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Respect. Extreme #167 RP.

Started by The Rocket, September 26, 2023, 09:37:44 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:09/04/2010 6:41 PMCopy HTML

Making my voice seem much louder then it really is.

Wednesday night was the night that things turned around for me as a person. I was placed in a fatal five way match, for the first time in my career, and wound up hitting my stride and walking away with the win, Was I expecting to do this the week following Wrestle X? No. That's the simple answer to the question. I have a new found respect for Gabriel Brooks, he really showed me that he can go and can bring it.

After sitting back watching this show all the way through later on in the evening I heard the words that I had been waiting to hear for quite sometime, World Heavyweight Championship Tournament and my name in the same sentence.

That is something I haven't heard in over a year. I did exactly what I said I was going to do on Extreme and that was only the beginning. the possibilities are endless and the sky is the limit. The beauty of this whole thing is that I could become the World Champion of SEF in three weeks time, what does this mean for me? Winning that Championship means that I win my family back. It means that my year and a half long comeback is finally complete and that I haven't wasted all this time on some pipe dream of reclaiming my once proud glory. It means that again I am the best in the company at what I do. 

Proving to people that the past is left in the past and that 2point0 is all about the future.

People have come back at me about my pervious identity and accolades since Wrestle X and there is only one person that I can thank for that and his name is Salman Van Dam. I can't begin to explain that while moving away from that persona I once held I reinvented who I was after what happened to me at the hands of Ryan Payne and his 'friends' it's probably something that will forever be apart of life and it's not something I am proud of. Having said that I would like to just put people on notice that if your going to bring up the past, make sure that you get your story straight before you come and attack me with it.
I said above that the past is the past and that 2point0 is the future and that's what I mean. The future is the vision I have had of winning the World Championship at least one or more times.

Extreme and the SEF.

This week is the opening round of the World Title tournament and from the way it's been booked it appears that Gabriel Brooks and myself are being made the main focus of this tournament and if it comes down to that being the final match to determine the number one contender it is one that I welcome. Gabriel, you earned my respect this week because it was you and I the entire match with a little bit of Drew added to make it bigger then it could have been but a lot of the match was you and I going back and forth. If it's you and me in the final of this thing I say we make it something interesting and a match where it shows that whoever wins the match has truly earned the victory. Something like what Mack and Weigal are doing maybe an Iron Man match or maybe an Ultimate Submission something to make us and the fans have one of the best matches we could ever think of.

That's if it's you and I in the final though, I wish you luck this week and I would hope that you wish me the same because I think I may need it.

Johnny Camaro.

This kid is good. I have never seen someone take the World Champion to the brink and almost walk away with the win but, it's still be a non-title match. It's really going to be a challenge this week, I cannot begin to explain the potential this match has to either make or break the two of us. I'm going to tell you that I can beat within the blink of an eye because the simple fact is that you could probably do the same to me but I am going to fight like hell and make sure that you do not walk away from this match with the prize that I so desperately need to win.

I leave you with some simple words.

While I may be silent now, Wednesday night my action's will speak for themselves.

2point0 Signing off.

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