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I'm going to hell to win!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 02:41:49 PM

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Date Posted:08/03/2010 1:12 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I'm going to hell to win!
Shane Mack
Roleplaying for "Extreme"! Good Luck Mack!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
A video package is showing highlights of Chris Orton success with the company, and he really work hard to get where he is at in his career, but there is one block that he hasn't gone through that block is Shane Mack. Chris Orton has never beat Shane Mack, and everyone believes Shane Mack will come out a winner, because Chris Orton doesn't have what it takes to beat Shane Mack in the ring and upcoming "Hell In A Cell" match on "Extreme". The scene opens up with Chris Orton sitting down in a chair, looking down at the floor, lifting his head up started talking.

Chris Orton: From very beginning of my career, I started out as nobody, and everyone started comparing me to Randy Orton, because I stole his personality and finisher to make a name for myself. Every single night I work my ass off coming in and out of that ring showing everyone exactly who is Chris Orton, because who I am is someone goes in that ring face whoever do my best to win that match. I never complain a damn thing about getting screw, jump from behind, or getting attack backstage. People who do those things are cowards in my book, because I always step up to any challenge that's why I accept Shane Mack challenge to a "Hell In A Cell" match on "Extreme" in two days. I'm going to hell to win get my title back, because I don't care what anyone else says about me not having a chance to puill a upset victory over Shane Mack.

Chris Orton stops talking, smiles a bit, thinking about something, started talking again.

Chris Orton: I know Shane Mack going tell the whole world that I got no chance of winning, because he represents every other superstar who said the same thing guess what I came out a winner. You see Shane Mack believes that he way better than me inside and outside the ring, but he knows the reason he hates me so much everything from spotlight, media, pay-per-views, and everything else is on me instead of him. I bet Shane Mack wishes I was never in this company in the beginning, because I'm sure the company wouldn't be standing where it is today. "Hell In A Cell" is the most brutal match in professional wrestling where careers will begin or careers will end, but this match between Shane Mack and I will determine who is the best in this company period. Shane Mack, I know you are counting the days until we meet inside "Hell In A Cell", and I know you feel there no chance in hell that I'm going to beat you on national television, but you need to stop being over confident with yourself. There is lots of questions remain to be answer, and everyone wants to know who is the best. Shane Mack or Chris Orton? Who is going to be the man leading the company into the future? Who going to walk out World Heavyweight Champion? There is so much questions about this match, and those questions will be answered on Extreme this coming Wednesday night. Inside Hell In A Cell, I'm going to hell to win!

Chris Orton stops talking simply stares into the camera, and the scene faded black.

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