML

The roleplay
of  Bobby James that you are
about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not
suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by
such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not
offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material
 Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of
your twisted life   You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and
such?   Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame.
 this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's
 a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it
originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart
unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're
religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that
would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're
Banner Here
Bobby looks at Tina as she walks back down the hall away from him and away from him.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yeah I hope you do come down and check out what I can do in the ring girl.  And I'll have to do the same.

Smiling confidently while he slips his Ray Bans back on still leaning against the wall.
This Layout Was Made For
James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal
this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So
 use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get
 either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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