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Shane runs into Vikky(NC)

Started by Midnight, September 24, 2023, 09:36:18 PM

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Date Posted:25/02/2010 1:35 PMCopy HTML

Vikky was sitting around in the arena,watching people go by. She scoffs at the ones going by her and makes some remarks to a few of the workers in her german language.

Vikky: Das ist ein hässlich fucker. Sein Gesicht sieht aus, wie ein heilig Bernard durch die Katzentür hereinkommend!

Vikky shakes her head until Shane Mack walks by and notices her making comments in german and says something.

Shane: You must be Vikky, the new diva on the roster. I'm.....

Vikky suddenly speaks english but it is hard to understand because of her strong german accent.

Vikky: I know who you are. I do not care american. I care only to win and break spines. You mean nothing to me but a flea on the wall of hell.



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Re:Shane runs into Vikky(NC)
Date Posted:25/02/2010 10:01 PMCopy HTML

Mack just scratches his head and arches a brow, laughs and says.

Damn, just thought ya looked like Courtney Michaels and thought I'd catch up with ya like ol' times!

He winks and Vikky arches a brow now and looks confused, then says.

Ok, well why did you call me by name?

Mack thinks for a second, he does look stoned, and he says.

Hmm, don't know really, guess I was thinking one thing and said another, guess I really knew who ya are without realizing it, but whatever, what's your deal anyways?

Vikky looks at him oddly for a second, then says.

My deal, what exactly do you mean?

She steps into his face and Mack smiles all smug and just says.

Just a question darling, why get so strung out over trivial shit, get a bong, it helps and doesn't hurt your career!

He grins big and Vikky just snarls at him. Mack steps back and leans on the wall, brings his World Title up on his shoulder and relaxes a little, then says.

Not that I mind being so close to your fine ass, plus ya smell a whole lot better than new found friend Weigel and James, I prefer to be relaxed if we gonna shoot the shit, so we gonna or should I just go or do you wanna, I don't really give a fuck either way!?!

Mack leans there against the wall, places his free hand, his right one, in his pocket of his jeans while Vikky cocks her head some and just stares at him.


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Re:Shane runs into Vikky(NC)
Date Posted:25/02/2010 11:00 PMCopy HTML

Vikky relaxes a bit and then smirks. She then speaks.

VK: I guess we get beer at pub and talk. I could use some how you say, downtime?

Shane: Then I guess we go to the bar. I know a great place and they even got a pool table.

VK: You show me good time and I teach you about me and my homeland.

Shane: Ok.



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Re:Shane runs into Vikky(NC)
Date Posted:25/02/2010 11:23 PMCopy HTML

Well fuck, so Mack pushes himself off the wall and says.

Fuck it, lets go this way, I got a ride.

Mack takes off and Vikky walks with him, some silence until they get out in the loading area and Mack says.

I don't get drunk much anymore, just enjoy good tasting brew, lot of good ones over here too.

Vikky smiles and says.

Yea, England is known for some good beer, Germany too though, we have great beer!

They head out the door and Mack says.

I love German beer, got a good darkness too it, taste smooth, of course, too smooth means ya get too fucked up!

They both laugh and Mack motions to the limo parked right in front. He opens the back door and Vikky climbs in, then Mack hops in and the door shuts and off the limo goes, but we just so happen to switch the view to inside the limo. Mack tosses his title on the other seat and leans back as Vikky relaxes next to him. Mack now says.

So fuck, too early to tell me how about yourself or ya just wanna cruise in silence to the pub and get a few good beers first?

His smirk is casual and just looks at Vikky, glances out the window too, scans around, waiting, thinking, listening.


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Re:Shane runs into Vikky(NC)
Date Posted:26/02/2010 4:10 PMCopy HTML

OOC: ???

Vikky and Shane are in the limo talking about her homeland of Germany.

Shane: So I hear your parents was part of the military?

VK: Ja. They served well in my country. We take pride in our military and anyone who joins to fight. We are a proud country and will rightfully let you know. Unlike your country,no offense, who had a president that starts wars and never finishes them.



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Re:Shane runs into Vikky(NC)
Date Posted:26/02/2010 10:03 PMCopy HTML

Mack laughs and says.

Oh, which president is that again cause it sounds like them all?

Vikky laughs now and says.

It does, none had the genius mind of mister Hitler.

Mack nods and grins, then says.

Hew as a great public speaker, definitely had some brains to figure out how to persuade people.

Vikky smiles and says.

My family was very close to him, there was much respect.

He nods to her listening and now says.

