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A Fight To Greatness! (Extreme/Wrestle X)

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 04:51:05 PM

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Date Posted:22/03/2010 12:13 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
A Fight To Greatness!
Garbiel Brooks, Nikky Venom, Johnny Camaro, Drew Steveson, Rayo, Bobby James, Shane Mack
Here is roleplay number #1 for Extreme and Wrestle X
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
The scene opens up with Chris Orton wearing his new t-shirt which is currently selling very well, and he has European title on his shoulder, so he started talking about his match on Extreme first.

Chris Orton: It's seems Shane Mack is so full of himself doesn't see what in front of him, because I don't see him, Bobby James, Rayo, or Drew Steveson as a dangerous team more like four men are going to get fuck on "Extreme". What I mean gentlemen is you guys are in for ass-kicking you going to remember for a long time, because myself, Gabriel Brooks, Nikky Venom, and Johnny Camaro are a mission to fight for greatness in Extreme F'n Wrestling. You guys have big ego's talk so much about yourself being this and that, but I don't see anything special about you four gentlmen just superstars with massive ego's, You see Shane Mack has biggest ego of them all, because he continues to say to me to step up, but I don't need to step up where I'm continue to grow and become popular in this place every single week by going out there giving the fans the best matches I can perform for them. I don't care about the rest of three men who are teaming up with Shane Mack, because I am looking forward to fighting for greatness what better way to do that by knocking the hell out of Shane Mack on national television. Drew Steveson, Rayo, and Bobby James are bait to Shane Mack, because I think Shane Mack is scared get his ass kick before his title match with Gabriel Brooks, and I really believe Garbiel Brooks will beat Shane Mack at Wrestle X.

Chris Orton stops talking, looking at European Title, started talking about Wrestle X against Johnny Camaro with stipulation being "Last Man Standing" match.

Chris Orton: At "Wrestle X", I will put my European title on the line against Johnny Camaro, so everyone saw the match we had on "Extreme" it turn out pretty good, and I am not saying that I came out a winner. I saw Johnny Camaro ability in the ring which I respect and looking forward to our rematch with stipulation being "Last Man Standing". This week everyone in this company is fighting for greatness, because we want to fight for greatness that whole point leading up to "Extreme" heading into "Wrestle X" who going to contiue to have greatness careers, or which superstar greatness becomes history at "Wrestle X". I know Johnny Camaro going to come into this rematch more greatness to beat me, and I'm coming into this match showing what a greatness champion I am, so what I'm saying the rematch going to be greatness at "Wrestle X".

 Chris Orton has a smirk on his face, and the scene faded black.

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