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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Just A Shoot

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 06:04:13 PM

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Date Posted:06/04/2010 9:25 AMCopy HTML

The road to the top always goes through the one man, the one constant of this company and that man is Shane Mack! No matter what anyone has done, no matter what they will do, they better gear up to take down Mack or they ain't ever gonna amount to shit around here and that's the truth. Mack made his legacy just that, he mad ehis legacy damn near untouchable, but only damn near as anyone who puts in the work he has can attain his legacy, but its gonna take a lot of work to reach him. Ain't no one around here come close and ain't no one can put him down except Mack himself, so the show goes on and here we are inside the home of Shane Mack overseas in Japan where the man himself just lays back on his sofa in his living room, arms stretched out on the back of it and no shirt on, just a pair of faded blue jeans, his long, brown hair hangs down his shoulders and his dark eyes stare out into space. He snaps out of his stare and just smirks, chuckles some, then says.
Rocket, The Rocket...THE ROCK...et!
He snickers and shakes his head, then says.
Anyways, I ain't gonna really rip on ya son, no matter what ya say about me, no matter the bullshit spewed around here, its alright, I don't care. I will clear some shit up for ya and that is that neither you nor Drew nor anyone else on this roster aside from Chris Orton knows what ir is like to be the World Champion in this company. In another company perhaps, actually I do know that for sure about a few of ya, you, Drew, Weigel, and even SVD. Ya held the top title in companies ya been to, but here in this company, none of ya have held any title, hell, neither of ya have have don't a whole lot, yet. SVD continues to remain at the bottom of the barrel welcoming newcomers while Weigel tries and he does have a match against myself for my belt, but he's sunk down some. Drew, he is much like myself, content with himself, but here in this company, he has done very little for himself just as you have Rocket. Now you can say all you want about how at Wrestle X, had it been you and I, that my career would have been in the palm of your hand, that my title would be yours, but learn to realize when talk is talk and know how to walk that talk and make it stand!
He grins and just says.
If ya think your so good, make the challenge to me because until you do, its just bullshit spewing from an asshole and that's a shoot!
That it is and Mack just shrugs, smirks, and now continues on saying.
Don't like the truth, then change it, step up and make something of yourself. There is no barrier around here, never has been, this company is not superficial like so many others out on the circuit thinking its something that it ain't, but we do try to be more, we all fucking try to make this place better than the one mainstream out there, but like it or not, all companies on any circuit are no bigger than that piece a shit joke who can't even show a little tee and ay properly!
Another shoot and Mack sighs, smirks, and says.
So Rock, I mean Rocket, look, I never had shit against you, but made the first remark, you spewed shit towards my direction first, you drew first blood and now I punked ya out son, so what ya gonna do, hide in the mid card or step to the guy around here bigger than all the rest?
He pauses and shrugs showing a questionable expression on his face, then just smirks and says.
Alright, so Chris Orton, ah fuck kid, what else can is ay to you that I ain't already said ya still don't get it. You have beaten me zero amount of times where as I have beaten you three times and two were damn near back to back this year, but you're the superior champion?
He laughs now and then says.
Chris, when you get the balls again to step to me, then do it and beat me, I dare ya too!
Mack just shakes his head disgustingly and says.
And Weigel, ha ha, yea, getting ready or what son!?!
He smirks and says.
After a couple weeks of going round and round, being wishy washy, freaking out and playing emo child for a while, eh, whatever. After all that bullshit ya seem like your back on steady ground, back and ready to get in the ring seriously, for once. Ya better be ready to get serious too, Weigel, you have no idea what level Shane Mack goes to in that ring, especially in a big match like the Iron Man Match cause to me its like Wrestle X all over again! Every night I enter the ring and I defend my title its like Wrestle X, every night I have to face anyone it is like Wrestle X because Shane Mack makes it that way, I steal the damn show every fucking night because I am the main reason people tune in to watch and that's a shoot!
He smirks again and now brings his arms down laying his hands on his legs and says.
First you lay down for me and we form an alliance along with Bobby James, The Predators and we aim to be the best collective group there is, but then what Weigel? Then you go and act like a leader, you make decisions for the rest of us when that was never up to you and what happens, you leave the group because of it, because you know your not a leader. Then what happens? You and I finally get in the ring in a tag match and its over in seconds when I get the Show Stranga on ya and make ya tap out, give up, submit to me!
He smirks, a big grin and just laughs, then says.
You have tried to run me down with a car and failed, you tried to steal my title and failed, you tried to ruin the end of Wrestle X and failed and come our Iron Man match you will fail again because Weigel, well you may have been something in a place like NRA or UWA, you're a nobody in this company and that holds true for anyone who has never been here before unless you came from WWE and that is a fucking shoot!
Mack stands up now and slides his hands in his pants pockets, then says.
You better be ready Steve, you better step up to me and carry your side of the match because I always do and what usually happens is that I carry the show match and sometimes the whole damn show and it ain't no rip, it's the truth. I earned everything I have today and if you want what I got, earn it or get into a new line of work cause this ain't work to me, its my life, I have true desire, true passion to do this and its why Shane Mack stands out above the rest as the man, the constant, The Showsteala!
He smirks now and brings his hands out, then does a crotch chop and says.
Mack then smirks and moves forward to the camera reaching to the side of it and the view now fades to black after we just heard a real shoot by the man, Shane Mack!

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