By the way, I don't get behind my country or any for that matter, with my money I can live comfortably anywhere cause its what ya need to live with most in this world. Detroit is my home cause its my roots, much like you and Germany, as for government, fuck them all I say, just like religion. Stop trying to control us so much, ya know?

Vikky nods and says.

Yes, too much control in this world.

Mack just shakes his head disgustingly, then nods yes and says.

Control, power, greed, wealth, fuck, could go on forever, ha ha, but-

The driver cuts him off as the limo comes to a stop.

Were here sir, want me to wait?

Mack just laughs at the sir comment and says.

Go grab a bite or something bro, give us an hour or so for a few drinks, here, get something to eat on me.

Mack grabs a couple big bills it looks like and hands it up to him letting Vikky climb out of the limo now. The driver smiles and thanks him.

Aw, wow, thanks a lot sir.

Mack just grins as he gets out and says to the driver.

Call me Mack bro, they always do!

He shuts the door and the limo pulls away, then Vikky grabs his arm hooking hers through his and pulls him into the pub with her, well, doesn't have to use much force, he's willing. Place is doing ok tonight, but not too overcrowded, got some guys who look like they have a lot of "fun" in here, but just drinking and being loud. Mack and Vikky head up to the bar and order a couple beers, then Mack motions to the pool table, one of two that is empty. Vikky nods yea and says.

You go set them up, I'll bring the drinks over.

Mack grins and heads on over pulling some change from his pocket, bends down to put it in and the balls fall out now. Mack grabs the rack laying it on the table, then bends down and grabs the balls, heh, that's awesome, he grabs the balls, damn. Anyways, Mack just kneels there sorting the balls into the rack and then rolls them a few times before lining them up just right and carefully removing the rack. Mack walks over grabbing a stick, heh, no, a pool cue, and he roll sit on the table and says.

It'll work!

He pulls it up and leans it against the table and Vikky is heading over now. She hands Mack is glass of beer, they toast and take a drink, then Vikky sets hers on a table nearby and grabs Mack's stick, heh, no, pool cue! She grins though and slides her hand up and down it as she winks at Mack, he just smiles and takes a drink of beer. Vikky grabs the cue ball and places it on the other end of the table from the racked balls, then bends down to shoot and looks over at Mack who is looking at her ass, then looks at her and smirks. She looks down the table smiling and shoots making a good break sinking a couple solids and a stripe. She stands up and walks over to Mack handing him the stick, not that kind either. Vikky takes his beer and drinks from it smirking, then Mack walks over to the table surveying it and says.

So you want solids?

Vikky comes over and just smiles saying.

Your choice!

Mack just steps around the table and bends down, aims and shoots in a stripe, then walks over to another spot and aims. He shoots in another and surveys the table now, grabs a piece of chalk and tops off his stick. Vikky just smirks and says.

Pretty good shot. You hit the hole every time?

Mack just grins and goes for another shot, aims and keeps steady, then nails another stripe in. He stands and says.

I have my moments of misaim, but hey, no one's perfect!

He steps over for another shot and aims, then sinks another stripe in. Vikky stands near him and Mack bends down for another shot, aims and bounces it off the wall. He stands and leans the stick to Vikky who takes and bends down right next to Mack and he just shifts his eyes to her ass, again. She aims and sinks a solid in, then stands up and chalks the stick saying.

If you can't put it in, I can!

Mack arches a brow, hmmm, how does one take that because, well, ah, fuck it. Mack just smirks and Vikky walks over taking another shot and sinks a solid, then Mack grabs his beer and leans back by the table. Vikky sinks another solid and then another, then sinks her last solid, but scratches the cue ball. She stands and glares at the table, then looks at Mack who laughs a little and says.

One too many balls is a bad thing, but only in this game!

He swallows down the rest of his beer, sets the glass down and takes the stick from Vikky. She just grins at him and Mack heads to the table taking a shot and sinks a stripe, then looks over his last ball, aims and drops it in the corner. Vikky glares at him now and Mack just shrugs innocently at her. He takes a shot for the eight ball now, no real good shot available, so he goes for a bank and almost sinks it in the side, but it catches the edge of the hole and ricochets across almost in the other side. Mack just smirks and shrugs extending his stick out, no, not that one, damn it. Vikky sets her beer down and comes over grabbing it, heh, ah, and she looks over her possibilities as Mack says.

Good game, you play pretty good!

