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Extreme Marks A Great New Beginning For Johnny Camaro

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 26, 2023, 09:35:51 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:07/04/2010 6:26 PMCopy HTML

Though many people don't like him, Mack was right when he said "...The Dome Was On Fire..." It was such an amazing night, and even with Nikky losing his title, I think The Infection made the biggest Wrestle X debut ever. The debut of the Curbstomp, our amazing cage match, my trip threat. I think the fact that we each had two matches, the fact that they held on for as long as they did, that automatically gives The Infection the biggest Wrestle X debut. But that's for others to decide upon.

As for this week Johnny face Mack in another high risk match, and why? Because he wants to show Mack that Johnny is better than ever. He is going to beat mr. Shane Mack then look down at his body on the canvas, then he will know that Camaro's place in this company is in the upper midcard-Main Event. In fact it's already woring for him, as this week he's in the main-event. Guaranteed, Johnny will be in the Main-Event at the next Wrestle X. Beers on me if he doesn't.

johnnycamaro: "Finally, it's time. This week I get to step in the ring and get my rematch. There is nothing on the line, yet there is. People have been asking if I was crazy not going for the title, but it's smarter. The week after going through hell, I don't want more hell. Let's face it, Mack would try so much harder if hi title were on the line, and I would lose the one thing this match is about. My ability to beat the best in this company. I may not have been getting as many title matches as my colleague Nikky has, but I've been in a couple."

Who needs titles anyway right?

johnnycamaro: "Unlike the others in this company, I don't need titles. I just need to know that I am good enough to take on a title match. I need to know that the management recognizes me as one of the best in the company, that I can step up to the plate. This match with Mack is really a double positive for me, if I lose then I will put up a hell of a fight, but if I win I beat the World champ. Either way, management has to look at that as 'wow, this kid's da bomb, yao!'"

That kid's da bomb.

johnnycamaro: "The way I see it I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Mack, you have nothing to lose or gain. You are already the face of this company, and I'm someone that may be the next big thing in this company. But it won't come to me with open arms, no, I am going to have to fight for it. Do I think I'm ready for the World Title? No I'm not, I need more expirence here before I face Mack or anyone in a title match."

Still, he is pretty hype in the ring. Plus he's hot!

johnnycamaro: "Mack is a great wrestler and a great champion. All I need here is something to prove I'm a competitor in the ring. One thing will be made clear, that I am a contender for any title, and I am a great wrestler. And Believe me, I will make an impact for all to see. Peace out.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Extreme Marks A Great New Beginning For Johnny Camaro
Date Posted:07/04/2010 11:55 PMCopy HTML

Johnny is backstage watching Macks promo.

johnnycamaro: "Mack I didn't mea to offend you if I did, I'm just saying that I'm ready to brake out and be someone. I'm ready to be the guy that these fan can enjoy as a champion. Right now, I'm ready to prov to management that I am a great wrestler, and this match is my breakout. This is my oppertunaty to show that I am a contender and that I can stand up and fight you without losing brutaly. To prove that I am able to stand up to the greatest in the company and not have to get destroyed. And garrenteed that if I win, I will be getting more title oppertunaties. Unfortunatly, Nikky will win his title back and there won't be much to fight for. It's either you or Nikky. Personally, I prefer not fighting my bro. But if I don't deserv it, then soo be it."

He puts on his jacket as he gets ready to go.

johnnycamaro: "I may not be at your level, but I'm mentally and physically ready for the main event spot. And I'd like to tell everyone now, that if I'm not in the Main-Event at Wrestle X next year, then I'm not fighting at WrestleX. I've got to set this goal so I can test myself and prove that I am the greatest wrestler in that time period."

He puts his hair in a ponytail and then continues to speak.

johnnycamaro: "Mack the only reason I said you were hated is because you side with Booby James, and lets face facts. He has the mic skills of The Miz and the wrestling ability of Nick Dinsmore. But I degress. You are not liked when you do the crazy shit Booby gets you on. Then you do insult us and you know that' true. Right now, I'll blame it on Booby, but you gotta straighten up and fly right around him. You...Your an ass when you do. So as for this whole 'no insults' thing, you don't but druggy you does. And sometimes it's confusing, are you all that fucked up? Are you trying to fit in the Predators? Are you just an ass who can't say things to others face unless he's with others? Who is talking, sure doesn't sound like Mack. We've never tried to talk down to you, we usually just trash Booby. You would need no reason to defend yourself. So Mack, who are you. Are you an ass, or a veteran that helps the young kids. I'd like to know on Extreme who you are, and I mean who are you really."

johnnycamaro: "Good night Mack, and I hope you show the right side when you step out infront of those fans. Me and you, a ladder match, and it will be a hell of a match. Just...do the right thing at Extreme Mack. Do the right thing. Bye."

The camera fades out


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