Vikky just grins and bends down aiming and shoots knocking the eight ball in the side and wins. She lays the stick down on the table, then walks around the table when a guy walking by to the bathroom smacks her on the ass, one of the loud ones in there. Vikky goes wide eyed and whips the guy around kicking him in the nuts real hard. He falls to his knees and she grabs the stick off the table swinging around and breaks it over head knocking him to the floor and out. Mack looks around as the bar settles their focus on Vikky who drops the broken stick and screams to the guy.


Some of the guys friends move that way, Mack unsure of their intentions comes up by Vikky escorting her towards the exit when one of the guys shoves him pretty hard. He just goes to keep walking, but gets shoved again, then BAM, he just downs the guy with a punch to the nose, blood splatters back on his short and he shakes his head, then runs out with Vikky and they take off down the side of the street and hustle around a corner dodging into a small alley. Vikky pulls Mack up against her, her back to the wall and they kiss as a couple guys run by not noticing them. They break off the kiss and laugh now, then Mack says.

Fuck, guess we outta go huh, wanna ride back to the hotel, got a limo after all!

He grins and backs up to the other side of the alley and pulls a cell phone out and starts dialing while Vikky says.

Sure, they got a bar there, maybe it's a little calmer, so we can have a couple more drinks.

Mack nods as his call goes through and he says.

Yo man, this be Mack, wanna head back and get us, had some trouble!?

You can hear someone, but not real clear, then Mack says.

Alright, we'll be down the street and on the next right, see in a few.

He hangs up and slides the phone back to his pocket, then looks at Vikky and says.

Shame that had to happen, that pool stick was a good one.

Vikky just laughs and says.

Well the guy shouldn't have pissed me off, fucking idiot!

Mack just grins and says.

Yea, some guys just get too rowdy and loose, drunks, what a bunch of funny bastards.

Vikky laughs and steps forward close to Mack again, puts a hand to his chest and grins, then pushes herself back and says.

Why is it guys have to act in such a manner, even they ain't drunk?

Mack just shrugs and says.

Who knows really, hard enough to figure yourself out, let alone another individual. Guess some may just not know how maybe, maybe that is their true feelings, fuck, maybe he just needed some sense beat into him which may have happened or maybe there is no hope cause for some there ain't.

She nods and then looks over seeing the limo, then says.

Limo is here, lets get out of here!

Vikky walks out to the car waving to the driver as Mack steps out smirking. Vikky hops in the back and Mack follows her in, then off we go and the view pans back inside the limo where Vikky sits on the seat behind the driver and holds Mack's World Title. Mack just sits across from her and grinning and says.

Stealing the champs title I see!?

She smirks and holds it up saying.

Oh yea, new champion right here, its all mine!

She drops it and looks at Mack who doesn't really care, then pulls feels his shirt pocket and says.

Hey, you smoke at all, and not tobacco?!

He pulls a joint from his pocket flashing it, and says.

Its cool if not, I'll save it for later, I don't inflict my desires unless others want it.

He flicks the joint up and catches it, twirls it some, just messes around.


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Re:Shane runs into Vikky(NC)
Date Posted:26/02/2010 10:24 PMCopy HTML

OOC: ??

Vikky just shakes her head while Mack puts his joint away. Vikky pulls out of her purse and pops in a cd of her favorite german rapper Massiv. She plays the song Welcome to the Ghetto and starts swaying in her seat to it. Mack watches her as she gets close to him and then gives him a brief lap dance. She then leans in and kisses him passionately. She then stops swaying as both her and Mack continue to kiss. She then forces his hands on her breasts as she grabs ahold of his crotch and rubs it. Her and Mack start getting into foreplay as the limo driver rolls up the window behind him so they have privacy.



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Re:Shane runs into Vikky(NC)
Date Posted:27/02/2010 10:11 AMCopy HTML

Mack is pulling Vikky's thong down to the side and slipping his pants down, then Vikky raises her fine body up and Mack pulls his dick up, whoa, and plunges it in as Vikky sits back down. She lets out a loud moan.


And then starts rocking around on Mack's cock, thrashing kinda wild, Mack keeping his left hand on her ass moves his right hand up to the small of her back and begins thrusting upwards just pummeling her. Vikky screams in pleasure, or is it pain? Either way she seems to enjoy it and Mack moves his right hand up to her back and then grabs her around the back of her neck and just begins thrusting like a knight in a joust. Vikky lets out scream after scream, the volume on the stereo goes up, from the front, heh, and the two don't stop for nothing. Vikky rides like a pro, she knows how to move and Mack just keeps thrusting up inside of her harder and harder sending Vikky into primal like screams now. She grabs at her hair because of the intensity, then leans forward clutching Mack's head to her chest, smothering his face with her tits, but he continues to just pound up into her cunt. Her ass moves with every thrust, Mack then smacks it hard and she arches back now, then grabs his hair roughly and leans in kissing him passionately, rough, biting at his lower lip and now arches again looking up through the open sun roof or moon roof, whatever. She looks up and screams so earth shattering loud, Mack thrusts and thrusts, both hands back on her ass as she has her arms around his neck and then one final thrust and a few small ones to follow and Mack settles into his seat while Vikky just falls her head to his shoulder and moves her body up and down some from the rhythm they had. Mack just rubs on her ass as Vikky nestles up on him, kisses on his neck and then moves up to his mouth giving him a big kiss. Mack pulls her thong up as she rises up off his cock, then moves back and down to his cock taking it all in her mouth licking it clean. She backs off as Mack slides his pants back up casually and Vikky now sits across from him licking her lips, teases her hair to make it not seem so obvious what happened. Mack just brushes his back a little, smirks and Vikky now lowers the volume of the stereo and says.

So, how well you like Germany so far?

Mack just grins and says.

Never was a bad place, from my days of wrestling there to being re introduced just now, it's a beautiful country!

Vikky just smirks and blushes slightly, then she hops over next to him and rubs up against him, puts Mack's arm around her and lowers down laying her head in his lap some. She turns over on her back kicking her legs up against the side of the limo and stares up looking at Mack who just smiles. The limo soon comes to a stop and the driver lowers the window now and says.

Alright Mack, were here, see ya tomorrow!

Vikky sits up and opens the door hopping out as Mack leans forward handing the guy a couple big bills again and says.

Alright bro, peace.

He climbs out of the limo and shuts the door. It drives off and Vikky jumps on to Mack kissing him, then hooks her arm in his and they go into the hotel now. They head through the lobby and turn heading into the lounge where the bar is and head right up to it, not too many people in here as it is getting late. They sits down on a couple stools and order a couple beers, then Vikky reaches over rubbing on Mack's leg, moves up quickly to his crotch and Mack just sits there smiling and says.

So you come here often?

Vikky looks at him confused and just laughs, Mack laughing as well and says.

What, too late for that line?

She nods yes and he is laughing, Vikky now says.

Your funny, but damn are you ever good. What say we get some extra beer and head up to your room?

Mack just smirks and grabs his beer taking a big drink and now says.

Well, what say we finish these off and head up without as I got some good beer up there already, fuck, I think I got a little bar up there with some liquor!

Vikky grabs her beer and grins, then slams the whole glass down, swallowing down the beer rather quick. Mack just smirks and downs the rest of his, drops a big bill on the bar and nods to the bartender as Vikky hops up off the stool. The bartender just grins at him and Mack walks off behind Vikky rubbing the small of her back. They head back into the lobby and to an elevator where Vikky has pressed the button. She turns and throws her arms around Mack's neck laying a kiss on him. Mack slams her into the elevator doors now lifting Vikky up against them, holy crap. He just rubs her body all over, Vikky moaning softly, then a ding is heard and inside they stumble, Mack keeping Vikky held up and turns letting his back slam against the elevator wall. He stumbles forward holding Vikky and presses a button, then backs up to the wall and they continue kissing as the door close and up they go. Mack turns Vikky around to the wall and reaches down pulling her thong to the side, unzips his pants and pulls his dick out slipping it inside of her and away he thrusts causing Vikky to begin moaning. Mack just slams her into the wall with each thrust, Vikky holding on to his neck tightly and screaming so loud, damn, good thing its late and this is an elevator, hope no one else is up late! Mack just keeps pounding inside of Vikky, her legs wrapped around him as he thrusts harder and harder, then a ding is heard and the doors open to their floor. Mack pulls Vikky off the wall keeping his cock inside her, then carries her out of the elevator, looks both ways and sees no one. He goes across the hall slamming her up against a room door and just pounds her pussy so fucking hard. Vikky is screaming, definitely the proverbial orgasmic scream, though this one probably ain't proverbial, more like literal. Mack just bangs away, the door taking a good pounding, hope its sturdy, and Vikky screaming so loud, oh man, damn, then finally Mack slows down and soon stops as Vikky damn near falls to the floor after that ride. Mack keeps her up and zips up now, Vikky pulling her thong up and then a door down the hall opens and some older guy steps out looking both ways and spots Mack and Vikky. He shouts out to them.

What's going on out here, what's all the noise?

Vikky just blushes some and laughs a little as Mack remains calm and says.

Ah, just had a little trip coming off the elevator, all straight now, thanks for the concern, peace brother.

Mack turns and walks on down the hall with Vikky as the older guy shakes his head and shuts his door. Vikky hops on his back now piggy back style and Mack carries her on down the hall to his door, slips the card in the slot, heh. He opens the door and walks in shutting it, then Vikky hops down as Mack locks it. He shoves the card in his pocket and Vikky now jumps at him tearing his shirt open and starts kissing his chest and down his stomach, then looks up with a devilish smirk and says.

So about that drink and then maybe some more of the good stuff?!?!

Mack just smirks as Vikky hops up and skips around the room before plopping on the bed. Mack walks on over to the bar and grabs some scotch pouring a couple shots, then gets a couple Guinness Stouts from the mini fridge. He pops their tops and Vikky comes over grabbing a shot and down it, then takes the other shot slipping it between her tits. Mack just leans down grabbing it with his mouth and arches back downing the scotch. He sets the glass down, then Vikky pours another shot downing that and grabs the beer taking a big swig. Mack takes a drink of his and smirks, then pours out a couple more shots. They each down the shots and continue their little bar experience for about an hour when Vikky begins to stutter and stagger some. A few empty bottles sit on the bar with an empty fifth of scotch and a half empty bottle of vodka. Vikky is looking hot still, but a look in her eyes that she is ready for even more now, damn. Mack just hands her the bottle of vodka and she takes a big chug of it, then sets I down and walks over near a stereo, well staggers, and she pops her same cd in and begins dancing now, swaying her hips like before only better. Mack just finishes off his beer and caps the vodka bottle, then walks over behind Vikky putting his arms around her waist. She reaches her arms up to his head as Mack rubs up her body and cups her breasts now, rips her dress down letting the girls hang out. He rubs them real good now, caresses her tits and Vikky is already moaning now. They move in front of the bed and Mack bends her down over it, Vikky crawls forward some kneeling up and Mack undoes his pants letting fall some as he kneels on the bed and rips her dress up, then rips her thong right off. He smirks and shoves it in his shirt pocket, then drives his dick right into her cunt and begins pumping away. Vikky rocks her body to the music as Mack thrusts to the beat and they just go on all night long fucking real hard, moans echoing through the room, and its time now the view just fades to black for the rest of us.

*Several Hours Later*

Its now daybreak and we see Mack's room and it seems kinda messy, a floor lamp down and broken, some more liquor bottles empty and a couple broken, same with a few beer bottles and a couple holes in the wall, what the fuck happened in here? Mack lays on his bed face up while Vikky is curled up next to him holding him, her head on his arm and shoulder, then Mack wakes up and blinks a few times. He looks over at Vikky and smirks, then pulls his arm out and rolls out of bed, realizes he is naked and scouts around the room, sees the damage and just grins, then says.

Same ol' shit, never changes!

He stands up letting himself be free until he spots is pants and pulls them on, grabs his shirt tossing that on top of his traveling bag. Mack does a little cleaning up, mostly the glass and he picks up the lamp, then heads into the bathroom for a few minutes. After a flush he walks out and holds a hand to his stomach, then says.

Ah, liquor is quicker I guess!

Oh man, yea it is, but damn it, oh. Mack heads over to the bed and crawls over top of Vikky now and kisses on her neck. She smiles and Mack kisses down to her breasts, then back up to her neck and now she opens her eyes and he plants a kiss on her mouth. She wraps her arms around his neck and then they break and she says.

Wow, what a way to wake up, oh, my head.

Mack just smirks and kneels up, then says.

So what ya say to a nice, hot shower and a bath?

He smirks and Vikky smirks, then says.

Why both?

Mack just says.

Well, hop in the shower and rinse the grime away, then soak in some water and well, a nice and hot, wet bath, ya know!?!

He smirks and Vikky smirks now. Mack gets up and goes to the bathroom, grabs a bathrobe and brings it over to her. She slips it on as she gets out of bed, then the two walk into the bathroom. Mack hangs out though and opens the main room door motioning to us now and says.

Alright, so ya all seen enough ya fucking horny bastards. Remember, I don't flex my nuts, cause I don't have. Last night I got caught up in something, so scram cause I got some real shit to take care of now!

So out the cameraman is pushed and Mack just waves all smug and shuts the door, sounds like he locks it and then we see no more, what a prick. What a lucky prick at that, ah well, time for an end and now we finally do, so goodn...uh, no, good morning folks and adios, or rather cheerio my good mates!

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